Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 23 King Snake, The Frightening Ice-Blood Explosion

On an inaccessible mountain peak, a giant frost snake looked at Zhong Yuan.

If the spear hadn't touched it, the snake might not have been alarmed.

It's too late to say anything now.

The giant snake has found someone entering its territory,

The scarlet snake eyes fixed on Zhong Yuan, and the entangled body jumped like a straightened spring.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a meteor.

Zhong Yuan was taken aback and hurriedly dodged, but the distance was too close. Although he avoided most of the attacks, his shoulder was still slightly rubbed.

A large piece of flesh and blood was torn apart, exposing thick bones!

If it were a normal person, he would have been in pain for a long time, but Zhong Yuan didn't feel pain. With such a serious injury, he couldn't bleed a drop of blood.

The skin and flesh showed a strange off-white color, faintly glowing with the luster of market crystals.

Zhong Yuan ignored the wound, raised his spear, and stabbed at the giant snake.

Unexpectedly, the snake looked bulky, but it was extremely fast. The tail of the snake wrapped around the spear and exerted force suddenly.

Zhong Yuan's tiger's mouth was shaken, and he couldn't hold his weapon anymore.

So much strength!

When shocked, the mouth of the snake opened up and down to an incredible 180 degrees, and a rotten smell was emitted from the bloody mouth.

Bad breath alone can poison an ordinary Ruiner.

Unfortunately, this move was ineffective against Zhong Yuan.

No matter how violent the poison is, he is immune to it.

The bright red letter was about to touch his forehead, and Zhong Yuan finally got a clear view of the giant snake.

so big!

This snow snake's head is bigger than a basketball!

It wants to eat me in one gulp!

In the blink of an eye, Zhong Yuan resolutely gave up his spear.

Ice starts!

An unusually terrifying cold enveloped the giant snake.

It maintained the posture of opening its mouth to devour, and its body twisted, motionless like an ice sculpture.

Zhong Yuan secretly thought it was a fluke.

Fortunately, Ning Bing has been upgraded, otherwise it is still unknown who will win the battle.

The crisis is temporarily lifted.

Zhong Yuan first pulled out the spear caught by the snake body.

His face was wet, covered with a large amount of snake saliva, and even his vision was blurred.

Quickly wiped his face clean, and while the giant snake couldn't move, he frantically smashed it with his gun.

If Feng Fengmo was here, he would definitely scold with grief, "That's not how guns are used! You don't know how to use guns at all! My gun was ruined by you!"

Yes, yes, I have never learned it, and I don’t understand it for the time being.

I only know to strike first, take advantage of its illness and kill it!

Thanks to Feng Yumo's excellent forging of this long spear, a huge crack was opened by the snake's head when it was shot down.

Come again, the snake's eyes were broken, the upper and lower jaws were shattered, and half of the snake's head was destroyed.

Even if the freezing is lifted, it should not be possible to come back alive.

However, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

After using Frozen Bing with all his strength, Zhong Yuan felt weak for the first time.

This weakness is mental exhaustion. It has accumulated over the past few days, and now it has exploded in a brainstorm.

He was unable to use Freezing Ice again, so the giant snake must not be allowed to cast the death save.

Zhong Yuan made the wisest decision in his life.

bang bang bang!

He is like a thug, purely using brute force, mechanically smashing the frozen giant snake. It wasn't until it became fragmented and scattered all over the place that it was satisfied to stop.

"If you don't die like this, I have nothing to say!"

With a dazed head, Zhong Yuan sat slumped aside, activated his regenerative ability, and recovered from his injuries.

He even took out a piece of compressed biscuit and gnawed it out. Although eating was not of much use, it could only give a little psychological comfort.

Under the effect of regeneration, granulation rapidly grows in the torn wound,

In half a minute, the defective flesh and blood grew back.

At the same time, the effect of freezing ice disappears.

Zhong Yuan stared nervously at the pile of minced meat.

They trembled slightly, as if they were not dead yet, as if they would be pieced together and resurrected at any moment.

This is a Frost Snow King Snake that has never been recognized by people. It has lived alone on the bare North Peak for many years.

Its regenerative abilities are not limited to the head,

Even if there is a part of the tail, it can regenerate a complete body, and at the same time activate the death save, and come back to life.

It's a pity that it was broken too badly, at least it was smashed into tens of thousands of pieces.

The powerful regenerative ability turned into a deadly reminder instead.

Each piece of minced meat has the power of regeneration, and can be exempted from death. The final result is that the power is divided into tens of thousands of shares, and the division is too scattered, and no piece of meat can be regenerated.

After struggling for ten minutes, countless pieces of meat finally fell silent unwillingly.

The extremely powerful Frost Snow King Snake just died aggrieved.

It even has a powerful ability that can't be used (?_?)

With a flash of white light, a huge Ruin Crystal burst out, three or four times larger than ordinary Ruin Crystals.

The brilliance is bright, like a jewel in the palm of your hand, you can tell it is not ordinary at a glance.

Zhong Yuan loved this Ruin Crystal so much that he was even reluctant to absorb it.

After playing with it for a while, a hint appeared in my mind.

"I found the crystal of the Frost Snow King Snake, do you want to absorb it?"

"Frost Snow King Snake has additional abilities: Ice Blood Burst! Disaster Level! Cannot be upgraded!"

"Need to comprehend the ability to freeze ice."

"Ability Description: Immediately increase all abilities by 1200 for 30 seconds! After the end, enter a weak period that lasts for 48 hours!"

Seeing this ability, Zhong Yuan couldn't help but gasp.

What kind of underworld ability can actually increase so much combat power!

If the giant snake had used the ice blood blast just now, he would have no chance of surviving, and he would be torn to pieces in an instant.

Good risk, good risk!

Zhong Yuan was frightened for a while, and glanced at the minced meat again.

It turns out that it is a King Snake with even more special abilities... All the crystals have exploded, and it will definitely not be revived!

Ice and Blood Burst is too strong, even though it only lasts 30 seconds, if used well, it can turn people from desperate situations, it is an ace-level ability.

Moreover, 1200 strength erupted all at once, only to be weak for 48 hours afterwards, which is simply not a good deal.

Combined with regeneration ability, the period of weakness should be shortened some more.

Ice Blood Burst must be absorbed!

With a thought in Zhong Yuan's mind, Wang She Xu Jing entered his body.

"It's finally a worthwhile trip, it's time to go back to the meeting point!"

After cleaning up the battle scene, the King Snake's broken body fell into the valley, and Zhong Yuan started his return journey.

"The quality of this long gun is really good. I don't know where the black T-shirt brother bought it. If I encounter it again, I have to ask. It's best to buy another spare."

After so many hits, there is no crack at all, and the quality is much better than the saber issued by the academy!

At the temporary base at the foot of the mountain, a large number of college freshmen have gathered here.

After getting along day and night for three days and two nights, the students in the same team gradually developed a tacit understanding, getting together in twos and threes, talking and laughing.

Most of them don't know the meaning of entering the square boundary.

Many people just hang around in the safe area near the scenic spot.

I drank mountain spring water when I was thirsty, and ate compressed biscuits when I was hungry. The three days were quite pleasant.

There are also some captain-level students who gathered together to discuss the gains in Fangjie.

"How? Has any of you met a foreign race?"

"Don't mention it, there is an idiot in my team. He picked a white umbrella in the forest and ate it with compressed biscuits. In the end, he shit every day in the wild, let us let him out!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A group of people laughed and staggered, no one mentioned whether they had hit Xu Jing or not.

Feng Qing counted the number of people.

There were only four or five people left who did not come to gather.

Half an hour later is the scheduled time to leave, do you want to wait a little longer?

In addition, Feng Yumo is too unreliable, why hasn't he brought Zhong Yuan back yet!

Just thinking about it, two people came from afar.

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