Don't call me evil god

Chapter 69 Evan Arrives

Brandon's "guilty" look gave the goblin Gungun the confidence to fight.

"Just wait, don't run! Whoever runs is a bastard born by the goblin!"

After saying that, he slapped the ogre Dum who was carrying him twice:

"Go, get the Carron brand emergency one-button lever rescue rocket I bought!"

"- Oh, yes! And, put me down first!"

The ogre Dum's brain was not enough to react to too many instructions. After finally figuring out the first sentence, he subconsciously ran to the workshop's storage room.

"Lower your head!!!"


Another loud noise.

A big bump also bulged on the other side of Gungun's head.

From a distance, it looked like a big green Mickey Mouse.

"Ah--you stupid pig with only barbecue in your mind!"

"Why did I spend so much money to hire you, a big fool!"

The painful shouts of the goblin Gungun echoed in the air.

The worker friend next to him also noticed Brandon's guilty look. Seeing that the goblin was not there for the time being, he hurriedly confirmed: "Brandon...are you really okay?"

"The Blood Fang Gang has been quite arrogant in the lower city recently. I heard that other gangs have been dealt with one by one by their blood-red mercenaries. Moreover, they have been running around the streets like crazy these two days, and I don't know what they are looking for."

"Otherwise, while that old profiteer can't see us, let's go quickly!"

Brandon couldn't control the corners of his mouth that were raised, and said with a smile: "Don't worry."

"Blood Fang Gang, even if they don't come to trouble us, we have to clean up this organization that has been controlled by evil."

"This is the will of the great God of Knowledge."

"You should all know about the activity of cleaning up the Blood Fang Gang?"

The phenomenon of human-to-human transmission in the workshop started with Brandon, but not all workers are as determined as Brandon to become professionals. Most people regard the knowledge points as a blessing effect of God after believing in the Nowen text, and do not intend to take this path to become professionals.

The limited event of cleaning up the Blood Fang Gang was set by Norman to be open to those with level 1 strength.

So these ordinary workers didn’t know much about the specific situation.

Brandon explained: "The evil hidden in the lower city has been discovered by the great god. He sent us an oracle to guide us to carry out His will and destroy the Bloodfang Gang."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the Bloodfang Gang has been looking for us all over the street these days!"

"Because we killed a large number of their ordinary members and made them angry."

"Since the God of Knowledge has given us powerful power, it is our unshirkable mission to destroy the Bloodfang Gang!"


The "Carron Emergency One-button Pull-rod Rescue Rocket" moved out of the workshop warehouse has the usual characteristics of goblin engineering in appearance:

The structure is rough, and various parts are combined together in a not-so-beautiful way. It looks crooked and painted with a layer of gray-green. A large arrow points to the conspicuous pull rod device on the operating table, and four large characters are written on it in red paint:

"Emergency Rescue!"

When Doom put this large device on the ground, there was a bang, and the rockets inserted on it shook violently a few times, and the whole machine revealed a serious unreliable atmosphere.

"Doom, go, go pull that lever!"

The goblin was hiding far away in the workshop, instructing Doom to start the machine.

Even Brandon and his co-workers subconsciously stepped a few steps away from the machine.

Goblin engineering, especially the various things invented and produced by Carron Lever, are easy to use, but there is no guarantee of safety.

No one knows whether the machine will work normally the next time the lever is pulled, or whether something is wrong and it will explode directly.

Stupid Doom didn't know this, and he just pulled the lever on the machine hard.

"Hiss hiss hiss... Bang!"

Accompanied by the billowing black smoke from the bottom of the machine, the rocket suddenly started without warning and rushed into the sky in a curved arc!


There was an explosion in the air, and as the rocket disintegrated, accompanied by a shrill and piercing scream, a large piece of red smoke spread in the sky.

"This is what I agreed with Evan from the Bloodfang Gang. As long as he sees this signal, he will bring people here!" The goblin Gun Gun shouted arrogantly.


Sure enough, a few minutes later, hurried footsteps were heard at the corner of the street.

Evan led his remaining dozen men to rush over.

Evan, who was wearing a black robe, was in a very irritable mood.

"Bad luck!"

After returning from the Blood Roulette, he felt that he could no longer control his anger.

The inexplicable disappearance of his men made his temper worse and worse.

In the past two days, neither the unknown organization nor the Crusaders could find any trace, which made Evan very angry. He smashed a lot of things in the pawnshop.

When he received the "help signal" from the goblin Gun Gun, Evan wanted to pretend that he didn't see it.

Evan was not that close to the other party, but Gungun was sensible and paid the protection fee on time. He also promised that if Evan could help him solve the problem, Gungun would be willing to pay an extra sum of money as a hard work fee to the Blood Fang Gang.

For the sake of the jingling gold coins, and because he had been feeling depressed for the past two days, Evan brought his men here to vent his anger.

"Tell me... Wulu, who are you going to deal with?" Evan kicked away the ogre supervisor Doom who was blocking him, and asked impatiently.

Gungun screamed and pointed at Brandon and his men:

"It's these guys!"

"Mr. Evan, teach them a lesson and make them suffer!"

"Oh! By the way! Don't kill them, they still have to work for me!"

Hearing this, Evan took off the hand axe hanging from his waist with a grim smile, and his joints creaked.

"Wulu Wulu..."

"I'm sorry, it's okay to teach them a lesson... Wulu, but I'm just very annoyed recently.

"But can you leave the whole body... I can't guarantee that, Wulu! "

Somehow, the moment he saw Brandon and the others, the restless energy in Evan's body seemed to be stimulated by something, and his anger was completely out of control, making Evan only want to chop these annoying guys in front of him in half!

However, what Evan didn't know was.

When he led his men to appear in front of Brandon and the others.

The two special skills of [Status Display] and [Guilt Sense] have exposed all their relevant information to the believers participating in this event!

The oracle then descended.

[A large number of Blood Fang Gang members have been detected gathering!]

[The Blood Fang Gang's Level 2 leader member has been located - Evan!]

The Death Star is hanging high above his head!


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