Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 153 The Real Genius Is Zhong Yuan, Not His Sister

Xiang Chong thought that Zhan Hong asked his subordinates to show mercy.

Maintaining a resting posture, he was calm and calm, with the demeanor of a master, and said to Zhong Yuan, "I'll let you do one trick! No matter what ability you use, you can do it!"

Being so confident doesn't necessarily mean respecting the old and loving the young.

Zhong Yuan thought of this person's self-introduction and said that he is a defense system warrior.

Defense department...

Happened to one a while ago.

After adding the v-letter, not only did I get a cake coupon, but I also chatted a lot about the capabilities of the defense system.

There is an ability called rock, as long as the feet are on the ground, it will be as solid as a rock, not only has super defense, but also is immune to various control abilities.

Zhong Yuan stared at Xiang Chong for a few seconds, then said casually, "Panshi?"

Xiang Chong was quite surprised, and said, "I can't tell, you have good eyesight."

"That's right, it's the rock!" He simply admitted, and proudly said, "I might as well tell you, my rock level is red-level lv2! It's one of the best defensive strengths in the military region!"

"You can do it now. I'll stand and let you fight!"

As he spoke, he had an expression of "I really want to be beaten".

Zhong Yuan felt awe-inspiring.

When the guy who provided the cake coupons chatted with him, he also mentioned the shortcomings of the defense system.

The easiest way to break the rock is to use brute force to break the stable state of both feet on the ground.

It's also worth noting that rocks are often paired with another ability.

Ability: Mirror Back!

When attacked by external force, rebound 80% of the attack!

The disadvantage of this ability is that it will take 20 damage to itself.

But if it is used in conjunction with defense-type abilities or medical-type abilities, the effect will be very good.

Unfortunately, the success rate of mirror return absorption is not high.

In fact, Jiang Tianshuo also wanted to absorb the mirror return, but failed several times, and finally had to give up.

Xiang Chong saw that Zhong Yuan seemed hesitant, and couldn't help laughing, "I might as well tell you, in fact, I can bounce back your attack! The harder you push, the stronger the rebound will be on you!"

He shouted, "Attack with all your strength!"

Really no solution.

It is immune to control and rebounds power. On the battlefield, it is a meat shield type warrior who only pulls hatred, and Jiang Tianshuo's defense belongs to two types.

But so what?

Zhong Yuan said lightly, "Are you sure you want me to use all my strength?"

Xiang Chong stood firmly and said, "Sure!"

How powerful can a mere freshman in high school be?

At this time, Zhong Yuan suddenly asked Mu Hong who was standing on the sidelines loudly, "Instructor Mu, do you have a life to share?"

Mu Hong twitched her lips and said, "Of course!" If she hadn't called the instructor, she wouldn't have bothered to talk to him.

"That's good." Zhong Yuan clenched his fists and said seriously, "I don't worry if I have my life to share."

Dauntless, Fighting Master, Blood for Blood, Poison Eater! Unlock all the abilities of Ghost Trench King Badger together!

Every second!

Fight to the point of insanity!

Until death!

War mad attitude!

Everyone was so nervous that they held their breath.

Even Zhong Lan saw such a big brother for the first time.

"Brother! Come on!!!"

The girl clenched her fist and waved it vigorously in the air.

A cheer sounded the horn of the onslaught.

Zhong Yuan's figure disappeared in place!

No one could see how his steps moved.

I only felt a blur in front of my eyes, and I was already in front of Xiang Chong.

The latter had been waiting intently for a long time, and couldn't help being secretly surprised.

So fast!

What a terrifying momentum!

Although this kid is rude, he does have some skills!

Then, a cold and pale fist seemed to hit Xiang Chong's chest lightly.

Having experienced so many battles before, Zhong Yuan has never used such strength!

Since he is a master sent by the military region, and he is good at defense, and he has won an award at the Military Games, he should be able to withstand this punch!

Who knows...


Juli instantly broke through the rock defense.

Xiang Chong paled in shock, gritted his teeth, trying to stabilize his figure, but he couldn't resist Zhong Yuan's full strength plus the ten times increased attack power.

He didn't hold on for even a tenth of a second, his internal organs seemed to be smashed into pieces, his mouth opened involuntarily, spurting blood wildly.

At the same time, Xiang Chong's mirror return ability has been activated.

Zhong Yuan felt a huge force coming from his fist, which was about to shatter his entire arm.

What are you doing?

I have long since lost my hands...

At this moment, the power of the dark world protected Zhong Yuan's body.

It can neither feel pain nor be destroyed.

Withstanding the impact of the mirror return, Zhong Yuan's arm remained intact.

Then, the blood for blood counterattack was triggered immediately!

Ten percent of the power was bounced back by the mirror and eighty percent returned to Xiang Chong's body with a triple critical strike.

Twenty-four times the force! ! !

Xiang Chong was heartbroken.

Using Mirror Back again, 20% of the attack power cannot be rebounded, and Xiang Chong must bear it by himself.

The rock has already been blown up, what can be used to block it?

If you don't use the mirror back, you will suffer twenty-four times the force, and your death will be even worse!

Left and right are dead!

The moment he flew upside down, Xiang Chong's mind started playing a carousel of memories.

He didn't die on the battlefield, but was punched to death by a student in the teaching class...

That's horrible!

I must be the most aggrieved marketer who died in history!

It seemed a long time to describe it, but actually looking at it with the eyes, it was as simple as Xiang Chong being punched flying by Zhong Yuan, and at the same time spurting blood wildly, spraying out a line on the ground.

And the moment Zhong Yuan attacked with the attitude of a war madman, Mu Hong shuddered, and cast Life Sharing on Xiang Chong without hesitation.

Fighting in a difficult environment for a long time has cultivated a super sixth sense.

Xiang Chong couldn't stand this punch!

In addition to Zhan Hong and Zhong Yuan's repeated reminders, Mu Hong's shot is the strongest life-saving skill!

Xiang Chong's revolving lantern was forcibly interrupted by the life-sharing connection.

At the same time, Mu Hong clearly felt that her vitality was cut in half!

not good!

Her face turned pale in an instant, and without saying a word, she used her ability again.

Pray for life!

Ability: Pray for life, greatly increase the target's life at the cost of one's own life force.

Heals faster and works better than Healing Wind. Because it consumes a lot, it is an ability that will not be used unless it is a last resort.

Mu Hong's life-saving rescue finally stabilized Xiang Chong's dangerous state.

The person knocked out a human-shaped depression on the wall, then fell to the ground, barely struggled, and got up!

Zhong Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed, "Amazing!"

I don't know whether to praise Mu Hong's quick response, or praise her high level of saving people, or praise the blood line on the ground...

In short, Xiang Chong was ashamed to the point of shame.

The revolving lights in the head and the creepy feeling of oppression when you are near death are by no means fake.

Without Mu Hong, he would have been beaten to death.

Just before the battle, he uttered wild words, asking Zhong Yuan to use all his strength...

Xiang Chongwei trembled, and said to the colleagues who came to support the teaching, "I can't teach (train) him! Zhan Hong, look at you! You are the trump card of the God of War team, you can definitely do it!"


Zhan Hong greeted Xiang Chong's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

I have never seen such a superb pig teammate!

Why do you have to get along with Xuan Ming?

At this time, Zhong Yuan saw Zhan Hong's helplessness, and deliberately said, "Instructor Zhan, you'd better send Instructor Mu to treatment as soon as possible."

Zhan Hong was overjoyed immediately, and thought to himself: As expected of Xuan Ming, he is so clever!

He quickly picked up Mu Hong on his back and ran out of the training ground quickly.

In the training ground, two of the four instructors were missing, and one was unable to fight.

I saw that I couldn't attend the class.

Lin Dongliang's face was livid, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

For some reason, he suddenly recalled the first time he met Zhong Yuan in the hospital.

A young man who almost turned into a vegetable, in less than half a year, has become a master that even he can't compare to.


Totally wrong!

The real genius is Zhong Yuan, not his sister!

"Lin Dongliang, do you still think you are qualified to teach me now?"

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