"Wanying! Are you there?"

"I know you're here, open the door!"

Su Wanying cried a lot. She had just finished taking a shower and was about to eat snacks when suddenly there was a knock on the door from her best friend.

Su Wanying struggled for a while, and finally ran to open the door.

What caught my eye was Jiang Siyuan in full gear.

I saw her holding a plastic bag with a lot of cat food in her left hand. A huge cat litter is held in the right hand.

The shape is a super cute crown, the material is soft and skin-friendly, as long as the cat climbs up, it is guaranteed not to come down!

Su Wanying was stunned and said, "Why are you going?"

"Hey cat!" Jiang Siyuan said with a serious face, as if he was about to go to the battlefield, "Wanying, are you together?"

Su Wanying was not in the mood at all, she waved her hand and said, "You go, I won't go."

Jiang Siyuan said, "Are you sure you don't want to go? Actually, I met a super cute, super beautiful and super smart black cat by the incinerator last night."

Her expression gradually became intoxicated, and even her voice became soft.

"I made an appointment with it, and bring it delicious food today."

Su Wanying raised a little interest and said, "How cute can it be? Is it more beautiful than that Sanhua?"

"It's incomparable!" Jiang Siyuan said, "I mean, Sanhua can't compare with it! By the way, I took a photo! Help me get the cat litter, and I'll show you!"

Two minutes later, Su Wanying was shocked, and said in a broken voice, "My God! So cute!"

"Yes, yes!"

Actually, Jiang Siyuan didn't want to share the existence of this black cat with Su Wanying.

Su Wanying doesn't attract cats.

The black cat might just run away when it saw her.

However, I heard from several girls that Su Wanying was hit hard and was in a bad mood.

Jiang Siyuan struggled again and again, and decided to use the matter of petting the cat to help her divert her attention.

Sure enough, after seeing the photos, Su Wanying immediately changed her mind.

"I'll go too! Let's buy some more sashimi!"

"Hey! Waiting for you!"

After a while, the takeaway from the high-end Japanese grocery store arrived.

As the sky darkened and it was time for the wild cats, the two women went to the college's incinerator together.

Several wild cats have gathered together, waiting for the cat slave to come and feed them.

Jiang Siyuan looked around, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

The black cat with heterochromatic pupils is not there.

It hasn't come yet...

Su Wanying has never seen the charm of the black cat with her own eyes, she only feels its cuteness from the photos, she is not as disappointed as Jiang Siyuan.

The same goes for feeding other cats.

Seeing that Su Wanying was going to feed the high-end food to those wild cats, Jiang Siyuan said quickly, "Don't! That black cat arrived very late yesterday too. Let's wait a little longer! Give the cat food and strips first! "

"The cat litter is also for it, so don't put it on the ground. If other cats take it, they won't let it go."


Su Wanying responded and muttered, "Are you sure you will come?"

"Yes!" Jiang Siyuan firmly believed.

After all, that cat knows how to delete photos! ! !

However, from eight o'clock in the evening until midnight, the black cat still did not appear.

Only the sashimi dish is still in hand, and I haven't fed it to the cat.

Su Wanying was getting hungry, and said to Jiang Siyuan, "It's late, I won't be here. Give me the sashimi, I'll eat it."

Jiang Siyuan immediately guarded the food vigilantly, and said, "No way! Don't even think about it!"

Su Wanying joked, "Jiang Siyuan! You ruthless woman, do you want a cat or a buddy?"

Needless to say, after playing with the cat for a while, I feel much better.

If you lose, you lose, and you will win back next time.

The result of Fangjie Hunting is not the final league ranking.

This year, no one can stop the team from rising!

At this time, Shangguan Yi had just left Zhong Yuan's dormitory.

When I come back from Fangjie, I always have to report to the boss, by the way, I will tell you what I have seen and heard in Fangjie, and I will brush up on the questions for a while.

Zhong Yuan said everything he could to drive this guy away.

Look at the time, it's almost twelve o'clock in the morning.

Suddenly, Zhong Yuan remembered Jiang Siyuan's promise to talk to himself the day before.

"I'll bring you fresh fish tomorrow night! You must come! See you there!"

These are the words from the mouth of a perverted cat slave under the influence of super cute.

The so-called be there or be square, how credible is it?

Zhong Yuan came to the second floor and opened his eagle eyes to look at the incinerator.

Then, I was surprised to see two girls standing alone under the street lamp chatting.

The cats were full, and they left the two of them to go out to have fun.

They just waited dryly.

One of them is the female version of Jiang Tianshuo, holding a box of high-end Japanese food in her hand.

The other person holding the crown-shaped cat litter is actually Su Wanying?

Zhong Yuan's eyelids twitched wildly.

If you don't go to meet, maybe you will wait until dawn.

It doesn't matter how long they wait, anyway, it has nothing to do with me!

Zhong Yuan started to write questions.

Swipe for a quarter of an hour and check the time.


Then turn on Eagle Eye to see the situation on the other side of the incinerator.

Still there!

They really have been waiting, did not leave...

Here in the incinerator.

Su Wanying's patience has reached its limit, and she even complained to Jiang Siyuan several times about her tragic experience in the Academic Affairs Office.

"Siyuan, please let me go, I'm so sleepy, I haven't slept well for two days, I really want to go back...!!!"

Su Wanying was determined to leave, she had already turned around while speaking, suddenly! She saw a black cat quietly appearing in the middle of the boulevard.

Tail raised proudly.

It walks slowly and looks dignified.

Every step is like stepping out of a tense momentum, both elegant and full of indescribable powerful aura.


"Woooo! Woooooo!"

Su Wanying was so excited that she almost screamed.

Jiang Siyuan reacted quickly, quickly covered her mouth, and said in a low voice, "Don't bark! What if you scare the cat! Fortunately, you didn't eat the fish!"

"Now, put the litter box on the ground and lure it over!"

Su Wanying nodded quickly.

Then, the crown cat litter finally landed.

Cat Zhong Yuan took a look at this thing.

What do you mean? Is it just for me?

It took so much effort to pet the cat.

However, the litter box looked clean.

The cat Zhong Yuan raised his paw and stepped on it slowly.

Soft to the touch, it must be warm and comfortable to nest inside.

So, the cat Zhong Yuan lay peacefully in the middle of the crown, narrowing his eyes comfortably.

There is no need to use super cuteness at all, Su Wanying fell into a desperate situation the moment she saw him enthroned.

so cute!

So cute!

I really want to kiss!

The fatigue was gone, Su Wanying was obsessed with ghosts, and stretched out her sinful hand.

The cat, Zhong Yuan, was squinting comfortably, when he was unexpectedly picked up by a pair of fragrant plain hands, and he was stunned for a moment.


After turning into a cat, even his disposition is a bit close, and the evil cat's nest has successfully made him relax his vigilance.

The eyes of one person and one cat are facing each other, and the distance is getting closer and closer.

Cat Zhong Yuan's expression gradually turned cold.

What do you want?

Don't you want to skip cat rubbing and just suck cats?

Su Wanying's face was blushing, and her beautiful eyes were full of intoxication.

She pursed her red lips slightly, and she was about to touch her lips.

It's too late to say it!

The cat Zhong Yuan put a paw on Su Wanying's lips, sealing her Lushan Kiss.

Then, he slapped her hard on the cheek!


Su Wanying let go immediately.

The whole person is like a spinning top, spinning three and a half times on the spot.

When he stopped, half of his face was swollen as high as a steamed bun, and there was a small red paw print on it.

She foamed at the mouth, rolled her eyes, and fell to the ground on the spot.


Jiang Siyuan turned pale with shock and was completely dumbfounded.

Over the years, in order to lick cats, he has endured many invincible meow punches.

It's not about madly scratching or madly scratching.

After the incident, at most, I suffered minor injuries, and it would be fine to go to the infirmary for treatment.

It's not like this black cat, which knocks people out with just one paw!

Ordinary adults can't match its power!

It's so human, it's unbelievably clever.

Could it be that he absorbed the ability from the Ruin Crystal?

The more Jiang Siyuan thought about it, the more likely it was.

Seeing that the black cat was about to leave, she rushed forward and pleaded, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I apologize to you on her behalf! She likes you so much that she acted indecently on you!"

"Please! Don't leave this area, please?"

As he spoke, he grabbed the crown cat litter and placed it in front of the black cat, begging to be re-enthroned.

The cat Zhong Yuan didn't even shake her, just turned around and ran away.

After that night, the legend of the mysterious black cat began to spread in Chengying College.

It is as fast as the wind! Powerful! Hard to find! cute and attractive~~~

As long as you see this black cat, you will feel endless happiness.

The premise is: only look, not touch!

Once you touch it, you will be cursed by the black cat and become extremely unlucky!

On the academy forum, the post offering a high price reward for the trace of the black cat has never been posted to the top.

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