Don't call me evil god

Chapter 8 I have to write the background myself

The God of Knowledge is the priestly image "Vest" Noven came up with for himself.

When believers encounter difficulties, they can pray to Novan. Although Novan cannot consume divine power and directly help believers solve the difficulties, Novan can convey the method of solving the problem or the progress to the believers!

How to do it depends on the believers themselves. What Novin does is only respond to the believers' demands and give them the information they want.

This is the image of the "God of Knowledge" envisioned by Noven, a god who is in charge of seeking knowledge and exploring unknown methods.

The preparation for the character design of the vest is completed, and the next step is to find a way to draw a clear line between him and the so-called "evil god".

Novin began to make up his own background:

[I woke up from a long sleep, and the world now is very different from what it was then. 】

[Everything in the old days has evolved into a vicissitudes of life, and the former believers have long been turned into withered bones in the graves. 】

[The glory of the past is gone, the glory of the past is no longer there. 】

[Helpless mortals, if you need to find the lost direction, please offer your devout faith! 】

The good news is that Pater's act of placing his last hope in Novin can be viewed by Novin's priestly authority as a less than complete prayer.

This allowed Norven to learn some information that would help Pet gain Bahamut's trust:

In addition to the orthodox gods that a large number of mortals believe in and the evil gods who have no sense and only cause destruction, there is also an existence in between in this world, which is called "outer gods" or "secondary gods".

The priesthoods of external gods are often relatively partial, and their authority can accomplish fewer things than the righteous gods. Therefore, the number of believers they can obtain is very limited, and it is difficult to establish any formal sect;

Because there are not enough believers, even the names of outer gods may be lost in mortal civilization, causing the gods themselves to fall into dormancy due to insufficient divine power, or even eventually die.

Of course, compared to righteous gods, choosing external gods as the main belief of mortals also has unique benefits.

Roughly speaking, "phoenix tail" and "chicken head" can be used to describe the states of believers of the two gods.

There are a large number of believers in Zhengshen. If the affinity with the gods is not high enough, it will be difficult to obtain the care of more gods. That means it will be difficult to reach a higher level in terms of strength and you can only become an ordinary believer.

The Outer Gods are different. Since the number of believers is limited, the Outer Gods often don’t pay much attention to affinity. As long as mortals are willing to devote their faith, the rewards they give will be more generous than the True Gods, but the upper limit is difficult to reach the True Gods. That level.

The clergy of some external gods may have certain evil and chaotic tendencies, and their believers may seem to be both good and evil in their actions, but at least they will not directly pollute their believers into loss as exaggeratedly as evil gods. Crazy monster of sanity.

The characteristics of the Outer God, which is somewhere in between the two, just meet the positioning of the vest identity that Noven urgently needs to fabricate for himself.

Going up, he can't get close to the main gods of the orthodox religions. Let alone the sect, he doesn't even have a group of decent believers. At the moment, he only has a single seedling called Pet Chinar. Even if he claims to be an orthodox god, no one will. letter;

Moving on, Norwin doesn't want to join forces with the evil god. Otherwise, if he wants to develop his own power, he will have to be sneaky. Even if he can develop it, the church stronghold may have to be raided by righteous brave men as a team copy every three days. , it will definitely not end well.

The identity of the Outer God is just in the gray area between the two. Noven set himself up as "the name has been lost for a long time. When he woke up, he happened to receive Pet's prayer and showed his divine power to help mortals overcome difficulties." image.

In the interrogation room, the oracle received in Pet's mind relieved his nervousness a lot.

He remembered that when he was a child, the priest of the Glow God Sect once preached that the evil gods were all evil gods full of madness and madness. They had no reason and would only follow their instincts and spread their dangerous abilities to their believers until Mortals are completely polluted and corrupted.

The "God of Knowledge Noven" who appeared in his mind was different. He seemed to be a rational being who could communicate!

It's just that the evil-filled sacrificial scene of the group of men in black robes and the flesh-and-blood monsters they transformed were too shocking, and preconceptions prevailed, making Peter think that he had a relationship with the evil god.

It seems that maybe Pett was not entangled by the evil god, but just met an outside god who happened to be willing to help him at the critical moment of life and death. The two things happened to coincide with each other, and he had a misunderstanding!

Peter convinced himself and hurriedly explained:

"Sir! Wait! Please listen to me! I'm telling the truth!"

"I'm really not a believer in the evil god! That's actually the truth!"

"I was in that cave and prayed out of desperation..."

The oracle appeared in his mind, and he followed the guidance of the God of Knowledge, Norwin, to successfully release the spell step by step. Pater quickly recited the process, and finally added: "The God of Knowledge just sent an oracle to me, saying that He He just woke up from a deep sleep and just happened to receive my prayer message, so he decided to help me. "

[Current trust level: 31%]

It finally went up!

Peter breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Pate couldn't tell Bahamut's attitude from his expression, if the "mission progress" in his mind was accurate, it meant that his words must have worked and increased the other party's trust.

After listening to Pet's description, Bahamut thoughtfully wrote a few more strokes on the paper.

"Nowen, the God of Knowledge? An outer god just received your strong prayer and gave you power to help you through the danger? Compared with your previous rhetoric about suddenly improving the affinity of the magic goddess, this is indeed much more credible."

"Tell me more specifically, what is the power of this God of Knowledge? If he is really an outer god, your acceptance of his power means that you are willing to become his believer. Show me the gift you have received."

Pet organized his words and tried to make his tone more sincere: "Well... sir, in the oracle given to me by the God of Knowledge, if I understand His meaning correctly, then His power should be to give the information that believers need. How should I show this ability?"

"Needed information? What does it mean?" Bahamut was stunned for a moment, and a trace of confusion appeared on his originally expressionless face.

"It's just... His gift doesn't seem to give me any intuitive power. Instead, if I encounter something I don't know how to do, I pray to the God of Knowledge, and He will give me a way to solve the problem."

Bahamut pondered for a moment: "According to you, because you needed a way to escape from danger at that time, the God of Knowledge gave you the third-level spell [Hada's Hunger] so that you can use it to eliminate the aberrations."

"In that case, you pray again in front of me now."

"If He can also give me a gift to prove that what you said is true, I will believe you!"


Changed the status. From now on, until the public chapter is put on the V, it will be updated twice a day, and it will still be updated on time at 18:00.

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