There are many vacant residential buildings in the new district of Guangyuan City.

The population has decreased year after year, and the demand for housing has also dropped sharply.

The vacancy rate of real estate in many new districts is extremely high.

Some vagrants who are bold enough to break open the door and live in hardcover rooms that no one wants.

Before long, the house was filled with rubbish.

If there are security guards to take care of it, they will pry another vacant room, take care of it, and pry it again.

Just live in a new house every day.

If these people are driven away, the developer will suffer even greater losses, so in the end they had to hold their noses and admit it.

The residential area on the banks of the Seine is a representative of many vacant real estate in the new district.

Hundreds of existing houses cannot be sold, and there is not even a property to look at the gate.

This is the kind of community where Lao Peng lived for eight years.

Lao Peng is in his early sixties this year, with a slightly stooped back, a fat figure and gray hair.

His appearance is very strange, with a high nose bridge, deep-set eye sockets, and cloudy gray eyes.

Before getting cataracts, these eyes were as pure and blue as the sky, which fascinated many ignorant girls.

Lao Peng is of mixed race.

Father, Chinese, cook.

The mother is a native of Iron Tower, a rich woman.

It is said that the two met on the banks of the Seine.

Therefore, Lao Peng has a deep attachment to the river.

He walked through his youth in frivolity, and reached his forty years in glory. In the end, the fallen leaves returned to their roots and returned to China to retire!

When buying a house, the most important thing is the name of the community.

Lao Peng bought a ground-floor house with a 60-square-meter yard with all the money.

Anyway, no one cares about it. A greenhouse was set up in the yard, a loofah stand was set up outside, some edamame was planted, and a big yellow dog was raised.

Thanks to this dog, Lao Peng has never been lonely.

Over the years, his health has been getting worse and worse, and his eyes have gradually lost sight. The big yellow dog has taken on the responsibility of taking care of Lao Peng.

One person and one dog depend on each other for life.

I thought that the peaceful and leisurely days would last until my last breath, but I didn't expect that trouble would still come to my door.

"Mr. Peng Bu, the Ant God has moved. The people of Huaguo really used it to track our position in reverse."

Three men in black suits appeared out of the yard like ghosts.

Sensing the arrival of the uninvited guests, Rhubarb, who was guarding the yard, immediately barked at them vigilantly.

Lao Peng sat on a rocking chair in the yard, with a heater at his feet, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"I'm too old to walk, and I can't see. Why do I have to come here? I just want to spend the rest of my life in peace..."

A man in black bowed his head respectfully, and said, "You are the only one in this world who has the ability to die instantly. It is not an exaggeration to call you the strongest in the world. There is no enemy that you can't deal with!"

"The strongest in the world? Haha... Am I considered the strongest when I look like this?"

Lao Peng laughed at himself.

Who would have thought that the son born of an affair between the cook and the rich woman would have absorbed the most mysterious and mysterious ability to die in legends?

This ability once allowed Lao Peng to stand on top of the world and create a brilliance that is difficult for future generations to match. At the same time, it also caused his body to suffer huge damage.

After the age of fifty, the aging speed suddenly becomes much, much faster.

Now in his early sixties, he looks older than an eighty-year-old.

This is the price of overuse and death.

Deprived of too many lives, after all, you have to pay with your own life.

Lao Peng knew very well in his heart that he could use it once at most. Optimistically, he might die twice, and then he would die of exhaustion immediately.

He didn't want to die like this.

After arriving in Huaguo, he found that the country is prosperous and the people are peaceful. The law and order is unbelievable. Even homeless people live and work in peace and contentment. When they meet on the road occasionally, they will greet each other politely.

It seems that this place has not been affected by the invasion of the ruins cave. Lao Peng has been here for eight years, and he has not received a single evacuation alarm.

There is no doubt that there are powerful marketers guarding the prosperity of this land.

The Hua people are not as weak as the outside world rumors.

Their strength is very strong, at least they can suppress the ruins without relying on the power of other countries.

Lao Peng sighed again, and said, "Why do you have to stir up trouble? The fate of the world is connected, so can't we share peace?"

This is the realization of an executioner before his death.

After killing many, many people, he wants world peace.

A man in black said in a deep voice, "Virtual reflection, extreme shock, cuteness, backtracking, death immunity, and market sensing, all these are the unique abilities of Huaguo. If they really want to share the fate with the world, they should Contribute your abilities unconditionally instead of cherishing yourself."

Lao Peng was silent, and said, "You can't impose on others what you can't do."

The man in black said, "You are right. So we decided to grab it hard."

Lao Peng said in a daze, "Do you want to take the Xu Jing in my body back?"

The man in black did not answer directly, but said, "You will be awarded the Bauhinia Knight Medal of Honor after your death. Your two daughters will be happy too."

Lao Peng was shaken all over, and murderous intent shot out from his cloudy eyes.

As if he had regained his former majesty, he yelled angrily, "They don't know anything about the Ruins! I won't allow you to destroy their lives!"

The man in black said, "Please rest assured that the two distinguished ladies will live a worry-free life. They will graduate from college smoothly, find a comfortable and affluent job, meet a good man again, get married and have children, and live happily ever after."

The arrangement is clear.

Can't escape, can't get rid of, children and grandchildren, no longer free.

If the request of the man in black is refused, the child will suffer misfortune.

A line of tears flowed slowly from Lao Peng's eyes.

Then, he left the rocking chair and picked up the iron scythe that had been placed on the mound.

The big yellow dog sensed that the owner was moving, and hurried to his side, biting his trouser leg, indicating that there were strangers outside.

"Rhubarb, I'm sorry for you... You can go at ease, I will accompany you later!"

The dog never thought until his death that his beloved master would actually kill him.

Killed with one blow, without even whimpering, it fell into a pool of blood and lost its breath.

Lao Peng's tears flowed down.

Killing the dog that had been with him for many years, he staggered back to the reclining chair and murmured, "I hope it's a big fish, I really can't live long..."

The man in black laughed, "Kill a few more small fish, and the big fish will appear."

They will be responsible for taking care of the small fish, and the really difficult masters will use instant death to kill them.

It would be best to invite Wang Podi from the Market Management Bureau to investigate in person.

His virtual reflection ability has always been the coveted target of all countries.

Kill him, and you will get Xu Ying.

Once Wang Podi dies, Hua Guo will definitely dispatch people from Jiuxu to investigate.

At that time, there will be another wave.

Don't be greedy for too much, two fish are enough, and take it when you see it.

Moreover, it is estimated that Lao Peng's immediate death was only twice.

Meanwhile, Land Rover is still on track to track drones.

"Zhong Yuan, for more than an hour, we have been zigzagging and being led away by the enemy."

Taking advantage of the red light ahead, Jiang Buyou conveniently tore off the packaging of the Snickers bar and took a bite.

Cat Zhong Yuan said displeasedly, "My chocolate."

Jiang Buyou was stunned, and said, "Sorry, I thought you wouldn't eat."

Cat Zhong Yuan said, "Don't do to others what you don't want done to you. Even if I don't eat it, I won't give it to you."

Jiang Buyou was stunned again, and tentatively said, "Then I'll pay you another next time?"

Cat Zhong Yuan said, "No need. Use this piece of chocolate to replace the pen that I bitten."

Jiang Buyou was shocked.

It was just a joke to ask him to pay, but he still thinks about it until now?

I trick you, you trick me, right?

So, no jokes with Zhong Yuan.

He will remember every word he said.

As long as you have cheated once, you will not be able to gain his full trust.

It's a pity that I didn't get that little paw...

Jiang Buyou felt a little regretful, and said, "How long do you think we'll have to go around?"

Cat Zhong Yuan said, "It depends on the other party. It's so slow, maybe it's still laying a trap."

Jiang Buyou thought so too.

The traces of the trap are too heavy, so it stands to reason that they should be in a hurry to recover the drone.

Flying around for an hour is prone to accidents, so how can you recycle it?

Jiang Buyou asked, "Who do you think this is a trap for?"

Cat Zhong Yuan said, "If something goes wrong, whoever investigates will be the one."

Jiang Buyou said hesitantly, "Actually, the military region is only concerned with suppressing the ruins, regardless of this kind of shit. It should be the responsibility of the Market Management Bureau."

Zhong Yuan the cat said firmly, "That's for the Market Management Bureau. By the way, I heard that the director of the Market Management Bureau has the ability to read memories. If he dies, the cases that could have been investigated should not be investigated." down."

Jiang Buyou heard the words, suddenly remembered something, and said in a voice, "So that's it! I understand!"

Cat Zhong Yuan looked at him suspiciously and said, "What do you understand?"

Jiang Buyou said in a deep voice, "I heard that Wang Podi has been investigating some people for a while."

The cat Zhong Yuan asked casually, "Is it related to the Tianqin Squad of the Central China Military Region?"

Jiang Buyou said in amazement, "You even know such details?"

As a party, how could you not know?

The matter of Fangjie in Zhangjiajie has not been explained yet.

The cat Zhong Yuan said, "Be careful with the Wannian Ship. Do you have a picture of Wang Podi? Ask for your own picture!"

"What do you want to do?"

Jiang Buyou parked his car on the side of the road, turned on his phone, and took a group photo from Curry.

He pointed to one of the men and said, "This is the man."

Cat Zhong Yuan said, "Zoom in a bit."

Jiang Buyou immediately followed suit, and asked strangely, "Zhong Yuan, what the hell are you..."

In the middle of speaking, his eyes widened involuntarily.

There is no shadow of a black cat on the passenger seat, and there is clearly a person sitting there!

His appearance is almost 70% similar to Wang Podi! Even the clothes are the one in the photo.

Zhong Yuan asked, "How? Like?"

Jiang Buyou's face was full of excitement, and he lost his voice and said, "The Illusion of Infinity?! Is it really this ability?"

At the critical moment, he didn't get entangled at all, and quickly said, "Zhong Yuan! I haven't had a vacation for more than 1,800 days! Please, please, help me with a shift! Seven days! No! Four days! You become me in the office Just sleep! Please!"

Zhong Yuan faced Wang Podi's face, and said slowly, "Jiang Shao, one day I will create a world where you can take a vacation whenever you want. Until then, please be patient."

Jiang Buyou: . . . . . .

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