Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 183 The Sixth Seat Of The Nine Ruins·Qi Xiu

Zhang Rui put the dagger on the safety rope and rubbed it back and forth, as if it would cut it off at any time.

Seeing this, Xie Yihan turned pale with shock, and quickly said, "I swear, I will help you keep the secret and never reveal it to others! I am the secretary of the student union, and I will sit across from them during meetings, and I can secretly take photos for you! Make sure the angle is perfect, The photos are clear!"


Is it so upbeat? !

I always feel like he is used to doing this kind of thing...

Zhang Rui immediately put away the dagger and said with a smile, "Deal!"

She thought for a while, and then said, "Actually, I was just joking with you!"

"Hehe, I know you're joking..."

Abandoning the bottom line and successfully saving himself, Xie Yihan was so nervous that he was dying, his heart was still beating wildly, and he ignored the fear of flying high in the sky for a while.

Fear of heights tends to be cured. However, Zhang Rui's beautiful image in his heart also completely collapsed.

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have asked.

However, Xie Yihan is very experienced in dealing with this type of girl.

Maybe they are particularly scary when they launch a ruthless attack, but as long as the response method is correct, it will be resolved peacefully in minutes.

Moreover, once you know their secrets, they will openly chat with you, and even have various large-scale dialogues. It is possible to treat you as a male girlfriend over time.

Xie Yihan secretly thought: Feng Qing, don't blame me! I also want to live...

Suddenly, Zhong Yuan's voice sounded from their watches.

"Feng Qing and I finished our work. The academy instructed to go back as soon as possible. The meeting point was changed to the sign at the entrance of Fangjie."

"Please answer when you hear it."

Great, finally we can go.

Xie Yihan wept with joy, and hurriedly replied, "Then Zhang Rui and I will go back to Bailong Tianti to get the backpack and Xujing, and then go to the entrance to meet you."

"You put your watch close to the Eagle King, and I'll talk to it."

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Half an hour later, Feng Qing's team reunited at the entrance.

In addition, there are also two juvenile double-headed vultures brought by Zhong Yuan.

Using super perception to investigate several times, it was finally determined that they were parasitized by ghost-eyed ladybugs.

Two vultures, four heads, one worm.

Xie Yihan asked in a daze, "Zhong Yuan, don't you want to take these two double-headed eagles out of Fangjie? Central China Military Region won't allow it."

Flying on a vulture is fun, but there has never been a precedent for a living alien race to leave the square.

Raised here, it can only be used by the market experts to experience and obtain market crystals.

Zhong Yuan didn't change his face, and said, "The one who was taken out for research has already been contacted. Someone will come and take it away later."

Zhang Rui and Xie Yihan breathed a sigh of relief.

So this is what Zhong Yuan and Feng Qing are doing...

Just don't break the rules.

To be on the safe side, it's better to wait in the square.

However. . .

After waiting for almost an hour, no one came to pick me up.

Seeing that the appointed time is approaching.

Even Feng Qing felt strange.

The Academy of Sciences has always done things very quickly, but this time it was abnormally slow. Nothing will go wrong, will it?

At the same time, outside Fangjie, the atmosphere was tense.

Several researchers from the Academy of Sciences were stopped by the Tianqin team led by Song Jianguo.

These researchers did not bring any documents, but only the identity certificates of the Academy of Sciences. Wanting to enter Fangjie is tantamount to breaking in, so of course they cannot be allowed in.

The Tianqin team has always been known for its defense, and all six of them have launched their defense capabilities. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as impenetrable.

Six layers of crystal walls, three rocks, and a lot of uninterrupted brushing of blessings.

Known as the Ultimate Turtle Shell.

Now, standing in front of the researcher also blocked the entrance and exit of Fangjie.

Seeing that Song Jianguo refused to open the door, the leading researcher patiently explained.

"Captain Song, we have to deal with special matters. In case of emergency, our Academy of Sciences has the right to enter and leave any boundary!"

Song Jianguo said expressionlessly, "I don't know what a special event is. Right now, only the academy team is conducting hunting activities in Fangjie. At most, the Hanlin Academy team has already entered a rescue team when they encounter a little situation."

"What is the basis for the Academy of Sciences to determine that there is an emergency in the square?"

Facing the questioning, the researcher said calmly, "I'm sorry, it's a confidential operation, and it's inconvenient to disclose."

Song Jianguo said coldly, "Then, please show your entry permit."

He must do business, but he will not let him go.

Waiting for the permit to be approved will take at least a day.

God knows what will happen in Fangjie during this period of time.

The researcher looked embarrassed, turned his head and said to a middle-aged man behind him, "Mr. Qi, how do you think about this matter?"

The man called Mr. Qi took a step forward and said to Song Jianguo, "Tell your team to back off, or don't blame me for being rude."

He was wearing a long black trench coat with a crescent white shirt underneath.

The attire is different from that of the researcher,

Song Jianguo noticed that this person had a long soft sword tied around his waist.

He's supposed to be the researcher's bodyguard.

Song Jianguo secretly made a judgment and said mockingly, "You want to force your way in if you can't show your permit? Okay! You guys can give it a try!"

Mr. Qi said peacefully, "Then let me see the strength of the strongest defense team in the country."

Several researchers looked at each other, and immediately retreated quickly behind Mr. Qi.

He just retreated two or three meters, obviously trusting his strength very much.

Mr. Qi drew a soft sword from his waist.

Jidao Weapons Series Qixiu's exclusive Longquan sword.

The Supervision Bureau rarely customizes weapons for people.

Feng Qing grew up in the courtyard and is Feng Zhuzhen's own son, so it's no problem to make some gadgets for him.

If the Supervising Bureau were to seriously design exclusive weapons for a special person, that person must be of extraordinary strength and make great contributions to the country.

Song Jianguo's level is not enough, so he doesn't know that this sword is an exclusive weapon, only that it is a real one, the kind that has been sharpened.

The sword body is soft, hard and soft, and after it is untied, it immediately returns to a straight state, with a cold light and a sword that soars to the sky.

"Do you want to defeat our Tianqin team with this sword alone? Don't dream!"

Song Jianguo immediately joined the team's defensive formation.

Manually release one layer of crystal walls, six layers of crystal walls, what can you do to me?

At this time, Mr. Qi suddenly said, "Is there any treatment in the team? It is recommended to hang up Life Sharing as soon as possible to avoid accidents."

Song Jianguo snorted coldly, "Don't worry about it!"

"I'm ready to make a move. Pay attention."

"If you want to fight, hit quickly!"

"I'm really going to make a move."

Long-winded and long-winded, point and point.

If Zhong Yuan is here, he must find this style of painting very familiar.

Seeing that the Tianqin team was waiting in full force, Mr. Qi finally showed his ancient martial arts sword skills.

Sudden! His momentum skyrocketed.

Hua Guang, who was so fast to the extreme, formed a straight line, no one could clearly see how many swords he swung in one second.

Ability: Wind Breath!

Ability: Penetrate!

Wind Sickle Twenty Sickle Wind!

The three abilities are superimposed and go straight to the ultimate tortoise shell of the Tianqin team.

The moment the huge vacuum blade approached, Song Jianguo finally showed surprise.

This is... the Wind Scythe?

Although the crystals were imported from the country of cherry blossoms, it was the people of Hua who really carried forward the wind sickle.

Song Jianguo yelled at the team members, "Block it!!!"

Before the words fell, twenty superimposed vacuum blades tore through the defense of the first layer of crystal wall, and then the second, third, and fourth layers...

break! break! break! break! break!

The crystal wall defense is like a window paper pasted with paper, which can be broken with a poke.

The battle is over.

In less than two seconds, all members of the Tianqin team were unable to fight and entered a state of paralysis.

Fortunately, Mr. Qi was merciful and didn't hit the team members, otherwise they would have suffered heavy casualties.

Song Jianguo was swept by the remaining power of twenty sickle winds, and a deep bone wound was cut on his waist.

At this time, he finally realized that this Mr. Qi is the top expert of the Academy of Defense Science!

"Cough! are from the Academy of can't be so domineering...I...go to the Market Management Bureau to report you!"

Mr. Qi didn't care at all, and said, "My name is Qi Xiu, you can report it to Wang Podi, as long as you report my name."

He put away the Longquan sword and said to the researcher, "You can open the square now."

Several researchers looked happy and said, "Thank you, sir."

Then, Feng Qing's team finally waited for the person who came to meet them.

The timing was just right.

Zhong Yuan stepped out of the square and found that, including Song Jianguo, members of the Tianqin team had fallen to the ground.

Feng Qing was in a hurry to hand in the ghost-eyed ladybug, and he couldn't even shake the wounded.

The insects are fierce, and after pinching them for a long time, my hands are almost cramping.

I can finally relax,

Suddenly, seeing Mr. Qi who came with the researcher, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he honestly stepped forward to say hello.

"Uncle Qi, why are you here?"

Qi Xiu said lightly, "If you don't reply to your mother's V letter, she asked me to come over and ask you face to face if you can go home during the winter vacation."

Feng Qing couldn't believe it, "That's it?! Can you make a special trip?" My mother is getting more and more excessive!

"of course not."

A warm smile appeared on Qi Xiu's face, he turned to look at Zhong Yuan, and said, "Recently, a very nice little guy was born out of nowhere. I just took the opportunity to come and have a look. I heard that he is quite cute."

Zhong Yuan:? ? ?

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