Don't call me evil god

Chapter 39 Dursley

Let's talk about two things.

In the lower city, there is an underground casino called "Blood Roulette".

The entrance to this casino is an inconspicuous wall, and you can only enter by pressing the corresponding mechanism.

The interior hall is spacious and dim, with a complex layout. Roulette, dice, cards, chips and other gambling tools are placed on the tables. Guests of all kinds stand or sit around the gambling tables, cheering or cursing from time to time, which seems very noisy.

The environment is mixed with the strong smell of tobacco and alcohol.

Deep in the casino, outside the VIP room.

Evan is waiting nervously.

The door opened from the inside, and a man in black walked out.

"Lord Dursley is back, you go in."

Evan only looked at him, and was frightened by the strong momentum in the other's golden pupils and lowered his head.

"Yes, yes!"

"Lord Delisle, I'll go in right now!"

Delisle, the first younger brother who followed Dursley to join the Bloodfang Gang, has been serving Dursley all the time.

Later, Dursley became the leader of the Bloodfang Gang, and the status of this younger brother also rose.

Although his strength did not even reach the first level of the profession, his status in the gang was very high, equivalent to Dursley's deputy.

The impressive momentum gradually faded away, and Evan was relieved.

"Strange, I didn't feel that Delisle was so scary before."

When Delisle was talking just now, Evan didn't know why he had a suffocating feeling, as if the person in front of him was not a person, but a terrifying monster.

"Maybe I'm too nervous..."

"... I hope... Lord Dursley can let me go this time."

Evan thought, and carefully pushed open the heavy door of the VIP room decorated with exquisite reliefs.

The decoration in the room is luxurious and quiet, which is completely different from the noisy atmosphere of the casino hall outside.

A huge chandelier illuminated by magic crystals hangs from the ceiling, emitting a soft and bright light. The walls are covered with elaborate paintings, and even the floor is covered with large carpets made of animal skins.

Behind the table made of rare wood, sat a middle-aged man with gloomy eyes.

He was not tall, but he was very strong, and he exuded a dangerous aura just sitting there.

There was a scar on the man's face that went through his left eye, which made him look even more ferocious.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"Why is Old Moni's tavern still open?"

Hearing the question, Evan somehow felt that the other party's momentum had become more ferocious than before.

His legs softened involuntarily, and he knelt on the ground on the spot, crying without daring to raise his head.

"Sir, please listen to my explanation."

"We were about to force him to close down, but the brothers followed my request and went to the tavern to make a scene every day."

"Five days ago, the daughter of old Moni, the girl named Lena, invited a mage from somewhere! And it was a level 2 mage! Without a word, she beat all the people I sent away!"

"According to the brothers' secret observation, the mage often appeared in the Moni Brothers Tavern during this period. It is very likely that they invited him to provide protection!"

"With a mage in charge of the tavern, the brothers dare not cause trouble."

Evan, one of the five leaders of the Blood Fang Gang, a level 1 warrior.

The Blood Fang Gang thugs who went to the Moni Brothers Tavern to smash the door and cause trouble were Evan's men.

When Evan first received the order to harass a tavern and force the other party to close down and leave, he didn't take it seriously.

After all, the other party was just an ordinary person. If he sent some men to cause trouble for a few more days, the tavern's business would most likely be ruined.

More than one store in the lower city of Green Harbor was driven away by Evan.

He was very skilled in this method.

At the beginning, everything went smoothly, because from time to time, the tavern had to close its doors and could not normally entertain guests.

However, Evan's plan was disrupted by Pete, who was invited by Reina.

A mage, and at least a level 2 mage, which exceeded the upper limit of the thugs' combat power!

Didn't you see that [Arcane Missile] named one?

More importantly, mages are not so easy to offend.

For the thugs of the Blood Fang Gang, they went to the tavern to make trouble just to follow orders and get a reward.

If you really annoy the mage, what if the other party hates you and plans to retaliate afterwards?

They are low-level thugs who join the gang to bully others, not to really work hard!

For a while, no one dared to step up to be the first bird to stand out.

No matter how Evan mobilized, his gangsters just shirked their responsibilities.

Evan had no choice but to come to the headquarters of the Bloodfang Gang, the "Blood Roulette" underground casino, to ask for help from his boss, the leader of the Bloodfang Gang, Dursley.

"That's it?"

The middle-aged man, Dursley, sneered after listening to Evan's trembling cry.

"A mere 2nd-level wizard can scare you like this?"

"Sure enough, the lower-level people are useless and can't even handle such a small matter."

Evan had a hard time saying it and tried to defend himself: "But sir, none of my men have even 1st-level professions. Of course, they are afraid of the revenge of the 2nd-level wizard..."

Dursley interrupted with a wave of his hand: "Stop."

"I don't want to hear you talking nonsense here."

"I'm asking you, if you replace all your subordinates with level 1 professionals and let you be promoted to level 2 warrior, can you get things done for me!"

Evan was stunned.

What did he hear?

Replace all your subordinates with level 1 professionals?

Let him be promoted to level 2? !

He couldn't react to this.

In Evan's memory, there are only 5 level 1 professionals in the Bloodfang Gang of more than 100 members, plus the leader Dursley, a level 2 warrior.

This level is already enough to dominate the lower city.

He has more than a dozen people under him!

If they can all reach level 1, wouldn't it be possible to directly rule the lower city?

As if he had anticipated Evan's reaction, Dursley said disdainfully:

"You ignorant thing, you really embarrassed me. Are you scared by letting them all become level 1 professionals?"

"Open your dog eyes and take a good look. What level am I now?"

Evan raised his head tremblingly, and saw that Dursley's body was covered with a thick "air shield". The transparent flowing gas was slightly blood-red.

"Anger protects the body!"

This is the most obvious feature of a level 3 warrior. The anger is so strong that it can be stimulated to penetrate the body and form a layer of air shield around the body, greatly reducing all kinds of damage.

"Let me tell you, the Blood Fang Gang is no longer the same as before."

"It's difficult to be a professional?"

"That's because you don't understand the true meaning of power!"

"I have been favored by a truly great being. What level 1 or 2 is just a casual thing!"

"Hurry up and call all your useless subordinates over. That great being will give them real power!"

Dursley announced with a ferocious laugh.

"Dominating the Lower City is just the beginning!"

"From now on, the Bloodfang Gang will be the uncrowned king of Green Harbor!"

"All those bigwigs in the Upper City must kneel down and lick my shoes!"


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