Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 100 Children's Words Are Not Taboo, Good Luck

Even if Shangguanyi loses to Zhong Yuan in the duel, he is still an elite student of Chengying Academy.

At the opening of the college league, he must not be allowed to participate because he failed the culture test.

For the current plan, I can only stay a grade temporarily, attend the lectures in the first grade classroom, and follow the first grade during the exam.

With such an operation, there is still hope of passing the pass line.

Seeing Zhong Yuan's reluctance, Gu Yan persuaded him, "I watched Shangguan Yi grow up. He has a stubborn personality and is not easy to convince others. You have already defeated him. He must be honest and won't treat you badly." kind of."

Zhong Yuan said helplessly, "Okay. Anyway, if you accept it or not, you have to fulfill the loser's agreement."

Gu Yan didn't know what the agreement was, and he only hoped that the two of them could establish a good relationship, so he said, "Don't worry, if he defaults, I will come forward to persuade him."

Zhong Yuan was not worried at all about Shangguan's repudiation.

If one fight is not enough, then fight another.

After vaguely agreeing to Gu Yan's request, he went back to the dormitory, changed his clothes, sent a message to his sister, and went downstairs to wait in the dormitory.

After a while, Zhong Lan walked out of the dormitory building to meet him.

She still wears cute double ponytails and her school uniform is spotless. When she saw Zhong Yuan, her round face was full of joy.

"Brother! Are you back from the hospital?"

She seemed to be in a good mood, as if she had shaken off the shadow of losing the competition.

Zhong Yuan rubbed his sister's hair affectionately, and smiled, "Sorry, I made you worry again."

Zhong Lan pouted and said, "Be careful next time, don't be bitten by a dog again! Ah, you've had an injection, you should be fine if you get bitten, right?"

Zhong Yuan laughed, "Yes. Lan Lan is really smart!"

Feng Qing did a good job, she had no doubts at all. It's a pity, if there is something to hide from her next time, I have to think of a new reason.

Let Feng Qing think about it.

Suddenly, Zhong Lan said, "Let's wait for Feng Qing's big brother, let's talk together."

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, vaguely feeling that the two of them had something to hide, and said, "Oh? When did you become so close to him?"

Zhong Lan felt a little guilty, blushed a little, and said, "It's...not really, it's just that the three of us are more lively together."

Feng Qing not only gave her special training, but also helped her keep the sparring secret, saying that he wanted to have breakfast together, and there was no reason to refuse.

Moreover, she does not dislike eating with Feng Qing.

After all, they're already friends with Spicy Chicken!

Zhong Yuan sighed helplessly.

After so many days of school, Zhong Lan still didn't make a single friend, at most she only met one Xie Yifeng.

Seeing that her social circle is getting narrower and narrower, if she doesn't think about it, she will definitely become a ghost on her graduation photo in the future, and no one will remember her.

After waiting for another two minutes, the guy wearing sunglasses finally appeared, clasped his hands together and made a confession.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm late! Xiao Lanlan is so cute, and she is also a lively little fairy today."

Zhong Lan was still young, he had never received such a compliment, and he didn't know how to respond, so he lowered his head shyly.

At this time, Feng Qing walked to Zhong Yuan's side again, and said with a smile, "I have a surprise for you later."


Zhong Yuan didn't know why.

Feng Qing pretended to be profound and didn't explain much. Together with Zhong Yuan, they surrounded the little sister in the middle.

If anyone in the know saw this scene, they would definitely be astonished.

On the left is the only medical department in the top 100 on the youth list, and on the right is the mysterious master Xuan Ming who is ranked 68th.

Both of them are at the top of Huaguo's younger generation in terms of strength, and they both have extremely high looks, and they are extremely dazzling when they walk together.

At this time, there was a little girl around at the same time.

She is like a jewel in the palm of her hand, she is loved by thousands of people, walking in the middle, I don't know how many girls I envy.

The three of them walked together and soon arrived at the cafeteria.

Came early enough today to arrive almost in time for the door to open.

However, one person was earlier and had been waiting ten minutes or so.

This person is Shangguan Yi who returned to school.

Seeing Zhong Yuan coming with a little girl, he immediately judged that she was Zhong Yuan's younger sister!

Seeing himself, he felt ashamed, and realized that he had scolded so much before, which was too vicious for a little girl, no wonder Zhong Yuan got mad.

Anyway, from today onwards, for the next whole month, he will be doing this girl's errands.

In this regard, Shangguan did not dare to have any objections.

He was completely overwhelmed by Zhong Yuan, and he was frightened by Feng Qing afterwards, and he came back after wandering around the ghost gate, and the whole person became much more silent.

To lose is to lose.

Fulfill the loser's agreement and never cheat!

Taking advantage of the absence of anyone early in the morning, Shangguan decided to post the rewritten self-criticism on the weather-beaten bulletin board.

Then, he came to the cafeteria.

Because it was too early, the steamed buns were not ready yet.

However, school canteens and canteens are usually special, and the operators and school leaders are more or less related.

It is not a secret that Shangguanyi is the principal's nephew.

It's not normal to come here so early to buy steamed buns.

The back kitchen knocked around and said that it was originally bought for girls, so I couldn't help laughing.


The prince of our Chengying College is enlightened!

After the kitchen made up their minds, they decided to make him a special super soup dumpling.

Usually only weekends are provided for faculty and staff to eat. What ordinary students can't enjoy, there is only one ultra-luxury dim sum in a steamer.

By the time Zhong Yuan and the others approached, the super soup dumpling was just steamed.

And Shangguanyi has the ability to burst into flames, even if it is a hot object, there will be nothing wrong with it in his hand, but it can play a role of warming and heating.

Zhong Yuan's eyesight was excellent, and he was startled when he saw him waiting at the entrance of the cafeteria with a basket of things from a distance.

The hand has been healed.

Zhong Yuan glanced at Feng Qing.

He was chatting and laughing happily with Zhong Lan, wearing sunglasses, even if his expression changed, nothing unusual could be seen.

If it is cured, it will be cured, as expected. can't walk over unsuspecting.

God knows what Shangguan Yi wants.

What if, after approaching, he threw the steamed bun on Lan Lan?

Zhong Yuan didn't fully trust this guy yet, so he quickened his pace and walked towards the cafeteria door first.

"Oh! Brother, why are you walking so fast?"

Zhong Lan was about to grab the big brother, but was immediately stopped by Feng Qing.

"No hurry, let him go and see the situation first."


At the same time, Shangguanyi's spirit was stretched to the extreme like a string that was about to break.

Manly man, every spittle and every nail!

It's a good deal, if you kneel at the gate of the cafeteria and serve the steamed buns, you will never regret it!

A man has gold under his knees... what is it? !

To be a man is to keep promises first.

However, he was so nervous that his scalp would explode.

Zhong Yuan walked over with a blank face, the sense of oppression was too strong. Before Zhong Lan approached, Shangguan Yi thought the girl was coming.

He turned his heart away, closed his eyes, and knelt down on one knee facing Zhong Yuan.

He held the steamer over his head.

The cured hand slowly opened the lid.

Immediately! The hot air is billowing, the fragrance is tangy, and as the lid is opened, it seems that there are countless dazzling golden lights spreading outward!

Shangguanyi lowered his head and stammered, "You...your steamed bun!"

Zhong Yuan was ready to attack at any time, but seeing this scene, he was at a loss.

Five meters away.

Zhong Lan's eyes widened.

what is that?

It's not a small steamed bun, but a super big steamed bun that I've never seen before!

She swallowed excitedly, her face flushed, and she said loudly, "Feng Qing big brother! Look quickly! There is a strange man at the entrance of the cafeteria who proposed to my brother with a big steamed bun!"

Feng Qing was speechless.

Tongyan Wuji, good luck.

Xiao Lanlan, that's your dog!

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