Don't call me evil god

Chapter 41 Limited event starts

[Activity Introduction: Hidden evil is spreading in the Lower City. The formerly peaceful and stable Greenport is being threatened by a criminal organization called the "Blood Tooth Gang". The great God of Knowledge has mastered evidence of their crimes. At this critical moment , Novin issued a call to believers! Clean up downtown! Nip danger in the bud! 】

[Activity time: 15 days]

[Activity requirements: achieve level 1 rating standards (specific requirements will be displayed after querying)]

[Activity content: Maintain public security in Xiacheng District, prevent the Blood Fang Gang’s criminal activities, and defeat the Blood Fang Gang members]

[Event reward: Determined by the effect of preventing crime and the strength of defeating the members of the Blood Fang Gang]

[Stop criminal behavior: 1-500 justice points]

[Level 1: 150 justice points]

[Level 2: 400 justice points]

[Level 3: 1500 justice points]

[During the event, justice points can be exchanged for corresponding knowledge points. Different exchange ratios are provided according to the progress of the event. 】

[Current exchange ratio: 10:1]

[During the limited event, the powerful God of Knowledge provides His followers with exclusive event skills that help carry out justice]

[Activity skills (shared by sects):]

[Status display: Mark and display the identity of Blood Fang Gang members]

[Unlocking progress: 0/10000 justice points]

[Guilty Sense: When crimes related to the Blood Fang Gang occur, nearby believers will be automatically alerted]

[Unlocking progress: 0/20000 justice points]

[Open the map: Unlock the map of the "Bloody Roulette" underground casino and information about the leader of the Bloodtooth Gang]

[Unlocking progress: 0/50000 justice points]

Pete glanced at the activity introduction, specific rules, special skills, etc. without even looking at them. In the end, there was only one sentence left in his impression:

"Justice points can be exchanged for corresponding knowledge points!"

Although Pate didn't know why the God of Knowledge wanted to clean up the Bloodfang Gang in the lower city, he knew that the knowledge points he was in urgent need of had been found!

The poor public security environment in Xiacheng District has all kinds of crimes, big or small, happening every day. Trouble, fights, theft, robbery, kidnapping, extortion, and debt collection are common, and most of them are related to the Blood Tooth Gang. Inextricably linked.

Just fight crime and defeat members of the Bloodtooth Gang to get rewards!

Pat now clearly understands the characteristics of Novan, the god of knowledge - he never draws cakes.

The Seeking Knowledge Sect is different from the Glowing God Sect and the Just Church that he has been to before. What those sects are best at is drawing cakes.

They would also organize similar activities to maintain law and order and consolidate beliefs. However, when mobilizing believers at that time, they all said that "doing more good deeds is easier to be recognized by the gods, and it is the glory of believers to dedicate oneself to the gods." Class cliches.

The cake is very big and fragrant, but the actual reward is, sorry, very small.

Things are different here in the God of Knowledge!

There is no church to draw cakes, and Novin will directly pass down the "oracle" to the believers.

The event information clearly states that you can get rewards for doing something.

These are all clearly marked and you will be rewarded for completing them!

"For preventing a crime, you can get up to 500 justice points. Calculated according to the exchange ratio, that is 50 knowledge points."

"The level 3 spell I want to exchange requires 150 knowledge points. Ideally, I just need to find a way to prevent 3 crimes!"

Pete did a quick mental calculation.

It was as if he had a pillow when he fell asleep, and the God of Knowledge seemed to know what he was missing. This limited event came at the right time, and it just solved his urgent need for knowledge points.

"More importantly, with my strength, most people in the Blood Fang Gang should not be able to threaten me!"

Although Peter was a pure parallel mage in the past, after truly mastering attack magic, his current strength can still easily defeat a few ordinary gangsters from the Blood Fang Gang.

"So if I want to get justice points, the most important thing for me is actually how to find the Blood Fang Gang members as efficiently as possible!"

"I don't know enough about Xiacheng District. Finding people is my weakness."

Peter suddenly remembered something.

"Didn't Reina say before... that her family and the Masons Brotherhood are being harassed by the Bloodfang Gang?!"

"She should know enough about Xiacheng District, and with this contradiction, members of the Blood Fang Gang might even come to her!"

Thinking of this, Peter couldn't sit still.

Peter casually found a short shirt and put it on, and planned to rush to the lower city as soon as possible.

Time is money.

There are only 15 days left before the graduation examination of Caron College.

Now every minute he delays may be a potential knowledge point!

Seeing Peter leaving in a hurry again, his roommate in the same dormitory couldn't help but asked curiously:

"Pate? You... don't want to work hard anymore?"

The roommate's name is Gale, who is in a similar situation to Peter. He is also a descendant of a small nobleman on the eastern border of the Kingdom of Reyak.

The graduation exam of Caron College is approaching. The third-year students have either mastered the appropriate level 3 arcane magic and will wait for the exam to get the certificate; Eat, drink and have fun in the city.

The situation of Pete and his roommate Gale falls into the third category.

Both of them are useless, and there is no hope of mastering third-level magic.

But they haven't given up yet, trying to make a desperate struggle before the assessment comes.

In the past few months, the two of them had unanimously decided to retreat. They meditated hard in the dormitory and prayed to the goddess of magic in different ways. Of course, in the end, they had little effect.

The assessment time was approaching day by day, and Pet was sick and hurriedly sought medical treatment, only to be deceived by the men in black robes into going to the sacrifice site.

After confessing his faith to Nobel, he went out early and came back late in the past few days, busy preparing for the talent testing ceremony, singing a double act to deceive with Reina... Oh no, it should be recruiting new believers.

Because he hadn't seen Pete in the dormitory for a long time, Gale thought that he was just like those other classmates who had no intention of struggling anymore and was taking advantage of the last few days to enjoy himself in the uptown area.

Peter kept walking: "I can't explain it to you in a sentence or two. Anyway, I have a way to master the third-level spell!"

Gale was startled.

"You have a way?!"

Gale quickly got up and caught up with Pete.

"Please, please! I really need the certificate of a third-level mage from Caron College. If there are any conditions that need to be met before you can tell me the way, just say it!"

Seeing that Pet was about to leave, Gale gritted his teeth, suddenly hugged Pet's thigh, and sat down on the ground.

"Pate! Save your good brother!"

Peter's face darkened.

"Let go!"


"Where are your noble etiquette! Where are your sense of shame!"

"Noble etiquette is nothing compared to level 3 magic!"

Gale hugged her tighter.

"For the sake of level 3 magic, I am willing to do anything!"

Hearing this, Peter struggled for a moment.

"Are you sure?"

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