Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 148 The School Belle Attacks! Women Who Please Themselves

"Brother! Did you survive in the canyon with that woman last night again?"

In the cafeteria, Zhong Lan pouted, sprinkled chili oil on the bean curd, and unceremoniously asked the big brother what happened last night.

Feng Qing looked at her.


Put so much chili oil, I can't eat it later, so I stuffed it for her brother...

Thinking of the spicy chicken last time, Feng Qing had a vague tingling feeling of restlessness.

However, he wouldn't show his distaste for peppers in front of his little sister.

He took an egg and peeled it off, and said casually, "Yuanyuan, you have dark circles under your eyes, you'd better tell the truth, lest Xiao Lanlan be sad."

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows.

Someone is talking nonsense while wearing sunglasses.

Come out of the golden coffin, go back to the dormitory to wash up, it's not like I haven't looked in the mirror!

Dark circles? It is impossible to have dark circles!

"Shangguanyi, do I have dark circles?"


Ever since he had a big fight with Feng Qing that day, Shangguan Yi has been depressed and went to the green belt for nothing.

But we still have to eat breakfast together. He wasn't stupid enough to give up hugging Zhong Yuan's thigh just because of Feng Qing.

At this time, Zhong Lan showed her sister's prestige and insisted on her brother to report what happened last night, Shangguan couldn't help admiring the little sister's boldness.

Is this kind of thing a topic that can be discussed at the dinner table?

All night, with girls, wild!

Putting a few key words together makes it very exciting no matter how you think about it.

Shangguanyi has never played games, and he doesn't know what survival in the canyon is, so he has completely misunderstood.

Hearing Zhong Yuan's question, he got into a tangle.

I have to choose a side between my sister and the boss...

In order to survive in the small breakfast team, Shangguan gritted his teeth and said against his will, "It seems that there is a little bit of dark circles under his eyes."

Zhong Yuan was startled, and said, "Really?"

It's not necessarily that the two of them are talking nonsense...

Now, even he himself began to doubt.

Well, after all, I was woken up after only sleeping for five seconds, and there is nothing wrong with being in poor spirits.

However, when I woke up, 2 hours had really passed.

In other words, after entering the golden coffin and falling into a real sleep state, there is a huge difference between the perceived time and the real time.

After sleeping for two hours, it only felt like sleeping for five seconds.

If you want to feel good about yourself and sleep for 8 hours, the actual time you need in reality is...

480 days! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Thinking of this, Zhong Yuan couldn't help feeling depressed.

It's better to sleep every minute and every minute, and squint for a while.

However, I clearly tried my best to hide my fatigue, but my younger sister found out.

She was so concerned about asking, Zhong Yuan couldn't help being moved.

After thinking about it, he explained to his sister in a low voice, "Lanlan, don't think about it, I haven't been in duo with that woman for a long time. Yesterday was because there were a lot of big cockroaches in the room. In order to eliminate them, I fought until midnight. "


Zhong Lan's hands shook, and he almost poured the whole bottle of chili oil into the bean curd.

Seeing this scene, Feng Qing's eyelids jumped wildly.


Dead bean curd, whoever eats it will explode!

Feng Qing forced a smile and said, "Xiao Lanlan, you are a warrior after all, how can you be afraid of cockroaches?"

Zhong Lan aggrieved, "It's not that I'm afraid, it's that they are so disgusting, I don't even want to touch them!"

In fact, she has mild cleanliness.

Clothes get dirty and have to be wiped off right away. The sneakers must be white, and the collar of the clothes must not be yellow. Handkerchiefs are washed every day, so there must be a spare handkerchief.

Not only that, Zhong Lan's room is always tidy. No dust visible on tables and floors, wiped daily.

Her room is the cleanest in the entire dormitory building, and has been selected as a model dormitory twice.

All of this stems from Zhong Yuan's constant teaching to his younger sister: Girls should not be sloppy.

Zhong Lan kept it in his heart since he was a child, and over time, he developed amazing hygienic habits.

Thinking of the cockroaches in the room and the crawling over the sheets and bed covers, Zhong Lan's goosebumps arose.

Only Shangguanyi paid attention to the important point.

Where did the academy get the cockroaches from?

Apply insect repellant every two months.

However, the place where Zhong Yuan lives is quite special. It used to be an abandoned warehouse, which may have been overlooked by the janitor.

Shangguanyi said, "Zhong Yuan, are there a lot of cockroaches in your place? Why don't you report to the Academic Affairs Office later, and have someone come over to help you get rid of the cockroaches?"

"It's okay, it's been resolved." Zhong Yuan said, "Six or seven nests of cockroaches were densely packed and liked to crawl and shit at the same time. Finally, insecticide was used to wipe them all out."

Zhong Lan felt nauseated and waved the spoon in protest.

"Brother! I'm having breakfast!"

Zhong Yuan sighed, "You brought up the topic yourself, so you can't blame me."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk! Xiao Lanlan, eat an egg first."

As usual, Feng Qing graciously delivered the peeled eggs to the little sister.

Not far away, several tables of students kept looking at them.

Basically it's all about Zhong Yuan.

After the school celebration, the 1.8 million high ticket deception made him a man of the day at Chengying College.

Basically, there are people watching wherever you go, and from time to time someone secretly takes pictures.

The weirdest thing is that most of the people who secretly took pictures were boys...

Tianxian sister fan group disbanded.

They began to act alone, and they did not exchange experience in candid photography.

A group of cowards, with heart and no guts, only dare to secretly take pictures, not to strike up a conversation!

For example, now, the tables around Zhong Yuan are all empty and no one is sitting.

After all, he is the discipline committee member of the student union, and he eats with Feng Qing and Shangguan Yi every day.

The aura is too much.

Even Zhong Lan was shrouded in a mysterious halo, so scared that the students in the class dared not talk to her, only Xie Yifeng chatted with her occasionally during recess.

The topic of cockroaches is finally over.

Zhong Lan was about to eat spicy bean curd happily.

Sudden! A slender figure came to their table quickly from far to near.

"Good morning, Zhong Yuan!"

"Little sister Zhong Lan, you're early too!"

"Huh? Shangguan Yi, are you there?"

Before the person arrived, the voice of greeting came first.

Su Wanying, the former school belle of Chengying College, never even thought of running into her once in the cafeteria all year round, was standing in front of Zhong Yuan in a dignified manner at this time.

Not saying hello doesn't seem like a good idea.

Zhong Yuan looked up and was surprised to find that Su Wanying was very beautiful today.

Under the thick and curly eyelashes, the bright eyes are as moving as the waves of autumn water.

Specially applied a bright-colored lipstick to set off the white and crystal-clear skin.

The well-tailored school uniform tightly wraps the exquisite figure. When she stopped, the majestic raging bear was like a soft pudding, shaking up and down slightly.

This is a size that countless men talk about and dream of, but it is extremely rare in reality.

Coupled with a friendly and dignified smile, it has a clearer and more pleasant sound than wind chimes.

Su Wanying today is flawless, as perfect as a full moon.

Zhong Yuan inevitably took another look before looking away.

Feng Qing was unmoved, the corner of his mouth twitched, feeling displeased.

It was intentional, but I didn't say hello to him.

"Su Wanying, this table is full. Find another seat."

Feng Qing chased him away unceremoniously.

Su Wanying smiled softly, and said softly, "I've already eaten, I just saw my junior and came over to say hello."

A group of people around were peeping. Seeing this scene, they held their breath nervously.

Three words popped up in their minds at the same time.

Shura field!

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