Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 314 This Woman Is Very Likely To Be Jiuxu

He couldn't find thirty-six f, so he simply opened the window and entered the room.

Open the drawer!

Open the closet!

All kinds of rummaging!

Do not believe can not find a clue!

With super-sensing early warning, it is not afraid of being discovered.

first room.

A safe was found behind the mural.

The cat Zhong Yuan stretched out its paw lightly.

Ability: Hot Burst!

There was no need for a key, and the alarm system on the safe was wiped out along with the combination lock, revealing what was hidden inside.

Then, cat Zhong Yuan was stunned to see a large box of fancy underwear, which seemed to be original.


This kind of thing needs to be put in a safe, is it hidden so well?

The cat Zhong Yuan had no expression on his face. He tore up the dirty goblin cloth with one paw, then threw it into the toilet and pumped it.

As long as the murals are reset, as long as they don't move, they don't even know that the safe behind them has no door.

Go through the window and go to the next room.

The rummaging action became more and more proficient.

A metal suitcase was found under the bed in minutes.

Lifting the little paw, he felt that the box was quite heavy, and he didn't know what was inside.

This thing is easier to get than a safe. There is no alarm, and it can be opened violently.

Battle Mad Stance·Crazy Grabbing!

The suitcase shattered on the spot.

Good guy! Inside was a whole set of parts for a sniper rifle.

I know you are dishonest!

With a sullen face, the cat Zhong Yuan took out the parts of these sniper rifles, threw them into the toilet, and pumped them.

The broken suitcase was pushed back under the bed, and as long as it didn't go into the toilet, there was no hope.

next room.

The painting style changes suddenly.

The bed was messy, the table was in a mess, and the corpses of various small animals were piled up.

There are birds, cats, hedgehogs, rabbits and puppies.

Count, a total of thirty small animal corpses.

There is also a dagger on the side, which is exactly the same as the knife that killed the wild boar!

found it.

Maybe this is the room of thirty-six f!

If you want to activate the life-sacrificing guillotine, you must prepare fresh sacrifices at any time.

With so many dead bodies, they meet the conditions for offering sacrifices.

Let's see what else is in the room first.

Just when I was about to rummage through boxes and cabinets, a warning sign suddenly struck my heart.

brush! brush! brush!

The invisible attack blatantly fell from the top of the head.

The cat Zhong Yuan reacted quickly, a cute cat rolled over and crawled under the dresser.

The guillotine fell around like cutting melons and vegetables.

A total of thirty knives were struck in an instant. It seemed to be messy, but the actual cross-cutting formed an attack without dead ends in the room.

Beds, desks, sofas, and cabinets were chopped into pieces, scattered, and a mess.

Cat Zhong Yuan emerged from under the dresser unscathed.

This piece of furniture was placed against the wall. Although it was also broken, it just left a triangular space, and it was very safe to hide in it.

Thanks to the small size of the cat, if it was in the shape of a human, maybe it would really hit it.

There is no doubt that someone within the ability to remotely activate the guillotine.

There is a lot of noise when chopping furniture.

Someone is coming!

Cat Zhong Yuan's expression moved slightly, and he immediately joined the pile of small animal corpses and began to pretend to be dead.

Thirty corpses, mixed with a cat, as long as you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

Five minutes later, there were hurried footsteps outside the corridor.

The door was opened.

A blond boy stood outside the door, carefully looking at the situation in the room.

There was a middle-aged woman standing beside him. Seeing the chaos in the room, she immediately covered her mouth and screamed, "God! What happened?!"

What else can happen?

Someone has come in and triggered the guillotine trap!

The blond-haired boy looked gloomy, thinking to himself: He cleverly avoided all the security systems and sneaked in without anyone noticing. Was it the Hua Kingdom's warriors who came here?

Maybe they sneaked in together while taking advantage of the charity dinner!

Is it the Jiuxu that Ye Zhen mentioned?

The other party must have not expected that the guillotine was also arranged in the room.

With such intensive attacks, he might have already been injured!

He can't run!

The blond boy left in a hurry.

And the middle-aged woman stood there, bewildered for a while, and hurriedly found someone to come over to clean up the mess.

People come and go quickly. It took less than two minutes in total.

After they left, the cat Zhong Yuan stood up from the pile of dead animals as if nothing had happened.

Are the people who came here just now staff members or relatives of diplomats?

Anyway, we found the right place, the Guillotine ability user is here.

Cat Zhong Yuan was about to leave when suddenly, in the chaos, something strange caught his attention.

Items appear to be stored in a locked drawer.

When the guillotine came down, the drawer was cut and overturned, and the contents fell out.

Like a piece of meat, but without blood.

The cat Zhong Yuan was bold and careful, and pulled out a fist-sized fragment from the chaotic garbage pile.

The little paw poked lightly.

Soft and wavy, with excellent hand feeling and very elastic, it will spring back immediately when pinched.

Zhong Yuan has bought artificial skin gloves before, and Zhong Yuan is very familiar with this kind of thing.

This is a simulated silicone software.

Pulling through the trash pile again, sure enough, a pile of uncut software was pulled out from under half of the drawer.

bcdef, there are all sizes, a lot!

Cat Zhong Yuan's complexion finally changed.

Thirty-six f is actually fake!

He just used the simplest method, put a silicone pad on his chest to change his body shape, and it fooled everyone.

Before the wild boar died, he only saw the chest, not the face.

In other words, no matter who it is, as long as they bring a pair of these things, they can play the role of impersonator.

Cat Zhong Yuan continued to flip through the drawer, and soon found a wig from the broken drawer.

deep maroon.

Sure enough, even the hair is fake!

Suddenly, a thought appeared in Zhong Yuan's mind like lightning piercing the fog.

Since the biggest shape feature is already unbelievable, don't care so much at all.

Discuss the facts and judge directly.

The first person who came to hear the news was the guillotine ability user!

He came to confirm whether so many attacks had killed the enemy!

It was the blond boy.

At the same time the cat Zhong Yuan made his judgment, the phone rang loudly in the monitoring security room of the embassy.

A man in a security uniform took off the cap that covered his face and answered the phone.

"Is there something wrong?"

"A mouse has sneaked in. Help me check the surveillance, who is the most suspicious."

"Understood. Wait for me."

If Zhong Yuan were here, he would find that this security guard was six or seven points similar to Feng Fengmo in appearance. It was the man in the peaked cap that appeared in the surveillance video near the food street.

In less than two minutes, he said to the phone, "A woman, wearing a blue evening dress, didn't go through the security check when she entered. She also brought a pet cat in."

"Is it her? I saw her just now at the entrance of the banquet hall. It is indeed suspicious, but I didn't see the cat."

"Don't act rashly, I'll come over right away. This woman is most likely Jiuxu!"

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