Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 199 Old Rules, Whoever Loses Is A Dog

The two representative teams of Chengying College are about to face off.

On one side is Feng Qing's newly formed team, which includes the super thug Zhong Yuan, the newly promoted school girl Zhang Rui, and the king of plagiarism Xie Yihan.

On the other side is the rising sophomore team.

Captain Liu Bo is not only the monitor of the special class of the second grade, but also a genius with the ability to cooperate.

In the battle with Su Wanying's team just now, Liu Bo's team won the victory by only relying on two members to release the mental cage in turn.

Everyone whispered.

"Which team do you think will win?"

"It should be Liu Bo... Their ability to control the field is too strong!"

"On Feng Qing's side, Zhong Yuan is the thug. It's the same situation as Su Wanying."

"Not necessarily, maybe Zhang Rui is good at fighting?"

However, no one has ever seen Zhang Rui do it.

A group of sophomores only know that she is taciturn and has almost no friends since she entered school. Squatting in the corner with a book all day long, very withdrawn, looks very difficult to get along with.

Everyone in Liu Bo's team is in the second grade. I have been in the same class as Zhang Rui for so long, and I only know her name, but I have never spoken to her, and I don't know her abilities.

Unexpectedly, after being selected into the team by Feng Qing, she suddenly changed her appearance and became a goddess!

The two teams stood still in the training ground.

Liu Bo looked at Zhong Yuan with hostile eyes, and shouted, "Zhong Yuan! There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!"

Zhong Yuan:? ? ?

Halfway through the conversation, you should continue to talk!

After waiting for two seconds without hearing him continue, Zhong Yuan couldn't help asking, "And then? Are you going to teach me a lesson?"

Liu Bo said with a straight face, "If you lose, come to my team!"

Zhong Yuan: ...

In fact, Liu Bo is one of the founders of Tianxian Sister Club.

What super love, Tianxian sister's life, crazy fans, he made it.

After learning the truth, Liu Bo was devastated for a long time before he gradually accepted the reality.

A few days ago, he met Zhang Rui who had returned from a haircut on the road. Shocked at the scene, she made up her mind to get rid of the shadow of Tianxian's younger sister, and turned to pursue the goddess.

As a result, it was reported that Zhang Rui and Zhong Yuan had dinner together the next day...

No one knows how big Liu Bo's inner shadow is.

Great opportunity! Take this opportunity to separate Zhong Yuan and Zhang Rui!


Suddenly Feng Qing let out a long laugh.

Liu Bo thought Feng Qing was going to talk trash, but he actually said it to Zhong Yuan triumphantly.

"Did you hear that? He wants to blow you up. Yuanyuan, you lose. We agreed to treat guests to three meals for a whole week."

This bet seems to have happened a long time ago...

Zhong Yuan didn't expect this guy to still be thinking about it, and said coldly, "I remember, it was said at the time, only breakfast?"

Feng Qing laughed and said, "I don't care. I'm going to eat big money this week. Don't think I don't know, you made hundreds of millions in bounties last time."

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "Where did the several hundred million come from? The total amount is just over one hundred million. You think too much!"

Feng Qing lost his voice and said, "You're drifting away, so you just call a hundred million?"

The superalloy coffin confiscated by the Construction Supervision Bureau, and the bounty for killing the internationally wanted criminal has not been moved yet.

Zhong Yuan said, "I've never seen such a thick-skinned person like you!"

The two of them chatted without tension, Zhang Rui was in full bloom, Xie Yihan had black lines all over his head, and Liu Bo's team on the opposite side seemed to have eaten ten catties of lemons.

They are all members of the Tianxian Sisters Club, and they came together because of their like-mindedness.

With blue veins popping out of Liu Bo's forehead, he said, "Senior Feng, have you discussed the tactics yet?"

Feng Qing rolled his eyes and said, "What did you just say? If we lose, Zhong Yuan will join your team?"

Liu Bo was overjoyed and said, "Do you dare to bet?"

"Why don't you dare? You can't win anyway," Feng Qing said slowly, "What if you lose?"

Liu Bo asked, "What do you want?"

Feng Qing thought for a while, "All members of your team admit that they are dogs."

Liu Bo said briskly, "Yes!"

The veins on Gu Yan's forehead twitched, and he said angrily, "Feng Qing, what's your condition? Are you a primary school student?"

Feng Qing said leisurely, "Director Gu, this is an old rule."

Liu Bosheng was afraid that he would regret it, "We are ready."

Feng Qing said, "We are also ready."

Gu Yan's eyelids twitched wildly, and he said angrily, "Then let's start!"

The two teams salute.

The battle begins.

Liu Bo's team immediately set up a battle formation -112!

The two stood back and forth,

Two people in the back row, standing side by side.

Obviously, Liu Bo's team is very confident, and they are not afraid that the two people in the front will be broken through alone.

Liu Bo said loudly, "Control Zhong Yuan!"

However, at this moment, a gray mist rose in the arena, blocking everyone's sight.

Visibility was suddenly less than one meter!

How can I control Zhong Yuan even if I can’t see you?

"Hurry up and disperse!"

"No! It's not an ordinary mist, it can't be dispelled!"

"...Not good! It's poisonous! Everyone, don't inhale the gray mist!"

"Last rejuvenation!"

"It's already on!"

"No! It's not that the mist is poisonous!"

"Then how did we get poisoned?"

"Damn! The range is too wide! If you can't run out, it's too late to save it!"

Liu Bo's team fell into a deadlock of thinking.

He believed that the air was poisonous, as long as he didn't inhale the air, but he never thought about making noises to induce them to be poisoned.

Ability: Resounding Poison Fog!

Zhang Rui didn't even use the Dark Night's Shelter, and it already made the other party chaotic.

After all, Liu Bo was an honor student who entered the first place in the same period of the second grade. In the midst of the crisis, he had a flash of inspiration and finally thought of it.

"It's a poisonous mist! As soon as you make a sound, you will be poisoned!"

It's easy to know what the poison is!

Mao Liu Bo said calmly, "Everyone stop talking! Tan Sen, rejuvenate everyone!"

Tan Sen is a member of the medical department in the team. He is 1.89 meters tall and weighs 230 kilograms.

He is as fat as a mountain of meat, standing in the second position of the 112 formation.

At this time, Tan Sen had already rejuvenated his teammates seven or eight times in a row without getting tired, which showed how strong he was.

There was silence.

After finding the correct way to deal with it, Liu Bo's team recovered quickly.

The poisonous mist is really powerful, but! If you don't make a sound, you can't do anything.

Zhang Rui looked at Feng Qing and asked for the next step.

Do you want to activate Shadow Refuge?

Once turned on, the mist's perception sensitivity to sound is greatly improved immediately.

Feng Qing shook his head and said, "Maintain the status quo."

Because, Zhong Yuan has already acted.




Footsteps sounded in the mist.

Zhong Yuan stepped up his steps.

If you don't do this, you really can't trigger the poisoning buff state.

Even the fog shrouded it, but it didn't hinder his perception.

After entering the actual combat, Zhong Yuan realized how wise Feng Qing was in choosing Zhang Rui.

The four people on the opposite side all chose to stand still because they were afraid of being poisoned.

The poisonous fog greatly restricted their actions.

It is not only a poison attack, but also a powerful field control ability.

Zhong Yuan smiled and said loudly, "Senior, you all stand still, waiting for me there? Then I'm coming."

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