Don't call me evil god

Chapter 56: Specialization and Comprehensiveness

Facts have proved that once a person's bottom line is broken, the speed of slipping is very fast.

The believers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect are not only brave, but also have strong hands-on ability.

While discussing around the altar in the cave, someone tried to break something off from it.


The earthen altar is not very strong.

A statue carved into the face of a terrifying monster was snapped and half of its head was broken off.

"That's it?"

"This altar of the evil god doesn't look very dangerous!"

The understanding of the followers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect to the evil god's followers is now the gang of thugs of the Blood Fang Gang.

At first, they were a little scared because of their inherent impression of the evil god.


After fighting so many times, they are not afraid at all.

Some people turned against Tiangang and began to dislike that there were not enough Blood Fang Gangs left alone, and they could not get enough justice points and legendary experience.

Several believers with unconventional ideas even stared at the altar with curiosity, and came up with bold ideas:

"If we use this altar to artificially create monsters and then destroy them immediately, can we get legendary experience?"

"We are not believers of the evil god, how can we create monsters?"

"That's easy!"

"With the God of Knowledge here, you can use stealth even if you are not a believer of the God of Shadow. By the same token, as long as you know the prayers related to the evil god, you should be able to get the evil god to respond, right?"

Pate's face turned black when he heard this.

If these bold guys continue to think wildly, the Seeking Knowledge Sect may really become a heretical church that believes in the evil god!

He quickly cleared his throat and attracted the attention of everyone in the cave.

"Don't think about the altar, we still have things to do!"


The exchange rate of justice points was temporarily raised to 5:1, which means that all believers who participated in the fight against the Blood Fang Gang can directly double the knowledge points they can obtain.

However, after getting the knowledge points, what specific knowledge to exchange for is undoubtedly a question that needs to be carefully considered.

Whether it is a warrior, a mage, a rogue, a priest, or a ranger.

Each career path has a wide variety of content.

At the beginning, the entry part is basically the same for everyone.

Take the mage as an example.

If you have never been exposed to magic, you first need to spend 3 knowledge points to get the relevant knowledge of mobilizing the magic network.

After the practice is completed, spend another 15 knowledge points, and start trying the first level 1 magic [Arcane Missile] based on the knowledge obtained.

As for the subsequent knowledge exchange, there are different routes.

There are attack magic such as [Cold Ray] and [Fire Shock], as well as life magic such as [Water Creation], [Greasy], [Spider Web], and [Feather Fall].

In addition, there are "additional magic" such as [Arcane Affinity], [Frost Affinity], and [Fire Affinity] that can exist for a long time and can change their own status.

The key point is that the effects of using these "additional magic" may be mutually exclusive.

For example, if a mage grants himself the [Arcane Affinity] state, he cannot grant himself the [Frost Affinity] state.

If he does so forcibly, the previous state will dissipate.

In order to maximize the effects of these magic additions.

Mage professionals have developed different schools.

Try to devote limited energy to magic related to the school, this strategy is called "specialization".

That is, specialize in a certain type of magic.

Pete and Gale are both students of the Arcane School of Carron College, and the school they study is the "Arcane Affinity" route.

If they graduate successfully, their Level 3 mage certificates will also state that they are "Arcane Mages".

These believers in the Lower City who were pulled into the Seeking Knowledge Sect by missionaries were ordinary people in the past and did not know much about the types of magic.

Influenced by Pete, most of them chose [Arcane Missiles] as their first Level 1 magic.

"If you plan to continue to choose the arcane route, my suggestion is to use your knowledge points to redeem the two bonus magics [Arcane Affinity] and [Energy-saving Spellcasting (Level 1)] first." Pete popularized science to other mage believers.

"Arcane Affinity can slightly increase the power of arcane magic."

"Energy-saving Spellcasting (Level 1) means that when you release a level 1 arcane magic, there is a certain probability that you will receive a gift from the magic network to replenish the consumed spell slots... Oh, no, it is the consumed mental power."

"Even if you try to learn to control high-level arcane magic later, these bonus magics can continue to play a role."

These bonus magics are all what Pete had heard of in the class at Carron College before.

Just like attack magic, although he knew how to choose the right magic, he could not get a response no matter how he prayed to the goddess of magic before.

Now it is different.

With the protection of the God of Knowledge, as long as he has enough knowledge points, he can learn whatever he wants!

Someone raised a question:

"If I want to try the magic of inducing fire or condensing ice, can't I learn them all and use whichever I want?"

Pate shrugged and explained calmly: "Of course you can."

"In fact, many people have similar ideas to you."

"However, for those wizards who believe in the goddess of magic, it means spending more effort to pray for the goddess to bless the corresponding spells, and the difficulty of practice will increase significantly."

"Even in the Seeking Knowledge Sect, although learning magic does not need to look at the face of the magic goddess."

"But it takes knowledge points to exchange for the corresponding knowledge, right?"

"It takes time and energy to practice a magic until you can cast it proficiently, right?"

"Although the ability of double cultivation is more comprehensive, if you want to achieve the same effect as a magician of the same level who specializes in a certain school, you need to put in more effort and longer time."

"Maybe you haven't caught up with them yet, maybe they have already been promoted to the next stage."

"Whether to specialize or double cultivation depends on your choice."

On the other side of the cave, a dozen warrior believers led by Brandon were also discussing fiercely.

"If you ask me, you should exchange this [Two-handed Sword Mastery-Basics] first, and then exchange for [Rage], so that you can play more powerful [Heroic Strikes]."

Brandon has a special liking for sword weapons, especially two-handed swords.

Although he hasn't found a suitable weapon yet, he has been using the crowbar he stole from the Rolling Bolt Workshop these two days, but he always thinks about finding a two-handed sword that suits him.

Another warrior believer retorted.

"I think Brandon's idea is wrong!"

"Our close combat style should focus on getting hurt as little as possible. I suggest exchanging the knowledge of the two combat skills [Shield Mastery-Basics] and [Shield Block]!"

"The most important thing is to be able to withstand it!"

"Otherwise, if you go up, you will be knocked down by the opponent, and there will be no chance to use any heroic strikes."

Another person retorted:

"I think you are all wrong. You should exchange [Shield Mastery-Basics] and [Rage]. Being able to resist and fight is the kingly way!"

There are too many types of knowledge that can be exchanged. The warriors are not like the mages. They have leaders like Pete who have received systematic teaching and can guide their thinking.

So that for a while, no one could convince anyone.


Thank you to the book friend 20170130193406151 for casting a monthly ticket. Thank you to all the book friends who voted for recommendations. Thank you for your support! Also, if possible, I would like to read the latest chapter during the new book period, please~

PS: Another explanation is that the profession system of the Seeking Knowledge Sect is a magical modification of WOW, and any similarities are not coincidental.

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