Don't call me evil god

Chapter 35 Rolling Bolt Workshop

After the rally, Brandon dragged his exhausted body back home from practicing anger.

Brandon's house is the most common building in the lower city. The exterior structure is made of heavy stones. After years of baptism, it looks a bit mottled. The wooden roof is covered with a layer of moss and vines unique to the seaside.

The structure inside the house is also simple. The main space at the entrance serves as the living room and kitchen, with some simple furniture and decorations. The room inside is separated by curtains and arranged into two bedrooms.

The larger one belongs to Brandon's parents, and the smaller one belongs to him. The space is not big, and there is not much space left after putting down a soft single bed.

Brandon's parents both go to their respective workplaces during the day. When he comes back, the house is very quiet.

There are two pieces of soft bread, a fried egg, and a cup of warm milk on the table.

Brandon only realized the hunger when he smelled the sweet aroma of the golden bread.

After sitting at the dining table and wolfing down his food, Brandon looked at the date on the calendar on the wall, yawned, and stood up helplessly.

"Damn goblin chaebols, they should all be hanged on the street lights at the port!"

Although he had just stayed up all night, he had to suppress his sleepiness now.

Because he had to hurry to the goblin workshop where he worked.

He really wanted to quit his job now, change his career to register as an adventurer, and travel around the continent.

But he was really short of money!

The training of a warrior is also very expensive.

Which of weapons and armor is free?

The God of Knowledge can give him knowledge, but he can't directly give him equipment.

Those adventurer commissions that can make money are all risky!

If you are not strong enough and have poor equipment, what if you are killed by monsters in the wild just after going on an adventure, wouldn't it be a big loss!

Brandon planned.

During this period, he worked harder, working to earn money during the day, and continued to practice controlling anger at night according to the guidance of the God of Knowledge.

When he officially became a Level 1 warrior, it was almost the day to get paid. He would give the goblin boss of the goblin workshop a middle finger and tell him that he quit!


Brandon yawned all the way, walked through several small streets, and came to a building called "Rolling Bolt Workshop".

Many workshops of all sizes in the lower city of Green Harbor were invested and built by goblins.

Raw materials from all over the continent were processed into various commodities in the lower city of Green Harbor, and then transported to various places by cargo ships to earn huge profits.

Although these green dwarf goblins themselves have little combat power, when their wealth accumulates to a certain level, they can hire bodyguards and purchase various "goblin engineering" self-defense products, which is a kind of strength in itself.

The rules of the "Rolling Bolt Workshop" are that being late or leaving early will be considered as absenteeism for the day;

Work six days a week and rest one day, work from nine to six, no food or accommodation, and no responsibility for work-related injuries.

The conditions are harsh in various ways. Not only is the workload higher than other places, but the environment is also particularly bad.

If it weren't for the fact that this goblin workshop promised to pay much higher wages than other human workshops, Brandon would never come here to work.

The ogre supervisor sitting at the door was checking the identity of each person according to the portrait.

"Hmm... let me see."

"You look similar to the portrait, so you should be..."


"Brandon! Your workstation today is the sixth from the left in the second row."

Brandon's face darkened and he cursed in a low voice.


This ogre supervisor was hired by the owner of the Rolling Bolt Workshop, and he named himself "Doom".

This word is the pronunciation of "wisdom" in the ogre language.

Doom always thought that he was a wise man full of wisdom among the ogres.

Because he knows how to read.

In fact, this guy's level of common language is completely half-baked, and he can make nine mistakes in ten pronunciations.

For example, until now, Doom still thinks that Brandon's name is pronounced as Brandon!

Not wanting to argue with a fool, Brandon calmed down and stepped into the workshop.

The smell of sweat, oil, grease, and metal rust instantly hit him.

Brandon was accustomed to this strange smell. He walked to the empty workstation that belonged to him and sat down. He skillfully picked up the tools on the workbench and started grinding bolts.

His work content was very simple.

According to the required specifications, the rough-processed bolts were manually ground into the appropriate size.

The wages were calculated according to the number of completed bolts, and the settlement was made once a month.

Because he practiced controlling his anger all night and was not energetic during the day, Brandon's grinding efficiency declined.

After working all morning, his output was less than half of the normal level.

After finally getting to the short break at noon, he saw a short man squeezed in from the workstation next to him and winked at him.

"What's the matter, Brandon? I didn't see you playing cards at the Pig's Head Bar last night. Where were you?"

"You look listless. Did you go to Rose Lover to have fun?"

"You don't have the stamina!"

"You say every day that you will become a famous warrior in the continent in the future, but you are weak after just one night?"

Brandon immediately cursed angrily.


"I knew you couldn't say anything good."

"You are weak! I am very strong!"

"Just wait and see. I will become a real level 1 warrior in two days. Then I will become an adventurer. My reputation will be so great that I can get food by showing my face wherever I go!"

"Just stay here and wait for death!"

The other party is Brandon's co-worker. The two have a good relationship on weekdays. They often find a place to drink, play cards and brag after work.

His situation is similar to Brandon's. Because there is no hope of becoming a professional, he finds a place to work like most people in the lower city.

After working for a few years, he will save enough money and consider returning to the Kingdom of Reyak to buy a property and settle down;

After all, although the environment in the lower city of Green Port is poor, the wages of workers are still much higher than those of ordinary towns in the Kingdom of Reyak.

Hearing Brandon's words, the co-worker thought it was Brandon's words that he always said, "He will become a great legendary warrior in the future."

Just as he was about to make a few jokes, he saw Brandon was stunned. .

The next moment, Brandon suddenly lowered his head and continued to grind the bolts with full motivation!

The worker was stunned: "What's going on?"

According to their usual habits, they would not work for a second longer. When the rest bell rang, they would immediately put down the work at hand.

Brandon kept moving his hands and replied without raising his head: "You know nothing!"

"That's because I just suddenly realized that grinding bolts is actually a very meaningful labor!"

The curiosity of the worker was immediately aroused.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong with you, Brandon, you're in trouble!"

"What's the matter, are we still good friends, share it quickly!"


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