Don't call me evil god

Chapter 95: Remarks on the launch

After many twists and turns, I am back to Dian Niang. It is time to put it on the shelves again.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that... it has been two years again.

Hey, why do I say again.

To be honest, before uploading this story, Guozi was ready to throw himself into a dog's arms.

This is the first time I write an original fantasy story about farming behind the scenes, with some elements of player cultivation. I have no experience at all.

I am very worried that I will not write well and readers will find it boring.

Unexpectedly, step by step until the day of the launch, the number of readers has actually exceeded Guozi's expectations.

Before uploading, Guozi expected that he would be satisfied with 100 readers.

Unexpectedly, the number of readers now is 5 times the expected number.

Needless to say, please rest assured that this time it is serious and has an outline.

You should be able to see the content of the free chapters. There are many pits buried. Please rest assured that these pits are not dug by my brain on the day of the update, but I have already planned how to fill them later.

It can't be rotten at all, and it can't be cut at all.

I will write it well to the end if you are willing to read it.

Let’s talk about the story itself.

The source of inspiration.

Why do we like games?

Because in games, you will get as much reward as you put in.

Even in the process of hard work, you can see your progress and know how far you are from success.

Unfortunately, Earth OL is not as good as games.

Efforts may not be rewarded, and you can’t see the progress bar of success.

So, leave this beautiful expectation to the world under the pen.

[God rewards hard work]

This is the original inspiration of Guozi.

The outline and purpose of this story were also born around this.

Guzi does not intend to write "high-quality characters" such as saints, witches, princes, and chosen children that are common in Western fantasy + god stories.

It is a simple and down-to-earth, easy farming adventure story in which a group of ordinary people work hard for their future, get rewards through hard work, and change their own destiny.

The first volume "The Old Remnants" is coming to an end;

If nothing unexpected happens, the plot of the second volume "Neighboring with the Devil" will begin next week. The believers leave Green Port, open a new map, and officially enter the stage of farming and development.

Of course, there are hidden threads in the adventure story.

About the protagonist's identity as a god;

About this world, about the gods.

(At least so far, in the comments I've read, no one has guessed the setting or the truth, not even close.)

These pits buried at the beginning will be slowly revealed later as these ordinary people take risks.


Let's talk about something other than the story.

This is the first time I've written this type of story and I really have no experience at all.

When I wrote Hearthstone fan fiction and League of Legends fan fiction before, if my hand speed was fast, I could code an update of one chapter in one hour.

This time, just for the public chapters, each chapter took more than two hours.

Write and delete, think about the plot arrangement repeatedly, and once you feel that there is something unreasonable, you have to overturn the preset scene, delete the written content, and start over.

It's really slow to write.

I don't intend to use this to sell misery or anything.

Readers are the parents who provide food and clothing, it's absolutely true.

Just like what I said in my comment on the launch of Dianniang a few years ago, Guozi’s point of view has not changed:

I am just a storyteller in a teahouse.

When readers hear a good plot and give me a subscription fee, it means you respect me and are willing to support me to make a living.

If you think that the story is not exciting enough and not worth the price.

That is Guozi’s own problem. His skills are not solid enough. He can’t blame others if he starves to death.

How can a storyteller shout and sell misery on the stage to let the guests pity him?

Is he still a storyteller?

He is not an online beggar.

Is it moral kidnapping and the opposite of Tiangang?

My parents who subscribe to the genuine version, Guozi thanks you for your support and money. I will try my best to tell you a good story and make you laugh.

Some website, some indescribable channel, Guozi also thanks you for your support.

After all, everyone is so busy in their daily lives. You are willing to take the time to read this story in your busy schedule. It means you respect Guozi, isn’t it?

Just like the inspiration of this story.

God rewards hard work.

Although Earth OL is terrible, hard work may not be rewarded.

But Guozi still wants to give it a try.

Worthy of the readers, the story, and myself.

On July 27, which is tomorrow, Saturday, the VIP chapter will be launched at 12:00 noon.

After the V chapter permission is opened at 12:00 tomorrow noon, 5 chapters will be uploaded.

(It’s not that I don’t want to update more, it’s really slow, I’m trying my best)

On Sunday and after, the update time will remain unchanged at 18:00 in the evening.

On the premise of ensuring that the plot is not watered down or collapsed, Guozi will try to maintain five updates!

Rewards and extra updates, just like in the past, I won’t increase if prices rise.

10,000 Qidian coins plus 1 update, if there is a reward, I will add, there is no upper limit.

If you think this story is not bad, please support the genuine subscription, thank you!

PS: Finally leave a penguin skirt number, 723 715 046, welcome to torture.

PPS: Let your thoughts fly freely for a while from now on

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