Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 157 Academy Selection, Fangjie Hunting

V letter, cake coupon sharing group.

Jiang Tianshuo: Zhong Yuan, how about the midterm exam results? If you fail the exam and Chengying College does not give you the opportunity to make up the exam, why not come to Hualing College.

Zhong Lan: How can there be make-up exams for midterm exams?

Jiang Tianshuo: Hualing College has the final say. I said that if you can make up the exam, you can make up the exam.

Zhong Yuan: ...

Jiang Tianshuo: How? think about it

Zhong Lan: Cake big brother, you have to talk about it at 8, my brother has very good grades!

Jiang Tianshuo: How good is it? The passing score has been raised to 85 this year.

Zhong Yuan: 100

Jiang Tianshuo: I'm sorry, I'm too small! Offer today's cake coupon! Please accept (humble)

Zhong Lan: Hee hee~~

Jiang Tianshuo felt very sorry.

Zhong Yuan's grades are so good, he definitely doesn't need special tutoring.

However, he also detected a piece of information from the chat.

In this year's college league, Chengying College will definitely send Zhong Yuan to play.

He must team up with Feng Qing.

If there was another Su Wanying in their team, it would be a nightmare for people from other colleges.

It's about the honor of the college, even if the opponent is Zhong Yuan, Jiang Tianshuo will not let it go.

After donating the coupons, he quickly ended the chat and went to the student union to discuss countermeasures with Qiu Ren.

As for Chengying College, the annual college league is personally in charge of the academic affairs director.

This year, the college league was restructured, and the team competition was changed from six to four.

It means that all the teams that reached the top ten in the previous session are not counted, and there are no seeded teams.

And the college cannot deprive other students of their qualifications,

Regardless of whether it is an individual competition or a team competition, they have to be selected within the school and finally entered the list.

After the midterm exam, the situation was grim.

There are not many people who have passed 85 points in the second and third grades.

The Academic Affairs Office mobilized again and again, and finally, those students who were eligible to participate in the selection finally completed the free team formation.

Including Feng Qing's team, a total of six teams gathered in the training ground at this time.

Zhong Yuan finally met the other two teammates.

Xie Yihan

Special class third grade.

The control system is capable.

Possess abilities: wind breath, hypnotic sound wave, exchange displacement

Zhang Rui

Second grade special class.

Auxiliary Department of Ruins.

Possess abilities: blessing, spiritual cage, poisonous mist

Looking at the smiling Xie Yihan in front of him, Zhong Yuan felt a little familiar, and couldn't help but said, "Senior, did we meet somewhere?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Xie Yihan didn't expect Zhong Yuan to still remember him, and he was a little excited, and said, "When you entered school, I received you at the school gate! At that time, I asked you if I wanted to take you to the dormitory."

It's a bit different from the real situation.

However, Zhong Yuan also remembered this person and said, "Thank you so much at that time."

"Ham, where?" Xie Yihan scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "My younger brother is in the same class as you. If possible, please take care of him."

younger brother?

Zhong Yuan was startled.

That's right, Xie Yifeng's name is very similar to Xie Yihan's, so he should be his younger brother.

Zhong Yuan laughed, "Xie Yifeng, right? He sits behind my sister, they often chat."

Xie Yihan was overjoyed.

The same goes for building a good relationship with Zhong Yuan's sister.

I once witnessed Zhong Yuan defeating Shangguanyi with my own eyes, and I know that Zhong Yuan is the most capable person in Chengying Academy.

Originally, Xie Yihan was not qualified to form a team with Feng Qing, who made the midterm exam too difficult, and it was a paper from the district, the cultural teacher bet desperately on the question, but failed!

As a result, there are very few people who have passed 85 points in all subjects.

And Xie Yihan has been working very hard in his culture classes, his test scores are in the top ten in his grade, and he is smart, so he was pulled into the team by Feng Qing.

The other teammate named Zhang Rui is a girl with waist-length hair.

He is slender, about 1.6 meters tall, and has a somewhat gloomy temperament.

The third grade really couldn't choose a suitable person, so Feng Qing had to go to the second grade to choose.

Unexpectedly, the second grade is also mostly scumbags, only Zhang Rui, like Zhong Yuan, is a top student with perfect marks in all subjects.

Her ability is very good, both support, mental attack, and a rare poison attack.

You can play with Zhong Yuan, and you can also cooperate with Xie Yihan.

However, the instructor's evaluation of Zhang Rui is that she is introverted, hardly talks to others in the class, has a very, very low sense of presence, and may not be suitable for team combat.

It's not a big problem, just follow the instructions.

Feng Qing was afraid that Zhang Rui would not want to join the team.

Unexpectedly, when she heard that Zhong Yuan was in the team, she immediately agreed to join.

"Hello! My name is Zhang Rui!"

The girl greeted everyone in a low voice.

Her bangs had grown below her eyes, and with those thick glasses, she looked terribly uncomfortable.

Zhong Yuan wished he could cut her bangs with a single knife.

And Zhang Rui noticed that Zhong Yuan had been staring at her face, her cheeks were hot, and she ran to the side anxiously, and stopped talking.

Does she have social phobia?

Zhong Yuan secretly thought: It might not be easy to get along with.

Contrary to Zhang Rui, Xie Yihan is simply socially obsessed.

After saying hello to my teammates, I ran to the side to say hello to other assembled people.

All kinds of talking and laughing, the most important part of friendship is participation. He was not beaten, but he was a talent.

Feng Qing smiled and said to Zhong Yuan, "Xie Yihan is the number one clerk in the Propaganda Department of our student union, and he is very popular. Even if you are the public enemy of the whole school, he can help you bring back the persona and make you the mascot of the whole school .”

Zhong Yuan couldn't help frowning, "Since when did I become a public enemy of the whole school? My popularity is very good!" When I went to the cafeteria to cook, I was given a lot of dishes every time, and I would also give eggs and free milk.

Feng Qing was speechless for a while.

The rumors were so fierce that Zhong Yuan himself didn't realize it at all.

Fortunately, he was there when Su Wanying was rejected, otherwise he would have believed those rumors.

Feng Qing said quietly, "Anyway, be careful. Many boys are gearing up to punch your face."

"No." Zhong Yuan retorted, "It's because you speak too viciously, act arrogantly, and provoke public anger. They won't beat me even if they beat you." After all, I'm still super cute.

"Gamble breakfast for a week, see who they want to blow up."

"Just bet, you're going to lose anyway."

Zhang Rui squatted on the side without any sense of presence, wanting to join their conversation, but didn't dare to go forward. I could only prick up my ears to eavesdrop.

There are rumors everywhere in the college that Zhong Yuan and the school girl Su Wanying are dating.

Zhang Rui doesn't think so.

If they really dated, they would hold hands and form a team.

Behind the long bangs, a bright eye shone with excitement.

She has observed Zhong Yuan for a long time.

Tiantian eats with Feng Qing in the cafeteria, sits next to each other during student union meetings, and now even participates in college league games together, chatting as if no one else is around.

If Jiang Siyuan was here, he would definitely cherish each other with Zhang Rui and have endless heartfelt words.

And Feng Qing never expected that after a long time of careful selection in the special class of the second grade, he actually picked a girl with extremely dangerous thoughts.

After messing around for a while, Gu Yan finally came to the training ground.

"Line up!"

With an order, a group of students lined up neatly.

Gu Yan glanced at them and nodded in satisfaction.

"You are all elite students who have passed the regional unified examination! This college league, our college will send two teams to participate. I hope that the qualified team will go all out and play the style of my Chengying College!"

"Now, I'm announcing that the rules for this year's academy selection are Square Boundary Hunting."

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