Don't call me evil god

Chapter 43 The situation is completely different from what was expected

Old Moni's brain crashed.

What happened? !

Where did his originally cute and obedient daughter go?

Old Moni was still knowledgeable. He could recognize that Reina had just used the basic combat skill [Stealth] of the Stalker profession, hiding her body with the power of shadow. It was this iconic feature that made this profession named "Stalker".

The key point was that Old Moni couldn't figure out how his daughter became a professional under his nose!

The situation was completely different from what he expected!

Old Moni's instinctive reaction was to sacrifice himself to attract the attention of the Blood Fang Gang. At most, he would be beaten, but at least his daughter would not be discovered by these gangsters.

His daughter suddenly became something he couldn't understand. Although he didn't know what was going on, Old Moni subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

He shouldn't have to worry about his daughter's safety.

A professional, especially a Stalker who was famous for hiding, if his daughter wanted to escape, no one would be able to find her.


Reina's idea is different from her father, Old Moni.

She is also familiar with these five thugs, after all, the tavern has been harassed by them in the past.

When Pete defeated them, Reina also took the opportunity to finish them off.

The experience of finishing off made Reina realize that these thugs are also ordinary people. As long as you are brave enough, you can still defeat them by hitting their vital points!

What's more, she now believes in the God of Knowledge and has mastered the [Stealth] combat skill!

Although this skill itself is not offensive, her advantage in sneak attacks and seizing the initiative is unparalleled.

In a short period of time, Reina has made plans:

First, get behind the leading thug, and try to knock him down with one blow, just like last time;

After attracting the attention of the other four people, lead them out of the tavern;

Take advantage of her familiarity with the surrounding area to briefly get rid of the rest of the people for a short while;

As long as she can calm down, she can activate [Stealth] again and restore the hidden state!

Seeing that several thugs were about to search the bar, Reina didn’t delay any longer. She quickly picked up a half-broken wooden board from the ground and tiptoed around to the back of the leading thug.

Time didn’t allow her to go out to find a stone brick like last time, so she could only use the broken wooden door fragments as a weapon.

Raising the wooden board in her hand high, Reina took advantage of the moment when the other party was unprepared and smashed it towards the back of the thug’s head!


The wooden board collided with the head, making a dull sound, but what made Reina’s heart sink was that the leading thug who was attacked was not knocked out directly like last time!

The other party was just shaken by the beating, and he cried out in pain:


"Which bastard hit me!"

The thugs next to him were also startled, but when they saw Rena appear, they became excited:

"Boss! That old Moni's daughter! She...she was invisible just now!"

"She appeared out of thin air behind you!"

"Oops!" Rena realized something was wrong.

The situation was completely different from what she expected!

If the other party was an ordinary person, he would have fainted on the spot if he was hit in the vitals.

The leading thug was clearly hit hard, but it seemed that his steps were slightly unstable, and he was still awake.

This can only mean one thing:

The other party is not an ordinary person!

"When did he become a professional?!"


Little did they know that Rena's sneak attack without warning also scared the five thugs of the Blood Fang Gang.

This situation was also completely different from what they expected!

They thought that old Moni and his daughter were just two ordinary people who could be easily manipulated.

The leading thug rubbed the back of his head vigorously, turned around and stared at Reina fiercely:

"Damn... Fortunately, I am not an ordinary person now. I didn't expect that there is still a little thing that can hide. What, are you planning to attack by surprise?"

"Come on, use whatever tricks you have!"

Not long ago, their boss Evan called them to the Blood Roulette underground casino, where they met the boss Dursley and two "weirdos" wearing black robes and speaking in a very strange way.

When they spoke, it seemed as if they had something in their mouths, and their voices always had a "humming" sound, so that it was difficult to distinguish what they said specifically.

Relying on the Dursleys' retelling, they followed the instructions of the two weirdos and walked into a hidden room with all kinds of strange patterns and symbols painted from the ground to the walls and then to the ceiling.

In that room, the two weirdos shouted some words they couldn't understand, and then they felt an unbearable sense of restlessness all over their bodies.

Muscles quickly grew on their bodies, and their bodies became stronger!

The feeling of restlessness did not disappear after strengthening their physique, but stayed in the lower abdomen.

It was as if a fire was lit in their bodies, which kept them in an unbearable state of heat.

Dursley told them that this was a secret technique that could make them stronger quickly.

They could use the energy stored in their bodies to use two unique abilities.

The first ability would allow their attacks to be accompanied by a blood-red energy, and the same attack would greatly increase its destructive power.

The second ability is that when they are attacked, this energy will allow them to convert the pain and damage they receive into a stronger desire to fight, and their physical strength, resistance to blows, etc. will also be temporarily improved.

The gangsters tried it a little according to Dursley's instructions.

When fighting with their boss Evan, if Evan only uses the strength of the first level, they can activate the first ability and the attack will make Evan unable to resist; when they are attacked and the second ability is triggered, they can even punch Evan directly!

Several gangsters were ecstatic!

Before they came, they were still a few ordinary people who would be beaten up by professionals. After staying in that room for a while, they can now press the first-level warriors to the ground and beat them up!

Doesn't that mean that they are stronger than the first-level professionals?

With the sudden powerful power, the self-confidence of several gangsters suddenly expanded unprecedentedly.

In the past, they had to timidly test whether the wizard was still in the tavern.

Now with this strength, what is there to test?

Just break in and beat whoever doesn't obey!

The leading thug patted his chest and promised Dursley and Evan that he would tear down the Moni Brothers Tavern right away, and whoever dared to stop them would be dealt with!

Everyone has the ability to beat a level 1 warrior to the ground, so they can walk sideways in this area of ​​the lower city.

Although they were attacked by Rena after breaking into the tavern, this level of attack would not only fail to defeat the thugs, but would also arouse their ferocity.

The leading thug clenched his fist with a grim smile and swung it heavily at Rena in front of him:

"You're done, it's my turn, right? Take my punch!"


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