Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 179: It's A Fair Fight, But You Want To Cheat?

Lao Kai's real name is Kevin Lee, and his name in China is Li Kaiwen.

Chinese American Beacon.

Born in Lighthouse Country, he returned to Hua Country with his parents since he was a child, and grew up in Hua Country.

However, the school I attended was a private school, specially for foreign children.

In such an environment, it is very difficult to have a sense of belonging to China.

Li Kaiwen has always believed that he is a member of the Lighthouse Country, one level higher than the Hua Country.

When the people from the Lighthouse Country approached him and asked him if he would like to become a slayer, Li Kaiwen readily agreed, and even participated in the flame titan experimental project.

He became one of the few successful individuals of the project.

After growing up, he found a well-paid job in China and is now an executive of a software company.

And because his parents were old and wanted to return to their roots, they simply stayed in Huaguo and never returned to Lighthouse Country.

Who would have thought that a person who has been living and studying in Huaguo for nearly thirty years, almost born and bred, is actually a hidden stake planted by the Lighthouse Kingdom.

Such high-level hidden piles are very rare, and it takes a lot of time and resources to cultivate one.

Once used, it must be a big deal.

If nothing can be done, all life-saving priority!

Li Kaiwen was running wildly on the way to save his life.

A few rounds of air bombs had no effect, and he was determined.

Flame titan's ability is the strongest!

There are almost no offensive skills that can restrain it, unless it encounters some powerful spiritual abilities.

The distance is so far, it has long been beyond the control of the spiritual department, and it is impossible to control him again!

The exit is close at hand!

What is a guard?

Get out!

No one can stop it!

In order to escape for his life, Li Kaiwen couldn't care less about anything.

No matter how powerful the defense system is, it can't stop the burning of the flame titan.

Big deal, kill all the people stationed outside the square!

Seeing this, Feng Qing's heart tightened, and he said to Zhong Yuan, "Yuan Yuan! That flame man is about to run out of the square! There are so many people outside, it must be bad!"

Freeze him with the Eternal Ice Realm, there is still time!

Feng Qing was just about to say what was in his heart!

However, Eternal Ice is not acceptable.

The body surface of the flame titan is as high as 5,000 degrees Celsius, and the second stage directly reaches tens of thousands of degrees Celsius.

Absolute zero encounters such ultra-high temperatures, and it will only return in vain.

The only ability that Zhong Yuan can use is hot blast pressure!

Its attack range is 10,000 meters.

Brainless release, indiscriminate destruction is the correct usage.

The same goes for Eternal Ice Territory.

If you want to use the super wide-area capability to kill someone, you need extremely strong control.

Last time in the Shennongjia square, Zhong Yuan turned on the heat burst to deal with Robbs. In fact, the ability is forcibly increased, and the release range of the hot explosion pressure is very small, which is easy to control.

Now, without the Ice and Blood Explosion, the pressure of the heat explosion can reach 10,000 meters, and even the anchor point will be destroyed if you are not careful.

Zhong Yuan opened his eagle eyes and stared at the flame titan, his face was as calm as water, with a cold murderous intent.

Seeing this, Feng Qing was full of anticipation.

Naturally born aliens, just like humanoid aliens, cannot acquire abilities through acquired crystals.

It is precisely because of the regrets that ordinary people do not have that Feng Qing has a character of worshiping and longing for power.

finally coming?

The ability to freeze everything!

Finally see it again...

"Hahaha! I'm out! I finally escaped and ascended to heaven!"

Only a hundred meters away from the entrance and exit of Fangjie, Li Kaiwen was so excited that he was like a monkey escaping from Wuzhishan.

At the same time, a strong desire for revenge welled up in his heart.

Even if the mission failed, he would have to kill a few Huaguo warriors to vent his anger.

Although Li Kaiwen has received higher education and has an excellent mind, his life has been smooth and smooth, and he has never been wronged.

After finally using such a strong ability, he wished he could let go and kill himself. His ideological realm is far inferior to that of Ruan Kai of Benan Kingdom, and he didn't think about the impact of killing people at all.

The moment he was only one step away from the entrance and exit! An unbelievable force hit the flame titan without warning.

The flame immediately disappeared.

With the annihilation of the body, the brutal will is quietly erased.

Not even a second,

Kevin Lee, dead.

There was no pain, no sound, and even before dying, he was still thinking about how to kill the guards outside.

Due to lack of ability, it was difficult to condense Ruin Crystal in the body, and Li Kaiwen left nothing behind after his death.

There was a faint scorching smell in the air, indicating that a flame titan had once existed.

Feng Qing looked stunned.

I thought I would see the wonders of ice and snow, but I didn't expect the flames to disappear when the titan said no.

What kind of ability against the sky can directly kill people, not even the slightest scum?

After thinking about it, Feng Qing was terrified.

Every day, Zhong Yuan just eats his sister's leftovers and goes to class when he has nothing to do.

Can't sleep without my sister's alarm.

Almost no material desires, and no curiosity.

Su Wanying didn't even care about posting to him, she was more aloof from the world than a stray frog.

I don't know when it became so strong!

He is so strong!

Feng Qing was so frightened that he was so excited that he trembled.

With such a close friend, what else is there to be afraid of?

After killing the flame titan, Zhong Yuan also heaved a sigh of relief.

In a critical moment, what is left alive?

Kill directly!

Finally, only the man with the Qilin arm was left.

It's a man who keeps scolding and doesn't run away.

"Xiao Bizi! What a hero to hide on the bird's back all the time!"

"If you have the guts, come down and challenge your grandpa!"

"If you don't come down, your son has no eyes!"

Zhong Yuan had no expression on his face, and shouted at Duan Yong, "You call me daddy, and I'll come down!"

Duan Yong was drenched in blood, risked his life, and scolded vigorously, when he suddenly heard Zhong Yuan reply, he was stunned.

After two seconds, he came to his senses, roared angrily, "Looking for death!!!"

The lightning burst out suddenly, and the arc surrounded Duan Yong's body, and he screamed in grief and indignation.

"I don't agree!"

"You killed Shou Ma Gan by virtue of your ability! And you killed Sand Tiger by your ability!"

"Apart from the ability to attack from a distance, what other skills do you have?!"

Feng Qing rolled his eyes speechlessly.


Breaking the law with one move?

You can't beat it, and you actually blame my Yuan Yuan for not being able to do it?

What tiger wolf logic?

Simply crazy!

Feng Qing was about to say something sarcastic, but was interrupted by Zhong Yuan's gesture.

Zhong Yuan coldly shouted at Duan Yong, "I heard that you served in the Northwest Military Region?"

Duan Yong was shocked.

After retiring for so many years, he had already changed his face and moved to other cities to live.

How did they recognize it?

If you admit it, it will discredit the military region.

Don't let them look down on people from the Northwest Military Region!

Duan Yong denied viciously, "No! I didn't!"


Zhong Yuan said indifferently, "Whether you have it or not, your accomplices are all gone. Now you are the only one left."

"I can come down and have a fair fight with you. If you win, I will do what you want. If you lose, go back and surrender. How?"

In fact, there is a third option: If you lose and cheat, I will cut off your head.

Duan Yong said loudly, "You can't use abilities! I don't need abilities either!"

Zhong Yuan said briskly, "Yes!"

Hearing Zhong Yuan agree, Duan Yong was overjoyed.

Children who are not deeply involved in the world are just naive!

How can a marketer not use his ability to fight?

Lure him down first, and then turn him over as soon as he enters the discharge range!

At this time, Feng Qing frowned and said, "Yuan Yuan, be careful of fraud. If you don't use your ability, the other party may not abide by the agreement."

Zhong Yuan said with a blank face, "I know. Just because he has a half-knowledge of the discharge ability, I can defeat him even without the ability."

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