Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 181 Smart People Usually Have A Hard Head

Two conditions are required for virtual reflection to read brain memory.

1. The target is a living body, or within 24 hours of death.

Second, the brain must be kept intact.

How can the brain be intact after being gnawed by bugs?

In ancient times, there were people who killed people to kill their mouths, but now there are people who kill people to kill their brains.

So, did the other two have such bugs in their heads?

Zhong Yuan felt bad, and immediately rushed to the Sand Tiger lying on the ground.

Turn the person up and take a look.

I'm out of breath.

It stands to reason that this person is a defense system warrior with tenacious vitality. Although he shared his life with the thin hemp pole and was cut in half, he certainly would not die on the spot.

Focusing on Sand Tiger's head, Zhong Yuan found a small hole in his temple.

The wound is not big, just the size of the thumb cover.

A stream of blood was spilling from the wound.

I don't know when it was killed by insects.

Sha Hu died without a sound, not even a cry for help.

Zhong Yuan's heart is heavy.

If you can't keep alive, at least keep your brain intact.

Unexpectedly, the basic tasks could not be completed.

Two people have already been bitten to death by insects, and the last skinny stick will definitely not be spared.

Turn the body of the skinny stick, and focus on exploring his head.

As expected.

There is also a small hole in the back of the head!

The human skull is very hard.

How could an ordinary ladybug bite through a human skull?

Unless it is a foreign race, such as Taigu Chi Lian, who has the ability to bite and kill, and can easily crush hard bones.

Could it be that this red bug is a foreign race?

Zhong Yuan recalled the moment when Duan Yong's forehead was bitten off, and he didn't even notice that there was something wrong with his body.

It shows that this bug can parasitize in the human brain without anyone noticing.

Now, at least two weird bugs came out of people's brains.

They cannot be allowed to move freely in Zhangjiajie Fangjie.

If eggs are laid here, over time, a large swarm of insects will be born, and this square will be over.

Feng Qing stood far away and did not see the scene where the ghost-eyed ladybug came out of Duan Yong's mind.

I just secretly wondered why a strange insect happened to be crucified on the forehead of the enemy.

Could this be the reason why Zhong Yuan killed by mistake?

When you see a bug, you instinctively hit it with a throwing knife?

Feng Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his heart, and seeing Zhong Yuan was turning over dead people all the time, he couldn't help asking strangely, "Yuan Yuan, what are you doing?"

Zhong Yuan didn't have time to explain, so he hurriedly said, "Be careful of bugs!"

While speaking, a ghost-eyed ladybug quietly emerged from the clothes of the thin stick.

At this time, its body is in a magical translucent form, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

It was the worm that lived in the brain of the thin hemp rod.

When the host dies, it drills out to find the next parasitic target.

Sudden! The ghost-eyed ladybug spread its wings and quickly flew towards Zhong Yuan.


The ghost-eyed ladybug rushed straight into Zhong Yuan's ear canal.

Then, it's like being caught in an endless maze and can't find the direction.

What is displayed in front of the worm is not a delicious and juicy brain, but an endless dark world.

It suddenly fell into confusion, flapped its wings, and wanted to fly out of this strange world, but found that the way it came from had disappeared.

Well done.

Just waiting for you!

In the dark world, Zhong Yuan's will rose up, enveloped the bug, and began to quickly assimilate it.

In less than half a second, the ghost-eyed ladybug's life essence and memories were all absorbed by the darkness and became a part of the dark world.

Zhong Yuan was startled, and actually saw the memory of the thin stick from the memory of the ghost-eyed ladybug!

not good!

Regardless of what the memory actually is.

Zhong Yuan only knew that this weird bug was not only used to kill people, but could also read the memory of the host.

This means that even if the actions of Duan Yong and others fail, the bugs will bring the information out of the square, so that the people behind the scenes can understand the reasons for the failure and formulate a more careful action plan.

too frightening!

Fortunately, the secret of the bug was discovered.

There is also a worm, which should not have run far.

Must find it!

Zhong Yuan's eyes were sharp, and he turned on his super perception, continuously sensing the wind and grass nearby.

After a while, traces of bugs were found.

I go!

Unknowingly, he crawled onto the back of Feng Qing's neck!

Once parasitized, it cannot be recovered.

Even people and insects, freeze together!

Zhong Yuan looked solemn, and was about to use Ningbing to Feng Qing, but!

The ghost-eyed ladybug seemed to feel that the crisis was coming, so instead of going out of the ear canal, it climbed directly to the back of Feng Qing's head and slammed into it!

The next moment, it seemed to have encountered some kind of strong obstacle, and could no longer move forward.

At the same time, Feng Qing felt some pain in the back of his head, and quickly raised his hand.


He slapped the round ghost-eyed ladybug with his palm, and took it down in minutes.

"What the hell?"

I felt something hard on my hand, and it was still wet.

Feng Qing grabbed the unknown object in his hand and took a closer look.

It turned out to be a brightly colored ladybug, exactly the same as the one nailed to Duan Yong's forehead.

The worm was still alive, with blood on his body, and three pairs of worm legs kicked desperately, trying to escape from the claws of the devil.

Feng Qing said disgustedly, "There are so many bugs in Zhangjiajie, how can they suck blood?"

Then, after a moment of fear in his heart, he beeped softly, "Fortunately, Yuan Yuan didn't see him. If he had an insecticidal attack and flew over with a knife, even I would be unlucky."

Think I didn't hear you?

How can I have any insecticide!

Zhong Yuan's eyelids twitched, he breathed a sigh of relief, walked up to him, and said, "This bug is very dangerous. It almost bit your skull and got into your brain just now. If you didn't take a picture of it, I would Prepare to freeze you and the worms together."

"So fierce?" Feng Qing said in shock.

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "What did you say?"

"Um... I mean, the bugs are fierce."

Feng Qing hurriedly added an explanation, squeezed the bug tightly to prevent it from escaping, and said, "Help me see the back of my head."

Zhong Yuan glanced at it and said, "The skin is bleeding, and the hair is bald."

Broken skin and bleeding are acceptable, but baldness is unbearable!

Feng Qing immediately brushed himself a retrospective date.

The injured area disappeared immediately, and the back of the head returned to an intact state.

And that worm, caught by Feng Qing, never gave up and ran away, kicking its legs desperately.

Feng Qing said in surprise, "This bug is quite powerful."

Zhong Yuan said with a sullen face, "I suspect that all the mercenaries are parasitized by bugs. Their brains have been destroyed and they can no longer probe their memories. Let's use this bug to do business!"

"The strength of the equipment is limited. It cannot be put into a container, otherwise it will escape. Just grab it in your hand and take it back."

As he said that, he stared at the back of Feng Qing's head strangely, and sighed, "Your brain is really hard enough."

Feng Qing laughed dryly, and said, "It must be, smart people are usually hard-headed."

I really don't know if he is boasting or laughing at himself...

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