Don't call me evil god

Chapter 331 Helping someone in need is more valuable

The two choices given by Gale are not a problem at all for the townspeople of Raven Town.

Outside the manor, dangerous monsters are wandering around, waiting for an opportunity to take people's lives.

No one knows when the Radiant God Cult will come.

The believers of the God of Knowledge are right in front of us!

A 3rd-level wizard, and he also masters the Radiant God Art!

The power of the blessing of the two gods.

It doesn't matter if the other party is a heretic, as long as he can help himself and save his life.

Forget about heresy.

Even if it is a believer of the evil god, they are willing to support and support him at this time!

Some townspeople even comforted themselves by deceiving themselves:

"Think about it from another angle."

"Master Franklin can use the divine arts of radiance, which means that he is also a mortal recognized by the God of Radiance."

"Rounding off, he can also be considered half a priest of the God of Radiance."

"Then we can't be considered to be harboring heretics, let alone joining heretics!"

Once people find an excuse to convince themselves, their bottom line will often be terribly low.


Gail's promise is real.

There are indeed more believers of the God of Knowledge on the way to support Ceylon Territory.

Thanks to Hugo Xiwei's crazy infrastructure construction during this period, several wide roads connecting the territories, plus the road that is gradually being paved towards the border [Past Glory].

The mobilization of believers finally no longer needs to rely on two legs to cross the forest and trek across the country as before.

It is better to say.

In the areas near several territories, the trees in the dark forest have been cut down, and a vast land has been leveled, directly turning the original forest into a fertile plain.

This place can almost be renamed "Dark Plains".

Received the oracle from the God of Knowledge.

The behavior of the believers can almost be described as a mad dog out of a cage.

Because when Norwen gave the call, he provided an additional benefit:

"During the mission to save the goddess of illusion, the first death within the scope of Ceylon Territory, the use of the magic of [Resurrection] does not consume destiny points!"

"The second death, the consumption of destiny points is halved!"

"The third death, resume normal consumption!"

And according to the common line of the believers' actions in Ceylon Territory, corresponding rewards are also given.

Destroy monsters, provide additional points and experience bonus;

Help civilians, even without fighting, you can get destiny points and legendary experience!

This means that even those believers who are not good at fighting and are usually busy running shops and providing various goods and services in the territory can also rush to Ceylon Territory!

They also have room to play their strengths.

There is a chance for free resurrection and a chance for half-price resurrection!

Save a god!

This is much more meaningful than destroying monsters in the dark forest!

For many believers seeking knowledge now.

Trying to become stronger in battle after battle is not just to stand in front of everyone at the critical moment, do something that can make you brag about your whole life, and receive the admiration and worship of others!

What's more, this is a call issued by the gods.

If you miss it, when the matter is over, everyone will discuss and brag about their merits and achievements.

"I have destroyed so many monsters, and the monsters polluted by the evil god are not even enough for me to kill!"

"I protected the civilians of the entire town, and no one died under my protection."

"I faced the fallen face of the god, and I personally prevented His coming!"


I have nothing to brag about!

Many believers who initially participated in the final battle to eliminate the Blood Fang Gang in Green Port are now very confident when they brag, and they often say "I was so and so at the beginning, and I escaped unscathed under the pressure of the evil god and saved the entire city."

Other believers can't brag the same way.

Because they really have never experienced such a thing.

Now they finally have a chance!

If they don't go, they will have nowhere to go when the matter is over.

The believers of seeking knowledge quickly found suitable teammates to complete the assembly according to their usual team matching, and rushed to Ceylon Territory like a tide.

They want to respond to the will of God at the first time and stop this crisis.


In the church of the Glow God outside Ceylon City, there is a completely different scene.

Bishop Henry Trang looked like he was sitting on the fishing platform, slowly flipping through the data reports on various affairs of the church in Ceylon Territory in recent times.

In the room, in addition to Bishop Henry Trang, there are several other senior priests of the Glow God.

They basically take the business route.

They are mainly responsible for the church's preaching, rescue, daily operations to ordinary people, and collecting donations from believers.

"Bishop Trang, is it really okay for us to just... uh, let Ceylon become chaotic?"

A priest who was considered relatively young among the crowd turned his head and looked at the dark night outside, and said with some concern.

Although the sky was strange, the Glowing Church was still brightly lit and brilliantly illuminated.

All kinds of chandeliers, candlesticks and oil lamps illuminated the interior space so brightly that not even a shadow could be seen.

Henry Trang whistled easily:


"What's the hurry?"

"Don't worry, the Lord will protect us."

"These abnormal phenomena are just precursors. There is at least a week of buffer time before the point of no return."

"The old woman Frigga Ceylon, Archbishop Eugene told me a long time ago that her fate was doomed from the moment she chose to take that path!"

"She thought she was doing it secretly enough, but in fact - hehe, everything is under the Lord's gaze!"

"Now it is just the fulfillment of the Archbishop's prophecy."

"As long as a team of Crusaders is sent to force their way into the castle, the disaster caused by her attempt can be easily prevented."

The slightly younger priest's eyes lit up when he heard this:

"Then what are we waiting for? Take action quickly to stop the Countess of Ceylon!"

"Hey!" Bishop Henry Tran waved his hand seriously, "No!"

"Not only can we not act immediately, but we have to find a way to help her cover up in the next few days!"

"Before the situation is completely irreversible, we can't let people know that the Countess of Ceylon is the one who caused all these disasters."

The young priest could hardly understand: "This...this...why..."


Bishop Henry Tran squinted his eyes, picked up the long pipe with exquisite materials and beautiful shapes on the table, and took a deep puff.

Then he sighed with satisfaction and lay lazily on the sofa chair.

"Comfortable! God of Radiance, praise you!"

"We have waited for this scene for several years!"

"If the incident is solved directly like this."

"Those ignorant and short-sighted ordinary people will only think that this is what we should do."

"Sending warmth in the snow will be more precious."

"The Crusaders who stop the evil god from polluting disasters should of course appear at the most critical moment!"


The fifth update is here. Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you very much!

Thank you for the 2,500 starting coins rewarded by Big Bird Turn Up, thank you for the 1,000 starting coins rewarded by Kosmo, thank you for the two big guys, I wish you both rich every day and immortality!

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