Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 123 Zhong Yuan's Sister Is Too Fierce

When the communication is cut off, firstly ensure the safety of the radio room, and use the school radio to notify all teachers and students to be vigilant.

Jiang Tianshuo said decisively, "Let's go! Let's go to the broadcasting room!"

Zhong Lan didn't know what happened, so she asked strangely, "Why did you go to the broadcasting room?"

"Someone bad has entered the academy."

If the communication is not broken, there may still be a possibility of error.

But now, Jiang Tianshuo had no hope at all.

The sky is still azure blue, and there is no abnormality at all.

This is not the Fangjie technology of the Hua Kingdom, but the invaders from foreign countries.

What do they want?

Even Fang Jie was brought out, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a big fight.

What is there in Chengying College that they are determined to achieve?


Or are they looking for someone?

When Jiang Tianshuo's thoughts changed sharply, he saw the boys queuing up to get milk tea all around him abandoning the line and crowding around.

Qiu Ren noticed something wrong with their appearance, and said in a low voice, "President! The eyes of these people are very strange, they may be controlled by someone!"

Jiang Tianshuo looked around, and all the boys in his sight had dull eyes, and a few of them had crooked mouths, giggling non-stop, as if they had committed a nympho.

"Did you get the ability to control the mind?"

Those who display their abilities will not be too far away. As long as you defeat the opponent, you should be able to release the mind control of these boys.

The most suspicious thing is the woman with orange hair!

Jiang Tianshuo hurriedly turned his head to look.

Just now I was standing at the entrance of the cafeteria distributing milk tea, but now there is no one there!

Damn it!

"President, let me try to lift their mind control!"

Seeing that the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, and there were even a few boys about to pounce on him, Qiu Ren decisively activated his ability.


Don't look at Qiu Rensi's gentle, powerless appearance, in fact, he has the three abilities of rejuvenation, healing wind, and blessing. If he absorbs life sharing, he can be regarded as a top medical department.

Rejuvenation: Remove all abnormal status.


Under the effect of rejuvenation, the boys only woke up for half a second, and then they leaned over with silly smiles.

Qiu Ren said in surprise, "Rejuvenation is actually useless!"

Jiang Tianshuo frowned slightly, and judged, "It's not that your rejuvenation is useless, but that the enemy's ability level is higher than your rejuvenation! Your ability is not enough to remove the abnormal state of these people!"

At this time, the black widow has jumped on the roof of the cafeteria and used super camouflage to hide.

She has a full six abilities, almost all of which are control systems and poisons.

Frontal combat is her weakness, so all she has to do is delay and wait for her companions to arrive.

What is rejuvenation?

Black Widow doesn't care at all.

She licked the corners of her lips and giggled, "My mother's ability is not so easy to crack!"

Mental Pollution: Amplify the negative thoughts of the target and control the target to a certain extent.

Jiuhua: Make the target produce strong hallucinations, paralyze the nerves, and cause death when the concentration is high.

When the two abilities are used together, the power is doubled.

In the eyes of the recruited boys, Jiang Tianshuo, Qiu Ren and Zhong Lan have become mysterious little beauties with long black hair and straight hair.

If you catch it, you can hehehe!

If you want to completely get rid of the abnormality on them, you must at least have a red-level rejuvenation.

Unfortunately, Qiu Ren's rejuvenation is far from this level.

Finally, a boy couldn't hold back his raging anger anymore, drooling, roared wildly, and rushed towards Jiang Tianshuo.

Jiang Tianshuo looked cold.

Anyway, they are not students of their own school, so there is no psychological burden to fight.

Just when he was about to make a move, a petite figure stood in front of him.


Holding the cake in one hand, Zhong Lan spun around in half a circle, her short legs kicked violently in the air, just in time to kick the boy in the lower abdomen.

The other party immediately screamed and flew straight for several meters, unable to get up even if he clutched his stomach.

Ability: Tianyuan!

Zhong Lan made a meritorious deed and said loudly, "You guys go away! I'll deal with them!"



Jiang Tianshuo and Qiu Ren lost their voices for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Zhong Yuan's sister is so fierce!

He turned around to protect them!

The personalities of their brothers and sisters are completely different...

Moreover, Jiang Tianshuo discovered that Zhong Lan's speed and power-exerting skills had improved a lot compared to when he came to Hualing to compete a while ago.

After losing to Master Cui Sheng, this kid must have trained hard.

Jiang Tianshuo finally understood Liu Wen's painstaking efforts.

It turned out that Director Liu used a fiasco to arouse the fighting spirit of the freshmen of Chengying College.

This time, Hualing lost completely.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tianshuo was in a complicated mood, and said to Zhong Lan, "Thank you. However, Qiu Ren and I will not let you, a child, fight alone."

"Magnetic force!"

Triple gravity launch!


The gravity within twenty meters was instantly changed.

All the demented boys who were staring at each other and thinking about hehehe were instantly crushed to the ground by the terrible gravity.

They couldn't get up at all.

Zhong Lan's eyes widened in surprise, "You are amazing! They all fell down at once!"

"Generally, your brother is better than me." Jiang Tianshuo said modestly.

Zhong Lan has heard people say that big brother is amazing more than once.

The last time it was Feng Qing, this time it was a big brother whom he didn't know.

What's the name of this big brother?

what! ! !


Children's thinking is so out of bounds.

Zhong Lan lifted up the cake box dully, only to see that the strawberry cake inside had hit the paper box, the cream was so badly mushy, and the beautiful candied strawberries were falling apart, they were so delicate that they couldn't bear the impact, and a little touch would make them fall apart. broken.

"My strawberry cake..." Zhong Lan's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

Seeing that she was about to cry, Jiang Tianshuo quickly comforted her, "Throw this away first, and I'll buy you... a hundred of them later!"

scare! ! !

Zhong Lan was dumbfounded.

Not one, but a hundred? !

The way she looked at Jiang Tianshuo changed immediately.

This big brother with a scar on his face is clearly a walking strawberry cake!

Seeing her standing still, Jiang Tianshuo thought she was too small, so he quickly changed his words, "I made a mistake, buy 10,000!"

! ! !

Buying a hundred is really reluctant to throw away, but the quantity has risen to 10,000...

Zhong Lan figured it out in minutes, and immediately threw the cardboard box aside.

However, Jiang Tianshuo's magnetic force can only temporarily control the target's actions, and cannot cause fatal damage.

Once the ability is withdrawn, these people will still stand up and continue to attack.

If you want to get rid of them completely, you must either find the black widow, or take advantage of the force of the magnetic element to knock them out one by one.

It's a pity that neither Jiang Tianshuo nor Qiu Ren has the ability to detect and see through the super camouflage.

In the current crisis, there is no time to fight with these controlled guys.

Jiang Tianshuo chose to retreat and said, "Go, go to the broadcasting room!"

"Zhong Lan, you lead the way!"

"it is good!"

The three broke out of the encirclement without running tens of meters, suddenly! Suddenly, a strange figure sprang out from the ground, it was the Shadow Walker who had heard the news.

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