Don't call me evil god

Chapter 80 Who is the bad guy?

In the first room, everything went well and was cleared successfully;

In the second room, following the same pattern, another six members of the Evil God from the Blood Fang Gang were sent to meet the God of Death in their sleep;

In the third room, as expected, something unexpected happened.

The disgusting smell of pus mixed with blood filled the air, and the environment in the building became worse and worse.

When Reina slowly came to the target who was about to attack, she broke away from stealth and prepared to attack. By coincidence, the opponent frowned and coughed violently, waking up from his sleep.

Rena's eyes met with the other person's for a moment.

"There are enemies...poof! Uh...ahem..."

Even though she swung the dagger as fast as she could, she still couldn't stop the other party from screaming in terror before dying.

When Pett saw this, he yelled: "The assassination is over, let's attack in one turn!"

Soldiers holding various weapons pushed forward and kicked open the doors of the remaining rooms, exposing the awakened blood-red mercenary members inside.

The mages in the hall no longer remained silent and chanted magic spells loudly!

"Arcane Missiles!!"

The purple arcane energy was condensed and constrained into a spindle-shaped projectile, screaming and flying towards different targets!

This battle was blessed with the magical power of [The Secret of All Things], and the "waste" of magic was significantly reduced.

There is no need to think about which one to hit first, just glance at it, and if the health status is above 50%, you can definitely hit him with [Arcane Missile]!

As for those whose health has dropped below 20%, or has simply been knocked into a coma and lost the ability to fight, there is no need to waste mental energy.

The first round of magic bombing struck first, catching the blood-red mercenary members off guard before they had time to organize a counterattack!

The blood-red mercenary leader, who was awakened from his sleep, appeared at the top of the stairs. When he saw the chaotic scene in the hall, his eyes were splitting with anger.

He actually found out after being touched in front of him without knowing it!

Then he looked at Brandon, who was wearing the "Crusader Light Armor", and he immediately reacted:

"Lord Dursley is indeed right!"

"There are really Crusaders destroying our people in the lower city!"

The anger is rising, and the restless energy in the body is getting more and more crazy.

"\u0026%%#...Wulu, %@#%...*\u0026@#@...Wulu!"

(Authority! Instruction! Destruction!)

The blood-red mercenary leader did not realize the last sentence. He did not open his mouth, but opened a gash in the huge tumor on his neck, making a strange and indistinct sound.

After hearing the strange noise, the members of the Blood Fang Gang who had been suppressed in their respective rooms seemed to be stimulated by something, and their ferocity became fierce!

His limbs were swollen, his eyes were red, and he seemed to have completely lost his mind!

The person who was originally hit by the [Arcane Missile] fell to the ground and wailed, but now he seemed to have lost his sense of pain, shaking stiffly and getting up again.

What's even more terrifying is that abscesses and malignant sores began to grow quickly one after another on the surface of their bodies. Then, the sores burst open and more brown pus spewed out from inside!

There are "mild pollution" and "temporary madness" effects in the state, and the health status is instantly brought back to 100%.

A warrior believer who was fighting the enemy in front accidentally made his exposed arm contaminated by the sprayed pus, and he screamed in pain.

Not only did the health status drop by 5% instantly, there was also a negative effect called "Malignant Corrosion" in the status.

The changes that appeared on the members of the Blood Fang Gang have brought some improvement to the originally one-sided battle situation.

But Pat said with great confidence:

It’s a small scene, don’t panic, it’s not a big problem!

He has personally experienced scenes of living people turning into aberrations on the spot.

The things in front of me were just mild transformations under the stimulation of the evil god's power. They just lost their minds, were unafraid of death, and started splattering pus around them.

Peter quickly chanted a spell, constructed an arcane missile, and shot it towards the mutated enemy.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three missiles hit, and the target's health instantly dropped by 20%.

Peter knew something in his mind and began to give instructions:

"Be careful in close combat, mainly avoid, just block them, don't let them leave the room!"

"Friends, mages and rangers! Detach yourself into a group of five nearby, choose your target freely, and focus your fire!"

Although they are not afraid of pain, when the attack they receive exceeds the upper limit of what their body can bear, these dependents who have been contaminated and transformed by the evil god will still fall. The concentrated fire tactics arranged by Pett have an immediate effect.

A round of volleys directly sent several members of the Blood Fang Gang who were still clamoring before to meet his evil god!

When dealing with monsters transformed by evil gods, there was a problem that seriously troubled people:

Monsters are often fearless of death, and it is difficult to tell whether they are at the end of their strength or at the peak of their power just by looking at their appearance.

Insufficient firepower assigned will cause trouble;

Excess firepower is a forbidden spell to kill mosquitoes.

But with the blessing of the divine magic of [The Secret of All Things Revealed], there is no such problem at all.

You can tell the enemy's status at a glance!

The five people worked together to focus the fire, and the damage caused was just enough to take them away in one wave, without any waste!

Witnessing his "men" being eliminated one after another, the leader of the Blood Red Mercenaries tried to rush downstairs to eliminate those fragile mages who were chanting magic recklessly, but was blocked at the stairs by a group of warriors led by Brandon!

Every time he gathered his anger and tried to repel the blockers, he would hear Brandon and his men shouting some inexplicable words:

"Pay attention! His anger has dropped by 60% in an instant, he should be about to burst!"

"Give me a shield! Block it!"

"Priest! Priest! Prepare to heal!"

The two consecutive [Heroic Strike] that used to be invincible, which could almost stably knock down 1st and 2nd level enemies, did not work this time.

Both attacks were blocked by the guy holding the shield.

Although it can cause obvious damage, in the short few seconds between the two attacks, several golden glows will light up on his body!

The priests who were flipping through the scriptures in the hall accurately released [Secondary Healing] to him at the critical moment, allowing him to withstand the second [Heroic Strike].

After several cycles, the leader still failed to break through the defense line at the staircase.

Until the crazy Bloodfang Gang on the first floor were eliminated one by one, only the leader and his core subordinates were left to fight alone.

Feeling the "burning" eyes cast at him, the leader's brain, which was almost dominated by madness, became a little sober.

A thought popped into his mind:

"He's going to be finished!"


The noise of the battle in the stronghold was heard clearly by Miranda who was hiding outside.

She was full of doubts.

"Why do these people pretend to be the Crusaders?"

"Who are the people who are in conflict with them?"

"Who is the bad guy?"

She took out the statues, scriptures and gems necessary for the divine ritual from her arms.

She wanted to use the divine detection magic on these people on the spot to identify their identities!

Miranda had a vague premonition.

The God of Radiance will tell her the answer!

Thanks to the book friend 20200904144905542 for voting 2 monthly tickets, thanks to people like me who are inexplicable, it is you who did not understand, Zhang Shenxian for voting 1 monthly ticket, thanks to everyone for the recommendation votes, thank you.

PS: Pay attention to the protection of the new crown variant strains recently, I did not protect it! It's positive again, and I'm writing while sick.

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