Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 328 In Terms Of Resourcefulness, You Are Better

In the room, one cat, one person, one shadow, silent and delicate atmosphere.

It's all said and done, the truth is Xiaobai.

Ye Zhen felt that he had died in vain.

——When Jiang Buyou left, ask the eighth seat if he still wants to assassinate this fellow. If you want to kill, be sure to let me do it!

Jiang Buyou was glad that he was still alive.

——I'll find an opportunity to tell Yuan Shao later that I must take good care of Ye Zhen and not let him out, otherwise my life will be in danger!

These two are completely on the same page.

Even if Jiang Buyou made up so much afterwards and apologized sincerely, it still couldn't dispel Ye Zhen's hatred.

The cat Zhong Yuan became more and more annoyed the more he saw them, he didn't want to talk, so he started to pack plush toys.

Lao Peng yawned in the inner room and rubbed his sore eyes.

"I'm getting old, I can't bear it anymore, it's only a few hours, and I want to sleep..."

After watching the videotapes of the college league for several hours, he found that if he didn't listen to the explanation and the judgment after the game, he couldn't understand what these teenagers were playing at all.

Sometimes, in the blink of an eye, the battle is over.

Of course, he also saw the match where Zhong Yuan beat Yang Sheng violently.

The post-match commentary was vague, and he didn't understand how Yang Sheng was immune to damage from falling from a high altitude.

However, Zhong Yuan's boxing skills are really wonderful, which makes up for the lack of Zhong Yuan's commentary.

After watching it five times, Lao Peng felt that he could go back and remake it, and then he became sleepy.


When Lao Peng walked out of the room, he suddenly saw someone more in the room.

Jiang Buyou was standing silently beside the black cat, not knowing what he was doing.

The coat was covered with dust, and the white clothes were almost turning into black clothes.

Lao Peng lost his voice and said, "Young Marshal, why are you in such a mess?"

His sudden intervention broke the solemn atmosphere.

Jiang Buyou's eyelids twitched, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Who else do you think can make me so embarrassed?"

Lao Peng looked at the black cat and said hesitantly, "It's probably not the one I thought..."

Cat Zhong Yuan couldn't help saying, "Meow~" What are you thinking? He wants to climb the fifteenth floor by himself, blame me?

Is it a question of climbing the fifteenth floor?

At this time, Jiang Buyou also found that he was as messy as if he had been in a mine, so he couldn't help frowning and said, "Yuan Shao, my clothes are very expensive, and I have to send them out for dry cleaning."

Cat Zhong Yuan said, "What the hell are you trying to say?"

Jiang Buyou said brazenly, "Swipe the card for me, I'll go to Xiaoxiang Dry Cleaning Shop to open a membership, just pay 5,000 yuan."

"By the way, the car you bought that day has been delivered to me, and it's very easy to drive. How about I take it back to Shangdong City for you?"

Cat Zhong Yuan said coldly, "I'm not interested in second-hand cars."

Jiang Buyou said seriously, "Mine is yours, how can it be called second-hand? If you don't like it, buy another one!"

He took out his mobile phone, opened the Ruinenger Mall, pointed to the million-level luxury car in the shopping cart and said, "Lincoln Star Navigator series is suitable for a noble and elegant cat like you. Now you can get a 10 yuan coupon for the New Year's Day. Get a gas card for three months after the order!"

This guy wants to spend Jiuxu's money all his heart, he is so thick-skinned that he can't get rid of it.

The cat Zhong Yuan stared at the navigator, and suddenly remembered that his sister shook one while watching the game.

Then look at the amount of the car.

so expensive!

Seven figures!

Jiang Tianshuo must want to make trouble...

The cat Zhong Yuan said slowly, "I already have this car. I won't buy it."

What? !

Jiang Buyou was stunned.

The latest limited-edition model that was released last month, just hit the shelves the day before yesterday. Already have it?

Are you sure you're not lying?

No, Zhong Yuan's character is definitely guaranteed, he never cheats.

So, Jiang Buyou silently deleted the shopping cart without saying a word.

Lao Peng looked at them and thought to himself: The young marshal and Mr. Zhong Yuan are really close friends, they don't care about each other when they buy things, and it's a good story to talk about.

How did he know that just five minutes ago, the boat of friendship between the two almost capsized.

Fortunately, Jiang Buyou was quick-witted, fully opened his rational general knowledge, and inadvertently achieved a thought synchronization with Zhong Yuan, otherwise it would be really difficult for him to escape today.

Now it is finally safe and sound, and the previous state of peaceful coexistence has been restored, and the relationship of trust has been rebuilt.

"You two, I'm going to bed first. You guys chat slowly!"

Peng Bu greeted them and went back to his room.

He didn't realize that the murderer who killed him on the provincial road was hiding in the shadow of the black cat.

At this time, Jiang Buyou also noticed something.

Both gods of death fell into Zhong Yuan's control.

Especially Ye Zhen, who is a shadow servant, cooperates with Zhong Yuan's actions to no avail. Kill whoever you want!

Jiang Buyou was terrified and had goosebumps all over his body.

Fortunately, Zhong Yuan is not an enemy, what did he just say? Even if I have a private army, he doesn't care...

What outrageous thoughts?

If Qi Xiu finds out, he must be severely educated and criticized.

So, what does Zhong Yuan really care about?

Rational general sense also failed to detect.

It doesn't matter, the barrier disappears, and one day we will know.

Jiang Buyou finished all the entanglement, and said sincerely, "Yuan Shao, in terms of resourcefulness, you are still better."

"What resourcefulness? I don't have such complicated thoughts as you."

The cat Zhong Yuan said with a blank expression, "Although it's not something you did to get away with feigning death, Ye Zhen is definitely not the first surrogate to escape supervision. This kind of thing happened on your territory..."

"It's all Wang Podi's responsibility!"

Jiang Buyou interrupted him resolutely, "The military region is only concerned with suppressing the ruins, and doesn't care about investigating this kind of crap. The retired warriors due to injuries are properly arranged. You can go and ask about the treatment of retired warriors in the South China Military Region. , No. 1 in the country!"

The cat Zhong Yuan looked at him and said speechlessly, "Jiang Shao, what are you in a hurry for? I just want to tell you that Wang Podi has no other manpower right now. Xuri studies all the problems, please take care of them."

"You sentenced me to death at every turn. Your shadow wants to execute it immediately. Can I not be in a hurry? You help me watch Ye Zhen and don't let him run around!"


Finally got the chance to speak out...

Jiang Buyou breathed a sigh of relief, and frowned again, "I'm in charge and I'm in charge, but I don't have the power to enforce the law."

Then, he was stunned to see that the cat took out a full set of documents from the Municipal Administration Bureau from the drawer, plus a special investigator uniform.

The idea of ​​using law enforcement power to shirk was seen through by Zhong Yuan in minutes.

"Here, I give you the right to enforce the law. Put your dirty clothes here first, and I'll ask the hotel housekeeper to wash them, and then you can come and get them."

This is a rhythm that I don't even want to pay for dry cleaning!

Jiang Buyou left depressed.

What to do to save money for Jiuxu?

The annual budget is the highest, even if you save, others will not be polite!

That night, Jiang Buyou, dressed in the uniform of a special investigator, personally led four teams of warriors to raid the Rising Sun Research Institute.

It's a pity that the building was empty, and all the materials and files were destroyed.

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