Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 146 Personal Heroism Doesn't Work

Zhong Yuan turned on the live broadcast and wandered around Fangjie.

The chief of staff watched for a while, finally understood his intention, and whispered to everyone, "He is looking for the ancient Chi Lian hiding underground."

Everyone suddenly realized.

He even has the ability to investigate!

Moreover, there is no need for the headquarters to point out, and they can search for hidden bugs by themselves.

At such a young age, his judgment and adaptability on the battlefield are at the top level!

It is great to have such talents in the East China Military Region!

The next job is much easier.

The soil that has been excavated will always have some traces of loosening. Zhong Yuan soon discovered a suspicious location.

Not only was the soil loose, but a lot of insect corpses were also piled up above the soil layer.

After careful investigation with super perception, it was found that there were more than a dozen bugs hidden three or four meters underground.

One of them was slightly smaller, and it was undoubtedly the second bug king.

It is dormant, seemingly motionless and pretending to be dead, but in fact it is opening and closing its mouthparts and eating.

And its guards are desperately eating dirt, trying to gnaw out a set of three bedrooms and two living rooms with their mouths.

This insect king is more forbearing than the one just now.

The insect corpses are piled on the ground, which not only covers up their excavation marks, but also pulls the corpses into the soil and eats them when food is scarce.

It did not choose to fight, but chose to stay and thrive.

In time, another Zerg army can be formed.

What a beauty!

Zhong Yuan didn't disturb it immediately.

Maybe this insect king has already activated the ability of super reproduction.

Just killing is not enough!

Zhong Yuan quietly commanded the bugs to take off into the air, and then said in the public channel, "I found a bug king. It has already built a nest and is likely to lay eggs. I will send the location and request to send out incendiary bombs to kill it!"

The chief of staff muttered softly, "I thought you didn't need us at all..."

Zhong Yuan heard his complaints clearly.

Really, isn't it just offline for a while?

As for?

Zhong Yuan said in a serious tone, "Uncle, what are you talking about? I'm not a superman. When I'm not strong enough, of course I need to rely on your strength. On the battlefield of Ruin Cave, individual heroism will not work. , Look for the military area! Look for the country!"

Commander An taught him this principle.

He is not fighting alone, he has a strong backing behind him.

Hearing this, everyone in the headquarters froze together.

Then, all laughed.

Although this kid speaks straight, he is likable!

What about overtime pay, why you think I'm noisy, and all the little unhappiness are all thrown away by everyone in the headquarters at this time.

An Guanfeng lifted his spirits and said, "Xuanming! I will leave the task of finding the insect king to you. After you find it, send back the coordinates, and we will be responsible for destroying them!"

"Attention rocket artillery and armored units! Enter the square immediately and cooperate with Xuan Ming!"

Due to the massive retreat of Taikoo Chi Lian, there was not a single bug running around, so there was no need to worry about them running out of the square.

The only thing to watch out for is the hidden bug king.

Find them, and you can seal the victory.

Ten minutes later, under Zhong Yuan's best perception, the six insect kings were exposed.

The terrain of Niutoushan is complex, unlike a flat desert in the northwestern no-man's land.

There are two mountain peaks in this scenic area, which are high and low, and it takes a lot of money to use incendiary bombs to bomb the ground.

In this case, it is particularly important to accurately detect the position of the insect king.

There is a worm king cunningly hiding in the depths of a mountain peak, two hundred meters above the ground.

The location was tricky, and it was Zhong Yuan's carpet search, which took him five times before he discovered it.

When the coordinates were sent to the headquarters, everyone was shocked.


If it were someone with other reconnaissance abilities, they wouldn't be able to find this bug king at all.

The Chief of Staff asked in a low voice, "Commander, Xuanming's investigative ability is..." Should we be able to talk about this?

However, An Guanfeng got used to it naturally, without even thinking about it, he just opened his mouth, "Strategic level."

What? !

The chief of staff widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Strategic level again?"

An Guanfeng's eyelids twitched.

Oops, I accidentally said the wrong thing.

Super perception is not strategic level...

At most, the perception range is relatively large.

However, as long as Zhong Yuan is given a large amount of Frost Snow Snake Crystals, the super perception can be upgraded to thermal explosion pressure!

This ability must be at the strategic level!

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that super perception is quasi-strategic level.

Not only that, Zhong Yuan himself is a strategic talent!

Having figured this out, the old god An Guanfeng was there, and said in a very affirmative tone, "That's right! Strategic level!"

Now, it was the turn of the Ruins in the square to hear all kinds of breath-absorbing monsters coming from the headquarters.

Liu Tianlie couldn't help secretly marveling: The battlefield of the Ruin Cave wasn't full of flames of war, and there were all kinds of roaring and killing sounds throughout the process.

Ever since Xuan Ming came, the channel has been quiet, and later, he started a live broadcast.

And their group of fighters actually only needs to watch in mid-air.

Liu Tianlie found it both weird and unbelievable.

He was full of thoughts and looked into the distance.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a space entrance that blooms with a strange blue-green light.

About the size of half a tennis court.

That is the cave.

At this time, no insects have crawled out of the hole.

As long as the current stable state is maintained, the ruins will close on their own after a while.

Suddenly, Liu Tianlie saw someone in the sky flying towards him on an ancient scythe.

Zhong Yuan cautiously flew around the square several times, tried his best to perceive for a long time, and made sure that he could not find any more bugs, so he came back to join these marketers.

"Okay, you can go. The incendiary bomb will be fired soon."

Zhong Yuan said to everyone, and at the same time, commanded the Guards squad on the ground to take off.

They protected the corpse of the insect king and lay on the ground for a while.

Zhong Yuan didn't intend to let these bugs go back.

There are no aliens entering or exiting the cave, and it has entered a stable state. Once another bug passes through the cave, the closing time will be delayed.

Don't make extravagance.

Hand it over to the country and make research materials.

Maybe, in time, we can find a way to restrain them.

A few minutes later, all the Rushers participating in the battle joined the rocket artillery armored unit.

The coordinates of the insect king have been set.

Molotov cocktails, launch!

Firework-like ammunition flew towards the intended target.

At the moment of the explosion, a high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees will be generated.

Primordial Chi Lian could not survive this high temperature.

The dazzling light illuminates the boundary of Niutoushan Mountain, completely destroying the enemies hidden underground.

Zhong Yuan stood in the crowd, only took a few glances, then looked away.

He took the found ring out of his pocket, looked around, and asked, "Who of you know this?"

Soon, a young captain strode forward and excitedly gave a military salute to Zhong Yuan.

"Report! I know it!"


I'm not your officer, you don't need to report and salute.

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