Huang Xiaoyan thought that she had thrown out enough conditions to make people tempted. After all, Xie Yifeng told her so many things, which are not accessible to ordinary freshmen.

However, she was doomed to be disappointed.

Zhong Yuan has already seen that Huang Xiaoyan only knows a little bit of superficiality at most. The person who really has the information is probably that Xie Yifeng.

His expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "Xie Yifeng told you the information you have, right? I can also get the information by forming a team with him, why bother looking for you?"

Huang Xiaoyan's eyes flickered, and he hesitated, "No... no, I found out by myself..."

The dog shook his head when he heard it.

He doesn't even know how to lie, he just looks like he's heartless.

Teaming up with this kind of person will get tricked sooner or later, no wonder she was kicked out of the team by Xie Yifeng.

However, if she insisted on following, it would be troublesome.

Zhong Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said helplessly, "Forget it, I will give you a piece of information for free. The place where the person died just now has no snakes now. If you go back, you should be able to pick up two supplies. Believe it or not Up to you, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left without lingering for a second.

If Huang Xiaoyan is determined to team up with Zhong Yuan and chase after her, Zhong Yuan will have nothing to do with her. But when she heard that there were supplies to pick up, she got tangled up again.

Holding three supplies in hand, and finding other people to form a team, most of them will be accepted. There is no need to cling to Zhong Yuan.

Huang Xiaoyan stood there in a daze, feeling unspeakably aggrieved.

This repressed emotion completely broke out as Zhong Yuan kept moving away.

Huang Xiaoyan screamed hysterically, "You also despise me and don't want to form a team with me...Even if you make more excessive demands, I will agree...Why do you reject me so cruelly? What right do you have to reject me!! !"

Zhong Yuan hurriedly quickened his pace without even turning his head.

What are the more egregious demands?

What dangerous thoughts are in your mind at such a young age!

go now!

His figure completely disappeared on the mountain road.

"You are cold-blooded!!!"

The echoes swayed in circles in the mountains, and Huang Xiaoyan's tears finally fell.

It's useless to forcefully follow along. In case of danger, Zhong Yuan will definitely not care about her, and she has to save herself in the end.

On the other hand, the temptation of the two supplies was too great, Huang Xiaoyan didn't want to give up, so she had to go against Zhong Yuan.

In fact, she had already made a decision in her heart to go back and pick up supplies!

"Wait for me! I won't let you off when I become a Ruin Warrior!"

Today's humiliation will be reported tomorrow!

She vowed to become the strongest warrior in the class. When the time comes, all the boys who bullied her will be trampled under their feet.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

"Well, I've already got rid of that woman, why hasn't the feeling of being targeted disappeared?"

The chilly feeling behind me grew stronger.

The faded signs indicated that there were still two hundred meters left before the top of the mountain.

At this time, Zhong Yuan had been climbing for nearly two hours.

The sky was still gray and there was no sign of darkness.

There is no difference between day and night in Fangjie. If there is no watch to determine the time, it is easy to cause cognitive confusion.

"At this time, Lanlan should have already had dinner. She didn't participate in the military training. The academy must have arranged other courses for her, so she probably won't teach her strange things..."

Zhong Yuan frowned and began to worry.

Outside Fangjie, Chengying College.

Lin Dongliang rushed to the academy in person and invited Zhong Lan to dinner at his own expense.

On the first day of school for a little girl, it is necessary to take care of her.

The two of them were sitting in the teacher's cafeteria. People who didn't know thought Zhong Lan was Lin Dongliang's daughter.

Several faculty and staff passed by and cast doubtful eyes on them. However, they were relieved when they saw the major's military emblem on Lin Dongliang's shoulder, and at the same time, they secretly remembered the girl's appearance.

At the dining table, Lin Dongliang smiled kindly, "Can I order you another butter pudding?"

"No need. Uncle Lin! I really can't eat anymore!" Zhong Lan stroked her round belly, and became friendly with Lin Dongliang by her address.

There are a lot of exquisite meals on the table, all of which are special delicacies for the teachers of the college, even students in special classes cannot eat them.

Lin Dongliang tried to ask, "How do you feel on your first day at school?"

Zhong Lan was full of joy, "It feels good! The campus is beautiful, the dormitory is huge, the teachers are very kind, and the food in the cafeteria is delicious. Everything is great!"

Lin Dongliang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "That's good. If you have other needs, just tell Uncle Lin directly!"

He took out a mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Zhong Lan,

"You take this mobile phone and use it. My number is put in it. If you have any difficulties, you can contact me at any time."

Contacting the captain of the famous Nighthawk team at any time can be described as a big face.

And mobile phones are not ordinary goods.

It is drop-resistant, waterproof and high-temperature resistant, and has satellite positioning, even if it enters the square, it will not lose the signal.

The number is confidential, and ordinary people are not qualified to inquire about the owner's information.

Zhong Lan hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "My big brother has always told me not to take things from others, not to mention expensive items like mobile phones, not even a lollipop!"

Good guy!

Good guy!

Your big brother is really... so right!

Lin Dongliang's eyelids twitched, and he said, "But Uncle Lin is not an outsider! Think about it, with a mobile phone, I can call your brother every day. And I didn't say I would give it to you, but I just lent it to you temporarily Yes. Buy new ones after you earn your own money."

"Then I'm sorry! Thank you Uncle Lin!"

Zhong Lan's eyes lit up slightly, and he finally stopped being entangled. He took the machine in his hand, and immediately entered the big brother's number.

Lin Dongliang looked at her with a smile, and sighed slightly in his heart.

In the end, I relied on the power of big brother to convince her, not to mention, big brother is really easy to use! (I don't know why I feel a little sad)

"By the way, where's your brother?" Lin Dongliang asked strangely.

Zhong Yuan is also a boarding student, so he should be called over for dinner.

Zhong Lan said casually, "He went to military training with his classmates."

What? !

Lin Dongliang's eyes widened immediately, and he even stuttered when he spoke.

"Military training is to sign... the one who signed that, did he sign it?"

Zhong Lan tilted his head, blinked his big innocent eyes, and asked strangely, "Sign what?"

Depend on! ! !

Lin Dongliang cursed in his heart.

How do people from Chengying College do things?

Zhong Yuan is just an auditor, so he doesn't need to participate in the tactical training and actual combat exercises of the Ruins!

Why arrange him to go to military training?

It is a common practice for freshmen to enter Fangjie for military training, and there are casualties every year. If Zhong Yuan has any troubles in it, Zhong Lan will definitely hate him to death!

Absolutely don't let her big brother make any mistakes!

The situation was extremely urgent, Lin Dongliang smiled at Zhong Lan as if nothing had happened, and said, "There will be a fruit ice cream later, you can eat slowly, Uncle Lin is going to make a phone call now."

Zhong Lan Bingxue was smart, and said bluntly, "Military training is dangerous, right? Can you let my big brother come back sooner?"

Lin Dongliang almost fell off the chair, so he quickly comforted her, "Don't worry, there is no danger, he will be back soon."

He walked out of the restaurant quickly and called the director of the academic affairs office of the college.

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