Feng Yumo readily agreed.

"As long as I can do it and don't violate the principle, I can promise you."

Feng Qing was eager for Zhong Yuan to raise conditions in various ways. Anyway, he has the academy as his backer, and the student union has strong capital. The more demanding Zhong Yuan is, the better it will be for the academy.

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said to Feng Qing, "I want a single dormitory."


That's it?

Look down on me, right?

Feng Qing thought he was going to ask for something, and was ready to bleed heavily.

Never expected that Zhong Yuan's request was so simple.

Feng Qing asked strangely, "Where do you live now?"

Zhong Yuan said honestly, "An ordinary four-person dormitory."

North-south orientation and floors do not matter. Just change to a single room, so as not to eat, go to the toilet, or sleep, and be found abnormal by roommates.

"Can't you? Am I being too unreasonable? Then... I'll change the condition." Seeing Feng Qing's silence, Zhong Yuan thought Feng Qing was in a difficult situation, and couldn't help being a little disappointed.

The corners of Feng Yumo's mouth twitched, and he said in a surprised voice, "Is Chengying Academy so annoying? A genius like him actually arranges an ordinary four-person room? Is this something people do?"

"Uh, I don't know about the dormitory!" Feng Qing said hastily, with black lines all over his head, "It was arranged by the Academic Affairs Office. When he entered school, he filled in his student status as an ordinary student."

Feng Yumo shook his head again and again, and sighed, "What do ordinary students do in Fangjie? They are sloppy and irresponsible. It's no wonder that the people cultivated by Chengying College are not as good as each other."

"Hey hey hey! You can insult me, why insult the academy?!"

Feng Fengmo didn't want to talk to him at all, since Zhong Yuan had no place to live, he happened to be a favor.

Feng Fengmo said, "It's inconvenient to live in a school after all. If you don't mind, I'll let you live in this house. I just bought it the day before yesterday, and I haven't had time to transfer the title yet. Just write your name."

Zhong Yuan:? ? ?

I have to struggle with a mobile phone for a long time before placing an order. How about you, the villa can buy it if you buy it, or give it away when you say it?

Brother, who are you?

Zhong Yuan stared straight at Feng Fengmo.

Feng Qing felt bad when he heard it.

Young Master Feng is arrogant, and his family has plenty of money. Money is just a bunch of numbers to him, but not Zhong Yuan.

According to the information, Zhong Yuan's family conditions are very average. When he was in junior high school, he would help his sister's classmates to write homework for winter and summer vacations to earn pocket money.

(Taking advantage of two days, Feng Qing even investigated Zhong Lan's elementary school classmates.)

Feng Fengmo is obviously showing off his wealth, so he is easily hated.

Feng Qing hurriedly said, "Zhong Yuan, Feng Yumo is actually... a vagrant."

Feng Yumo:? ? ?

Feng Qing rolled his eyes and continued to make up nonsense, "You know the little boy? It's the kind of rice bug that specializes in deceiving rich women's feelings and doesn't want to work hard to get a baby!"

Zhong Yuan whispered, "I don't think his face is pale."

Feng Qing said, "But he's tough enough. You've fought against him, you understand. Rich women like this. As for the villa... well, it's actually a rich woman whom Feng Fengmo met when he was working in the club a while ago. Gift."

"The rich woman was over seventy years old and never married. Because she was terminally ill, she wanted to experience what it was like to have a husband before she left. Feng Yumo took care of her shit and urine until she passed away. In the end, the rich woman left the property to he."

Good guy, the rich woman was abruptly described as a tear-jerking love story between young and old.

Zhong Yuan whispered, "But he just said that the house was bought."

"That's because he wanted to save face and lied to you. Young man, be careful, don't listen to the wind is the wind, listen to the rain is the rain." Feng Qingyu said earnestly.

Feng Yumo has already lived in Bengbu. How to do? I really want to kill this guy!

Zhong Yuan was thoughtful, thought for a while, and asked seriously, "Is it really so attractive to be next to a rich woman? Is there a type like me, will a rich woman fall in love with me?"

Feng Yumo was at a loss for words.


Feng Qing looked at the good deeds you have done. You have committed a great crime by leading a good seedling on the wrong path!

Feng Yumo was so anxious that he didn't know what to say.

At this time, Feng Qing pretended to be deep and said, "If you gain, you will lose. Don't look at Brother Feng getting money, in fact, he also lost his troubles! Damn, you are too young, people treat you like a son at most Look. In a few years, you can learn from Feng Yumo again."

Stop, this topic must end!

Feng Yumo coughed and said, "Anyway, I'm leaving Shangdong City in a while, and this house is vacant as well. You can take the key and live there if you want."

Zhong Yuan was startled, and said, "You want to leave?"

Feng Qing interjected, "His hometown is in Guangyuan City. This time, Shemen Mountain made a lot of money. He has to go home quickly, so that Ye Changmengduo won't be robbed."

Feng Yumo's mouth twitched and said, "Don't worry, I will fulfill your request before I leave. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Zhong Yuan said modestly, "Actually, I want you to teach me how to use a knife."

Feng Qing: Isn't it? The academy has a course on cold weapons, no matter how bad it is, I can teach you anything!

And Feng Yumo remembered that in Fangjie, Zhong Yuan once asked him humbly how to use the knife.

It's so weird.

Obviously you can instantly kill me with your ability, but ask me instead?

How humble is this!

Feng Fengmo felt more sympathy for Zhong Yuan, and hesitantly said, "Are you sure you want me to teach you how to use a knife? I'm not good at knife skills."

Zhong Yuan said, "It doesn't matter. Whatever you teach, I will learn."

"Is that so..." Feng Yumo fell into deep thought.

Since humans took control of Xu Neng, some fighting skills and ancient martial arts genres have been revived again.

Take the market energy practitioners in Huaguo as an example. After the people of the ancient martial arts school obtained the market energy, their abilities were unimaginably strong. Later, the big families would let their children learn martial arts from an early age.

It's a pity that Zhong Yuan is a bit old, and his physical condition doesn't look very good.

But it is not without advantages. Zero foundation means that some bad habits have not been developed yet, learning from scratch, working harder, and making achievements.

Feng Fengmo thought for a moment, and said, "Okay, I'll teach you. How much you can practice depends on your own talent."

Feng Qing looked at Zhong Yuan's slender arms and legs, then at the tendon muscles on Feng Yumo's arm, clapped his hands, and said vigorously, "Special training, right? Count me in! In case you get any injuries, I'll be there Come on, it will be cured immediately."

Feng Yumo nodded irresolutely.

It was settled.

Handshake words and success.

In the end, Zhong Yuan decided to live on campus.

On the one hand, Fengfengmo's villa is too far away from the college, so commuting and studying are inconvenient.

Another reason is that he doesn't want to owe people too much favor.

Feng Qing, the president of the student council, is really powerful enough to actually set up a separate dormitory for Zhong Yuan in the academy.

It was originally a warehouse for training equipment, and the location is relatively remote. More than ten years ago, three students committed suicide in it, and it was abandoned.

Zhong Yuan said that he didn't mind if someone died inside, so Feng Qing asked people to clean up the warehouse.

It only took one afternoon to convert it into a dormitory and let Zhong Yuan move in.

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