Don't call me evil god

Chapter 66 Making trouble? No, it’s to demand wages!

After discussing the battle plan of disguising the Crusaders, Brandon hurriedly left the secret cave with a few companions who were more familiar with him.

At this moment, the sun was already setting in the west, emitting orange-red afterglow, and it was about to fall at dusk.

In order to cooperate with Pete's plan, he needed to complete the counterfeiting of the Crusaders' outfits overnight.

Brandon had to arrive before the end of the workday, find his co-workers and friends in the Rolling Bolts Workshop, and ask them to help him build it together.

"I still have a salary from the workshop that belongs to me, and I can ask for it at that time." Before arriving at the workshop, Brandon thought: "With this money, I can go and see if I can find some handy weapons."

"If I can't afford a two-handed sword made of fine steel, a wooden sword with a similar shape can also be used!"

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste to learn [Two-handed Sword Mastery-Basics]?"

The combat skills have been mastered, and now what is stuck for Brandon and many other believers are weapons and equipment.

For example, Brandon likes the feeling of power when swinging a two-handed sword, but he can't even afford a second-hand fine steel sword sold on the black market. He is now using a short sword looted from a Bloodfang Gang thug.

The situation of other believers is similar.

Those who choose the shield warrior route have no shields, so they have no choice but to use the lid of the cooking pot at home to make up the number.

Norwen can provide all kinds of knowledge and information, and can also improve the physical strength of believers, but there is no good way to equip them.

Most believers now use what they have. When they act collectively, they are like a ragtag army with a variety of weapons.

After Norwen launched a limited-time event to clean up the Bloodfang Gang, Brandon, who successfully mastered the use of anger, decisively quit his job.

When the goblin workshop owner named Gungun heard that Brandon had quit, he said with a very mean face: Because he didn't work for the whole month, half of his salary would be deducted, and he would have to wait until the workshop's fixed monthly payday to pay his salary.

Brandon was too lazy to argue with the green dwarf, so he nodded in agreement.

In the next few days, he was busy beating the lone Bloodfang Gang in the lower city and learning combat skills. He had no time to collect his wages in person, so he could only entrust a co-worker to collect them on his behalf.

He finally found some time, so he just happened to settle this matter.

Thinking of this, Brandon quickened his pace.

Turning the corner, the door of the Rolling Bolt Workshop, the ogre supervisor Doom who was guarding it, appeared in sight one after another, as well as... several co-workers Brandon knew.

From a distance, Brandon heard the two sides arguing at the entrance of the workshop.

"What happened?" Brandon had an ominous premonition.

The angry roar of the workers came:

"Let the boss come and explain the matter clearly! What do you mean by halving this month's salary?!"

"Don't give us an explanation for this! We won't work anymore!"

Then came the slow and poor common language of the ogre supervisor Dum:

"This month's...workshop performance is not good, the boss...says...because you are lazy!"

"If you...don't obey, next month...the salary will also be to work."

Brandon got angry when he heard it.

He walked over with big strides and pushed away the workers around him.

Someone recognized him immediately.


"Brandon is back!"

"What have you been doing these days?"

"You haven't really become a professional, have you?"

Brandon turned his head and smiled at his fellow workers next to him.

"Friends, let me handle this matter."

The workers who were more familiar with him asked with some concern: "Is it okay? Dum is not easy to mess with."

Brandon made a reassuring gesture.

Standing in front of the ogre Doom, he asked in a deep voice:

"The workshop agreed to piecework and pay, and everyone worked hard!"

"The products can't be sold, isn't it because of that old goblin scammer, Gungun, who used inferior materials to grind the bolts!"

"His products can't be sold, why blame us!"

Ogre Doom stared at Brandon blankly, and it took him a long time to react:

"You... you are... Brandon!"

"I remember you, the boss said... you resigned early and delayed the overall progress of the workshop, so... you have to pay the boss a fine of 20 silver coins."

Brandon almost laughed out of anger.

"Me? Not only do I not get my salary, but I have to pay him a fine?"

Ogre Doom nodded very seriously: "Yes... are you here to pay the boss?"

The situation is already very obvious.

Obviously, the boss of the Gungun Bolt Workshop - the goblin named Gungun has inherited the good tradition of the green dwarfs:

Throwing a tantrum and confusing right and wrong.

If you can deny it, you must deny it.

If you can't deny it, you must find a way to deny it.

If it was the previous Brandon, they might have just accepted this loss.

After all, the Ogre Overseer is not easy to mess with.

Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary 1st-level professionals dare not easily provoke Ogres.

This race can be called "Ogre" because when they are hungry, they will really treat humans as food!

But now.

Brandon silently took out the trophy dagger he had seized from his arms.

The several professional believers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect who came with him also prepared tacitly.

After 3 days of training in the secret cave, their overall strength has been upgraded.

Not only have they mastered more skills.

But also how to form better cooperation.

The warrior believer who held the pot lid stolen from home as a shield stood in the front and spit at the ogre Dumu fiercely!

"You stupid monster!"

Dum's head was immediately filled with blood and red.

"No! Not! Say! Dumu! Stupid!"

"Dum! Smart!..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the believer holding the pot lid with a collision!

Combat skill - [Shield Slam]!

Although it was just an ordinary wooden pot lid, under the effect of the anger bonus, this collision still had a significant effect.

Dumu was knocked back a small step.

The ogre's brain was not very smart, and the raging anger led him to subconsciously counterattack the opponent.

The fist as big as a casserole hit the provocateur who was much shorter than him.

Seeing this, a fellow priest believer in the back immediately opened the Radiant God's Tome in his hand - the kind that is distributed for free during church sermons, and chanted loudly:

"Brilliant Radiance, Tough Shield, Attached!"

With the blessing of [Divine Word: Shield], most of Doom's counterattack force was offset by the divine spell, and the warrior companion standing in the front just shook slightly!

Seeing that his companions cooperated tacitly, they had successfully attracted the "hatred" of the ogre Doom.

Brandon then picked up the dagger, stepped forward, and joined the battle!

"Tell that profiteer to hand over the money he owes everyone!"

"Take my heroic strike! Bastard!"


Thanks to I am a crow for casting 2 monthly tickets, thanks to the flying panda, and the little girl who buys milk tea for casting 1 monthly ticket, and thanks to everyone for the recommendation votes, encouragement and support! Thank you very much!!!

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