Lu Xun said seriously, Ye Yao looked into his eyes and recalled the past in a trance.

The last time I saw Lu Xun fighting for something so seriously, it was like when Lu Xun said to him in high school, "I want to go to the same university as you, and we can still be together every day."

After setting this goal, Lu Xun studied very hard, and finally got his wish and came here with him and entered the same dormitory.

The relationship between them was pure then, unlike now.

Will Lu Xun work hard to chase him like he is sprinting for the college entrance examination?

It looks like it will, hopefully he can handle it.

The impact of Lu Xun's serious confession and pursuit, as well as his memories of the past, made Ye Yao not sleep well all night.

Ye Yao, who had not slept well, was a little confused when he woke up in the morning. He took a book after washing, and was about to pick up his mobile phone when he heard Lu Xun say to him, "If it rains today, I will go and bring you an umbrella."

Ye Yao: "...the sun is shining today."

Lu Xun took out his mobile phone and glanced at the weather forecast, and found that it was a sunny day, and immediately frowned. He quickly changed his words: "The weather forecast is not necessarily accurate, and it can be delivered when the sun is out, otherwise what if we get a tan from afar?"

Although Ye Yao was not afraid of getting sunburned, after hearing Lu Xun's words, he took out the folded umbrella from the cabinet with his backhand, and took it out with the book.

It wasn't until Ye Yao walked into the classroom, put down the book, and wanted to take out his phone to check the time, only to realize that he forgot to bring his phone because of Lu Xun's interruption.

Ye Yao didn't die without a mobile phone. The second he found out that he didn't have a mobile phone, he opened the book.

Anyway, if the mobile phone is placed in the dormitory, there will be no accident.

The dormitory door that was locked because no one was there was opened again, and Lu Xun walked in.

Their teacher temporarily adjusted classes, and these classes were no longer needed.

When he was free, Lu Xun wanted to accompany Ye Yao to class, but when he got to Ye Yao's classroom, the class must have started, so it was not good for him to break in like this. And it was so late that he might not even have a station left for him, let alone the one next to Ye Yao.

Lu Xun sighed and returned to the dormitory. He put the book away, walked around the dormitory twice, and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

... He wanted to smell Ye Yao's clothes again.

It was obviously the same laundry detergent, but it smelled especially good on Ye Yao's clothes, which was completely different from his.

That's probably the scent of Ye Yao's body, that's why it makes him so relaxed and happy.

Lu Xun opened Ye Yao's wardrobe door and closed it, opened it again, and closed it again.

No, when he helped Ye Yao wash, he was Ye Yao's friend. The last time he needed to make sure that he was really bent, but now he is Ye Yao's suitor, and he is in the midst of dignified pursuit of Ye Yao.

Due to his status as Ye Yao's suitor, Lu Xun made a very difficult decision to give up this action temporarily.

When he is with Ye Yao, he must mix Ye Yao's clothes with his clothes, smell it every day, every day, Ye Yao wears one piece of clothing once is enough, and the rest is for his collection of.

Lu Xun fantasized about this scene, and sat contentedly on his desk, took out his mobile phone and sent an emoji to Ye Yao.

The next second after the successful transmission, Lu Xun heard a small beeping sound.

Lu Xun raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Ye Yao's mobile phone on Ye Yao's desktop.

Ye Yao did not bring his mobile phone to the classroom.

Lu Xun, who found this, took Ye Yao's mobile phone and put it with his own phone, with the screen sticking to the screen.

The phone was the same model he and Ye Yao bought together, so the phone was the same size and the screen could fit perfectly.

The two mobile phone cases of the two of them were also ordered online by him. The colors are the same in smog blue. The only difference is the cartoon pattern on the back. The little dinosaur wearing sunglasses, crossed his hips and said proudly: "Buy it!"

I didn't have any other ideas when I bought it before, but now it seems that this is the perfect married life for him and Ye Yao.

When will Ye Yao fall in love with him and agree to his pursuit?

Lu Xun lay on the table imagining what life would look like after marriage, and slowly fell into a light sleep in such a satisfying fantasy.

Lu Xun's biological clock caused him to wake up after not being able to sleep for a long time. His brain was not fully awake yet. He had already picked up the phone with his hands habitually, unlocked it with his fingerprint, and clicked into the gallery.

Most of his gallery are photos of Ye Yao's individual or a group photo of the two of them. Since he can no longer hold Ye Yao to sleep together, he has developed a practice of taking out his mobile phone to look at Ye Yao before and after waking up. photo habit.

Lu Xun casually clicked in a photo. It was him and Ye Yao taking a photo by the lake. It looked quite serious.

Now this kind of photo can no longer satisfy Lu Xun to some extent. He swiped down one and found that it was a similar photo.

One second, I was still cuddling with Ye Yao in my dream, and the next second I was facing the photo of my good brothers and iron buddies. Who can stand this gap, Lu Xun can't stand it anyway.

He immediately exited the album and swiped down to open his hidden album.

In this hidden album, there are some more special photos. For example, Ye Yao was drunk when he graduated from high school, leaned against his arms with a flushed face, opened his eyes and looked at him as if there was a stream of spring water in his eyes, his eyes blurred.

For example, when he and Ye Yao went swimming at the beach, Ye Yao, who was walking in front of him in swimming trunks, had a slender waist and long legs.

In the past, these photos were scattered in various group photos. Not long ago, he deliberately searched and collected them and pulled them into a hidden album.

The opening of the hidden album requires a password, and just fingerprint unlocking will not work. Lu Xun quickly entered the password, but a prompt popped up on the phone screen: [The password you entered is incorrect].

Lu Xun frowned, this time he slowed down the speed of entering the password, but when he finished entering the password, he still saw the prompt again: [You entered the wrong password. 】

Lu Xun is completely awake now, it's impossible, he never made a mistake, unless the phone fails, or...

Lu Xun turned the phone from the front to the back and saw a dinosaur with a chubby belly.

This is Ye Yao's phone!

Ye Yao can directly unlock his phone with his fingerprint, and he can also directly unlock Ye Yao's phone with his fingerprint. This was set for each other when they were still best friends.

Ye Yao, like him, also has hidden photo albums in his mobile phone.

Lu Xun sat up slowly, even before he thought about it, his palms and back were already sweating.

He is very aware of Ye Yao's character, Ye Yao will never be idle, just for novelty and fun, he deliberately made a hidden album.

There must be something inconvenient to show and unspeakable.

Ye Yao is such a pure-hearted person that he will never hide some colored pictures in his mobile phone like other men, and there will be no pictures that cannot be seen.

It must be that other Ye Yaos were unwilling to leak any possible pictures.

This would be Ye Yao's secret buried deep in his heart.

Combining the secret with Ye Yao, Lu Xun immediately came up with a speculation.

There is a man's identity, he has asked Ye Yao several times, but Ye Yao has always refused to tell him.

Ye Yao said that it was his first love, so he had to protect it.

There must be a photo of the man who bent Ye Yao!

Jealousy filled Lu Xun's mind, burning Lu Xun's heart, his hands were shaking all the time, and he quickly entered the password that he thought might be correct.

Ye Yao's birthday, student number, bank card password, Ye Yao's parents' birthday.

The error message pops up again and again, and the number of wrong entries is too many, and the phone is automatically locked for ten minutes.

Lu Xun was dizzy and had difficulty breathing. He leaned on the desk and took a deep breath.

Ye Yao put the photo with him in the photo album openly. This was normal and there was no problem, but Ye Yao created a private photo album for other men.

What people are most afraid of is comparison, and this time he was compared.

In Ye Yao's heart, he is no longer number one besides his relatives.

Lu Xun has been trying his best not to think deeply about this problem, but now this problem is directly in front of his eyes.

Lu Xun lowered his head and put his forehead against the little dinosaur in Ye Yao's phone case, trying to feel Ye Yao's warmth again through the little dinosaur, but it was in vain.

He also mentioned that person a few times in front of Ye Yao, and every time he tried to pretend to be calm. But he just wanted to show generosity in front of Ye Yao, how could he really not care?

He cares so much that he doesn't care about a lot of things, but the only thing that matters is about Ye Yao.

Ye Yao's phone rang again, and Lu Xun pursed his lips and turned over to check.

It was sent by Ms. Wang from Ye Yao's tutor. Ms. Wang's tone was quite surprising: [Mr. Xiaoye, my child improved by 200 in the monthly exam last time! Reply to me when you are free, let's talk about salary, the current hourly salary is completely unworthy of you! 】

Lu Xun wiped his face, but decided to give the phone to Ye Yao, and he also stopped by for the next class.

Lu Xun took the two mobile phones and went out. He had a gloomy face along the way, and many people consciously stayed away from him.

Ye Yao's class was on the third teaching building, a certain distance from the dormitory. Lu Xun was walking on the road and couldn't help but touch the emotional forum he visited last time.

Lu Xun posted: [The person you like has other sweethearts, how to solve the mood? 】

Lu Xun refreshed the post and saw a new reply:

[…I actually asked how to ease the mood instead of how to stay away, I really accepted it. 】

[Stop being a licking dog, you can't be a normal person? 】

[Lick the dog and thunder, I advise you to stay away! 】

Lu Xun was in a bad mood at first, but he became even more angry after seeing these words.

How could such a vicious person actually persuade him to stay away from Ye Yao.

This group of people has no idea how good Ye Yao is and how fragrant it is to hold!

Lu Xun refreshed again and saw other new replies.

[That's easy, you find someone to chase you, you lick him, your spare tire licks you, and you will get a wonderful balance in the process. It's best to catch people, but there are other options if you can't. 】

Lu Xun lowered his face and decisively turned off the phone.

He didn't refuse when someone else chased him, didn't he waste the time he spent with Ye Yao?

He shouldn't be looking for advice on a bunch of idiots!

Ye Yao got the mobile phone sent by Lu Xun during class.

Lu Xun looked in a bad mood, frowned, but still smiled at him.

"What's wrong?" Ye Yao asked, "Why did you go back to the dormitory and feel unwell?"

Lu Xun got Ye Yao's concern, and his face was much relieved. He subconsciously wanted to hold Ye Yao's hand, but he recovered before touching it.

"No, our teacher has changed the class. I saw that Ms. Wang sent you a message, so I brought you my mobile phone." Lu Xun said, "Let's have something to eat next to the school at night? Anyway, I helped you so much. It's a favor, you can't avenge your revenge, classmate Ye."

Ye Yao: "...OK."

Lu Xun finally felt better and left happily. Ye Yao watched Lu Xun until Lu Xun disappeared.

Back in the classroom, Ye Yao took out her phone and wanted to reply to Ms. Wang, but her eyes stopped when she saw the little dinosaur wearing sunglasses.

...Wait a minute, this is Lu Xun's phone?

It seemed that Lu Xun was really in a bad mood, probably because something happened that made him mess up the phone he gave him.

The class bell rang, and it was too late to chase out. Ye Yao rubbed his brows, thinking about asking Lu Xun a few words. His mobile phone is in Lu Xun's hand, and he only needs to send himself a message.

Ye Yao unlocked the phone with his fingerprint, and the phone screen lit up, directly showing what Lu Xun had browsed before.

[That's easy, you find someone to chase you, you lick him, your spare tire licks you, and you will get a wonderful balance in the process. It's best to catch people, but there are other options if you can't. 】

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