Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 121 Using The Strength Of The Whole School To Canvass Votes Frantically

In Hualing College, students are not allowed to use abilities without reason.

Especially in public places, where it is easy to be discovered, the punishment for using abilities indiscriminately is very severe.

Jiang Tianshuo forgot that he is not in Hualing College now, but in the territory of Chengying College.

Immediately, his face sank, and he decided to find out the guy who abused his abilities.

"Magnetic force!"

Once Jiang Tianshuo is serious, he uses the magnetic force to change the gravity, the range can be expanded to a maximum of 100 meters, and the gravity can be adjusted to ten times at most.

This is an extremely terrifying ability!

It's just that Jiang Tianshuo seldom used his full strength, and there were no more than 3 people who knew the strength of his magnetic force!

At this moment, the shadow walker who was ten meters away suddenly felt extremely heavy.

His strongest ability is to sneak into the shadows, walk without obstacles, and is suitable for assassination operations.

If he had followed Ruan Kai's warning and acted more cautiously, he could have bypassed Jiang Tianshuo and sneaked into the academy quietly.

However, the first phase of the action was too smooth, the shadow walkers were completely careless, coupled with agitated feelings, and were attracted by the little beauty on the electronic screen, which led to a series of irreversible serious consequences.

The magnetic element force just restrained the shadow walker's ability!

The figure hidden in the shadow suddenly appeared in the air, and then fell to the ground.

Jiang Tianshuo's eyes froze.

The captured guy was not wearing the Hualing College uniform, but a gray-green camouflage uniform?

Not only that, but there is also a tactical backpack on his waist.

fully armed?

Marine Special Forces?

He looked very old, probably in his early thirties.

This person is not a student in the academy, but a dangerous person who came here to wreak havoc!

And Shadow Walker fell to the ground, and he couldn't help being surprised.



Is it the two students in front of the electronic screen?

One of them restrained his ability!

This man must die!

Although Shadow Walker was startled, he didn't panic.

Various unexpected situations have been rehearsed before the action.

He got up calmly, walked in front of Jiang Tianshuo, frowned and said, "What are you stopping me from doing? The drama performance is about to start!"

The words are correct, the accent is round, and the standard Chinese is practiced thousands of times in advance.

Lurkers like him who have stayed in China for a long time are usually all yellow-skinned Asians.

Ruan Kai is from Benan, and Shadow Walker is from Sakura Country.

As long as you don't speak up and pretend to be a Chinese, you can confuse the fake with the real.

Jiang Tianshuo was startled, and finally remembered that this is not Hualing College, but Chengying College.

Looking at the display on the electronic screen again, the repertoire of the drama this morning is "Winning the Shemen Mountain".

Jiang Tianshuo frowned, "Are you the teacher here?"

Shadow Walker was beating a drum in his heart.

Oops, I don't understand.

What the hell is this kid asking?

I knew I should learn a few more words.

In desperation, he had no choice but to nod first.

He was sweating nervously.

It was too close to the sentry box at the gate of the school, and once it was done, it was likely to alarm the guards.

The magnetic element force is a great threat to him, and with two more guards, Shadow Walker feels that his chances of winning are not great.

"I'm in a hurry, let's go."

This sentence has also been rehearsed many times in advance, and the Shadow Walker said it just right, dispelling Jiang Tianshuo's doubts.

"Sorry, I don't know that much." Jiang Tianshuo politely apologized to the other party.

After that, Shadow Walker didn't say any more, and left in a hurry.

Qiu Ren said, "President, this person feels weird. I don't think he looks like a teacher from Chengying College."

"You think so too?" Jiang Tianshuo frowned, and looked up at the surveillance probe not far away.

It was running, and it must have captured the scene just now.

The sentry box was just tens of meters away, and the guard didn't respond at all.

Maybe really paranoid?

At this moment, Qiu Ren asked again, "By the way, did you just say that Su Wanying paid tickets?"

Su Wanying, we are old acquaintances.

The chief assistant of Chengying College, Miss Beichen Group, and Jiang Tianshuo were selected as outstanding youths in Shangdong City last year.

Many people compared her with Jiang Tianshuo, and even messed up the mandarin ducks, thinking that they were a golden boy and a jade girl, a match made in heaven!

The topic returned to the school belle election.

Jiang Tianshuo unlocked the phone again, and the screen still displayed the election page.


Qiu Ren leaned over to take a look, and was immediately shocked.

Su Wanying's exaggerated number of votes was far ahead of the others.

The entire Chengying Academy could support less than 10,000 people, but she actually had more than 35,000 votes!

Absolutely brushed without explanation.

Look at the page description again, harm! I'm choosing tweed for school.

However, Su Wanying has a good temperament, a good family background, and excellent abilities. There is nothing wrong with being elected as the school belle. It is just icing on the cake...

Qiu Ren was thinking so, suddenly! I saw that there is another photo of Su Wanying that is very cute, very cute, very cute (the important thing is said three times) so cute that it explodes!

The number of votes is only one-third of Su Wanying's!

Qiu Ren's heart trembled.

This this!

Why is Zhong Yuan also among the candidates for the school belle?

Cheng Ying College is indeed advanced in thinking, a role model for our generation!

It's a pity that I deliberately refined the photo and it is almost unrecognizable.

The photos look a bit ethereal, but the real person looks better!

Qiu Ren thought secretly.

At this time, Jiang Tianshuo had already voted for the mysterious little beauty.

It's a pity that there is only one more vote, and it is definitely not as good as Su Wanying's 35,000!

Get a vote first!

Jiang Tianshuo asked with a straight face, "Qiu Ren, who do you choose?"

Qiu Ren blushed slightly, and said in a low voice, "I... I'll choose the one below Su Wanying. However, his vote is too low. If you don't give it a try, you can't win."

Heroes see the same thing wow!

Jiang Tianshuo said coldly, "Su Wanying loves vanity the most. Last year, she found out that I was awarded the title of Outstanding Youth, and she also wanted this title. In the end, she really got the title!"

"Now, she wants to be the school belle of the English Academy. Hehe, manipulating votes, right? The more she tries, the more she can't let her succeed!"

Qiu Ren said in a calm voice, "President, what do you mean..."

Jiang Tianshuo said domineeringly, "Continue to inform, let us Hualing College people also vote! For every 100 votes, we will reward 1 credit point! There is no cap!"

"Yes, I'll do it right away!"

Then, Jiang Tianshuo took back the cake box from Qiu Ren's hand.

Qiu Ren took a picture of the QR code and sent it to the V group of the student union.

In less than a few seconds, Hualing College, dozens of miles away, completely boiled.

Countless students bid farewell to this great news.

By canvassing votes, you can get credits and grade points!

In the mid-term and final exams, if you get a c in the compulsory elective subjects, you get 05 points in your grade point, 1 point for a b, and 2 points for an a!

What is the use of grade points?

Join the Student Union of course!

Hualing College implements self-management policy.

The student union is the center of power, and the entry threshold is 50 credits!

Many people can't save enough 50 points until the third grade.

In front of him, a good opportunity to earn credits suddenly appeared, who would give up? !

It doesn't matter who he canvasses for, just do it with all his might!

In less than five minutes, the number of votes for the mysterious little beauty rose steadily, as if it had been announced.

No matter how strong the Beichen Group behind Su Wanying is, it can't compete with Jiang Tianshuo's efforts to solicit votes from the whole school.

Moreover, who can study in Hualing College, who has no background?

In less than five minutes, the number of votes that Su Wanying managed to type was surpassed!

It's not over yet!

Encouraged by the policy of no ceiling, people from Hualing College continued to solicit votes frantically.

Another ten minutes passed.

The number of votes for the mysterious little beauty is approaching 1.2 million!

What is this concept?

The total population of Shangdong City is just over 5 million, and on average, one out of every five people voted for him!


The strongest school belle in history!

Zhong Yuan:? ? ?

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