Wang Meng and his group were standing at a fork in the road.

They rushed to the safe area desperately, and then walked down the path, but they didn't meet Zhong Yuan, and finally they found this fork.

Visually, Zhong Yuan took the path on the right.

The dense forest does not know where it leads, and it looks a little eerie.

One said anxiously, "Brother Meng, why don't you... stop chasing us. We only have a wrist watch. If we meet a foreign race, we won't be able to handle it."

Wang Meng looked at him contemptuously, "Why can't we handle it? There are five of us, with guns and knives. There are so many people, we will definitely not suffer. That kid is so weak that he dares to go this way. He is not afraid, what are you afraid of?!"

"That's right! You don't want to do it anymore, find someone else to form a team yourself!"

Being kicked out of the team at a time like this basically means that you can't find the rhythm of the team.

The team member who proposed to give up the pursuit lowered his head in embarrassment, and said in a panic, "Don't! I just mentioned it casually, and you guys pretend I didn't say it!"

Wang Meng said coldly, "Let's go! We've chased this far, we can't give up. Now we can't get a good position by turning back to the safe zone."

The five quickly rushed into the depths of the path.

Not long after walking, one person exclaimed, "Look at the ground, what is that?"

Wang Meng's pupils narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Foreigners!"

The body of the snake body was covered with snow-white scales, and the severed snake head rolled to the side.

It wasn't long before it was killed!

"My God! That kid killed an alien snake alone?!"

Suddenly another person exclaimed.

"There seems to be more ahead!"

Several people found the bodies of three more snakes less than a hundred meters away.

One of them swelled so much that it might have eaten something before being killed.

Wang Meng was startled, and murmured, "He has the ability to kill four alien snakes in a row! Is it luck, or a real skill? Could it be that he has become a warrior?"

If this is the case, you have to be cautious when you encounter it later.

At worst, pull him into the team first, and then find a way to kill him!

Wang Meng said to the crowd, "Wait and act according to my wink, don't act rashly!"

The others knew how powerful it was and nodded immediately.

At the same time, they were excited.

Come on!

There are aliens in this forest, and they are easy to deal with. I can do it too!

Everyone was full of energy, and they were traveling faster than before.

Soon, Wang Meng saw a figure, and immediately made a gesture to make everyone slow down.

They leaned over gently, getting closer to a distance of more than ten meters, and finally saw clearly that the ground beside Zhong Yuan was densely packed with white snow snakes.

They were dead, and some were twisted together, comically like a marijuana flower.

Wang Meng couldn't help being shocked.

At least there were twenty or thirty snakes, all of which were killed by Zhong Yuan alone? !

Off the charts!

Even if you become a warrior, you have limited control over your abilities at the beginning, so it's impossible to be so strong...

correct! He used the sonic function of the watch!

His face is pale and ugly, he must have consumed a lot of energy, don't be afraid of him!

Wang Meng made all kinds of speculations, and the evil was emboldened, and he shouted, "Boy, hand over the Xu Jing, and you can get out!"


Zhong Yuan had already noticed through super perception that someone was chasing him.

The young man in his twenties looked familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhong Yuan remembered that when this person was queuing up, he happened to be standing at the back.

It turned out that he was staring at him at that time.

Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "I don't have Xu Jing on me."

Wang Meng sneered, "Boy, do you think we are idiots? There are so many snakes on the ground, you tell me not a single Ruin Crystal has exploded?"

In fact, Zhong Yuan didn't lie to them.

He had just shaken off the snakes on the ground, and most of them were not dead, they just passed out from the fall.

Zhong Yuan is considering whether to let them live.

Because, after shaking them down, he discovered that the snow snakes twisted together like twists and turns in two were actually giving birth to offspring.

Killing them all seems bad. Leave at least a few seeds for those who enter the Fangjie later to hunt and kill.

He decided to kill the single dogs in the snake group first, and let them live with their spouses. Before he could do anything, Wang Meng brought someone over.

A trace of gloom flashed in Zhong Yuan's eyes, he sighed, and said softly, "I really don't have Xu Jing on me. If you don't believe me, look."

With that said, he took off his backpack, opened the zipper, and threw out the contents of the backpack one by one.

Water bottles, compressed biscuits, pistols, magazines, bandages, common medicines, etc.

All the supplies were thrown out, and by the way, the backpack was turned upside down and turned upside down to show that the bag was empty.

Even Wang Meng was stunned by this wave of operations.

There is indeed no market crystal in the backpack!

Twenty or thirty Ruin Crystals can be piled up into a hill, and it is impossible to hide them on the body.

Could it be that he hid Xu Jing?

Wang Meng secretly shook his head.


He chased after him non-stop, fast enough, Zhong Yuan didn't have time to hide things.

The greatest possibility is that he killed so many snakes with great pains, and was hit by them before he could harvest the crystals.

Moreover, he didn't have the strength to fight any more, so he had to give in to protect himself, and even threw out all the things in the bag.


Wang Meng laughed loudly, but he didn't forget that there were four dead snakes in front of him, then he lowered his face and said to Zhong Yuan, "You still have four Ruin Crystals hidden on your body, hand them over!"

Zhong Yuan hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "Four Ruin Crystals... I failed to absorb them, and they have already been scrapped."

Wang Meng looked at him with contempt, and cursed, "Idiot, I can't wait to absorb the ability before the instructor helps you to activate it. You can absorb the ability casually, and the ability-seekers have already been walking all over the street!"

Having said that, he was secretly relieved.

Fortunately, Zhong Yuan is not yet a market capable person, otherwise he would have no confidence.

Thinking of this, Wang Meng said viciously, "Take off your watch and give it to me!"

Zhong Yuan took a deep look at them.

This group of people is the scum of the class, not only robbing the students' supplies, but even leaving no way for them to save their lives.

Staying in the class will only destroy the harmony of the class and have a negative impact on Lan Lan's learning environment.

Murderous intent arose in Zhong Yuan's heart, he took off his watch slowly, and deliberately threw it into the middle of a pile of snow snakes.

"I have done as you said, can I go?"

The eyes behind the black-rimmed glasses were lifeless, which made Wang Meng and others feel a little scared.

One tremblingly shouted, "Wait! The saber is also left behind!"

The other person couldn't bear it, and said, "Forget it...forget it, we've already taken all his supplies, at least leave him a knife."

How can this work? !

If you want to be black, go all the way to the end, you can't leave him a weapon!

Wang Meng snorted coldly, "Yes, the knife must also be kept!"

Zhong Yuan looked at them with the eyes of the dead, and said in a cold voice, "Don't go too far, aren't you afraid that I will be caught by the fish?"

Wang Meng chuckled, "Four-eyed brother, calm down, you don't have to fight us hard."

"We came all the way without encountering any danger. If you return this way, you can go back to the safe zone by taking another road! There is food and water there! You can stay there for three days safely, no Complete the task assigned by the instructor?"

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