Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 277 Five Thousand Salary Is Just A Symbolic Meaning

"Zhong Yuan, look at my short messages, there are thousands of them! They are all sent by Qi Xiu. Is this something people do?"

"I have to read one by one to avoid missing important information!"

"Do you know how miserable I am?"

"Can you save me? Keep your ID card. Please!"

One person, one cat, four eyes facing each other, rational and common sense!

"Jiang Shao, it turns out that you arranged for the old guys downstairs to apologize? You want me to go back to Jiuxu?"

"I didn't arrange it deliberately. They realized their mistake and came to apologize to you on their own initiative!"

"Look at them, they are so nervous that they don't even want their pants! Now you know how awesome Jiuxu is?"

"Since you're so awesome, I'll give you the certificate. If you run a red light in the future, you can show the certificate."

Rational general knowledge continues to be activated. . .

"I would like to, but I dare not take it. With this identity card, I will forcibly take over the highest command authority of any military region. What will happen if I take it, you can take it carefully!"

"That's it..."

"Anyway, this card is awesome, you keep it for yourself."


"What are you dissatisfied with? You are too embarrassed to tell Qi Xiu, but I will help you convey it. We are brothers in life and death, you saved my life, and I promise to stab you in the ribs! Although I can't beat Qi Xiu now Xiu, but I am younger than him, so I can beat him to death!"

"...Okay then, tell him that five thousand yuan a month is a bit low, and you have to add another five hundred yuan. Five thousand five thousand yuan is the minimum wage on my side."


"Jiang Shao, why don't you talk anymore? If it doesn't work, forget it."

At this moment, Jiang Buyou was already in the petrified state after being struck by lightning.

He roared wildly in his heart.


Qi Xiu, are you crazy? It’s fine if you don’t provide assistants. You only pay 5,000 yuan a month. Why is Zhong Yuan a child who is easy to cheat?

The funding of your Jiuxu is the highest among all departments, accounting for the share of the two military regions. Where did all the money go?

If you cut it like this, no wonder you are disgusted!

Wait, there seems to be a rumor that...

Jiang Buyou suddenly remembered something, and asked with a frown, "Zhong Yuan, why do you want money?"

The cat Zhong Yuan asked strangely, "Don't you want to pay for shopping and eating out?"

Jiang Buyou hesitated for two seconds, then said in a deep voice, "All you need to do is swipe your Jiuxu ID card, and everything is free."

In fact, he wasn't sure whether the rumor was true or not, so he just wanted to confirm it.

Cat Zhong Yuan was shocked, "Is everything free?"

With a student status at Chengying College, you can already enjoy many free public resources. But the same goes for going to a restaurant and having to pay for something yourself, and going to a store to buy something.

If with Jiuxu's identity card, you can take whatever you want, eat whatever you want, and don't pay, what salary do you want?

Jiang Buyou said, "You can try it."

It should not be free, but the bill will be charged to Jiuxu's account and reimbursed uniformly.

The cat Zhong Yuan was finally impressed, and said enthusiastically, "Go to the self-service vending machine downstairs and try it!"

"I'll come with you, I'm about to go too."

One person and one cat went downstairs.

The elevator dinged open.

Gu Yan was still arguing with the four veterans.

Jiang Buyou smiled at them and said, "Go ahead and leave me alone."

Gu Yan was stunned, feeling that this person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

The cat Zhong Yuan stood on Jiang Buyou's shoulder and urged, "Hurry up."

So, approaching a vending machine, Jiang Buyou half squatted down so that the cat could buy what he wanted.

Get a Snickers bar!

The little paw clapped.

The vending machine beeped immediately, "Please pay."

Scan code, cash, and credit card are all available.

In addition to the unsightly printing of Jiuxu's ID card, the built-in chip technology is the top in Huaguo.

It won't be burnt, crushed, bent, and extremely cold-resistant. Compatible with all card readers on the market.

Put the card in the sensing area, and almost at the same time, the vending machine beeps.

"DiDi! The deduction was successful! Thank you for your patronage!"


Where did you get the money from?

It's just a free credit card!


A Snickers bar dropped in the delivery hatch.

The cat Zhong Yuan wagged his tail happily.

Brother Xiu, I misunderstood you...

It's my short experience, I didn't think so much.

It turned out that the salary of 5,000 was just a symbolic meaning!

At this moment, Jiang Buyou said in a deep voice, "Look at you, a Snickers bar is so happy? It's just that the small payment was successful. I think I should try the larger one."

Cat Zhong Yuan said, "It makes sense. What do you think is good to buy?"

Jiang Buyou turned on his phone, logged in to the Market Energy website, and clicked on the shopping cart in the mall.

He pointed to a newest off-road vehicle and said, "This is Land Rover's most ice and snow guard limited edition, amphibious, powerful, can also drive on snow, and has ice-breaking function. It is super suitable for a cat with an outstanding temperament like you."

Cat Zhong Yuan Check out the price.

6.83 million!

It is 700 yuan lower than when you joined!

New Year's Day special offer, 5% off for one piece or more!

There are 3 hours and 45 minutes left before the golden egg coupon expires!

Jiang Buyou said expectantly, "Yuan Shao, try it?"

Unknowingly, even the name has changed.

Cat Zhong Yuan has a black line.

If you don't go to the North Pole, what do you need the snow function for?

Moreover, this car is clearly what Jiang Buyou wants, and he has been adding it to the shopping cart for a long time.

Forget it, try to see if the ID card can be swiped.


A payment prompt popped up.

"Young Master Jiang, how do you pay?"

Jiang Buyou thought for a while, turned on the near-field communication on the phone, took Jiuxu's ID card and pasted it lightly.

Debit Success!

Your order will ship within three days!

Jiang Buyou gasped, and murmured, "Damn! It's really possible!"

So, he tapped his fingers and quickly entered the sales office of the Ruin Energy Mall.

Open a popular community, choose a large villa with a price of 30 million yuan in minutes, and say to the cat Zhong Yuan, "Yuan Shao, try this one at last! There is a large garden with a single family, and it is well-decorated and you can move in with your bag. It is suitable for you." A wise and powerful cat!"

The greatest power of rational general knowledge was activated, which actually triggered Zhong Yuan's fearless ability.

The cat Zhong Yuan raised a paw, showing its gleaming nails, and said slowly, "If you mess around again, I'm going to use the invincible Meow Meow Punch."


Jiang Buyou had no choice but to give up.

Oh, what a mistake!

You shouldn't buy that car, you should just fool him into buying a house!

At this moment, the four members of the organizing committee looked terrified and recognized the person in the white suit.

One person yelled, "Young...Young Commander? Why are you here?!"

A group of people's old faces were flushed, and they wanted to find a crack in the ground to drill, and quickly covered the old brothers below with their hands.

It's over!

To be seen by the young marshal with such an embarrassing appearance is simply a stain that will never be washed away in a lifetime!

Gu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then burst into anger, "You are not ashamed! Want to divert your attention? What young commander! Why did Jiang Buyou come to our hotel?"

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