Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 402 Sleep For A While, How Long Is It?

Borrowing Jiang Siyuan's super hacking ability, I really owe a favor.

She called for help, but Feng Qing couldn't ignore it.

The problem is that it is useless for Jiang Siyuan to ask for help.

The ability to strip this matter depends on Su Wanying's own attitude.

The person involved did not come to ask for help, and there was no room for outsiders to intervene.

Even though she showed a reluctant attitude in front of Jiang Siyuan, on the surface she obeyed the arrangement of the family and was willing to strip off the healing wind.

How is this fixed?

Feng Qing sighed and asked, "Yuan Yuan, tell me the truth, what do you think of Su Wanying?"

Zhong Yuan replied flatly, "It's not very good."

"Yuanyuan, you're too picky. Su Wanying is the former beauty of our college after all. She has a pretty face, a great figure, and a good family background. Even if her temper is a little flawed, it's a common problem for young ladies..."

This guy uncharacteristically counted a bunch of Su Wanying's advantages, Zhong Yuan couldn't help being quite surprised.

"Feng Qing, do you like Su Wanying?"

The expression on Feng Qing's face froze for two seconds, and then he said frankly, "I don't like it now."

Meaning, used to like it.

Zhong Yuan couldn't help asking, "Why?"

Feng Qing sighed and said, "I used to think that she was a more outstanding genius than me, she was as eye-catching as the scorching sun, but later I found out that she is not at all."

"She is worse than the weakest power-killer in the academy. She deceived everyone with her ultimate wish... Everything about her is illusory, and even she is kept in the dark. If she knows the truth, Maybe they won't run to absorb the ability of the medical department."

Zhong Yuan said, "You care about her affairs very much? You even noticed that she looked at me from time to time."

Feng Qing said, "I just want to see her ending, what will happen to an ordinary human being after he gets a powerful power that doesn't belong to him."

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and asked, "What date is her ability stripped off?"

Feng Qing said without hesitation, "February 2."

Really, I even inquired about the time clearly, in the end I still hope she is okay.

Zhong Yuan muttered softly, "In that case, let me help you check her situation."

Feng Qing was slightly taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Zhong Yuan said, "Su Wanying's physique is average, and the success rate of ability stripping is very low. Let me see if she succeeds in the end."

Feng Qing couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he heard this, and said in shock, "Yuan Yuan, can you see the future?"

Zhong Yuan said frankly, "Well, the ability that has just been awakened recently. It is said that it is the time system."

Feng Qing's mind went blank, and he looked at him with incredulous eyes. After a while, he finally accepted the reality of being thrown away by Zhong Yuan again.

He shook his head helplessly, "This kind of ability must be exhausting, don't look at it, you're not interested in her anyway."

In fact, Zhong Yuan has a subtle impression of Su Wanying.

She is full of love and has picked up the cat Zhong Yuan several times, and she will not give up even if she is beaten. She is the best.

"I've slept for two days, and I'm in good spirits. It shouldn't matter. Let's take a look..."

Zhong Yuan closed his eyes and whispered in his mind: Let me see what happened to Su Wanying on February 2.

At the same moment, the power of the dark world sealed in the golden coffin was activated. In addition to projection, the master uses the power of time for the first time to seek answers to the future.

Countless numerology is intertwined to form a real picture scroll, which is displayed in Zhong Yuan's mind.

"It's over! After more than a month of fierce fighting! The championship of the 2043 college league team competition is Chengying College's Feng Qing team!"


This is the scene at the end of the team competition. vp actually... uh, who is this?

"Yuan Shao, tell me the truth, how many special training packages have you arranged for me!?"

Seeing it, Miao Li was full of grievances, and asked Jiang Buyou for special training, and someone called the emotional hotline in frustration.

"Gems and gems, there's only one gem missing! Why can't I find it! Damn, it's so expensive, and it breaks when you drop it. You must find it!"


Because the Tong family handed over a huge amount of property, the family became poor overnight. Tong Xiaotang desperately searched for the strawberry hair rope inlaid with rubies in the stadium square.

"Yuanyuan, you don't need to buy expensive gifts, my mother doesn't pay much attention to them. Well, if you must buy them, just buy her a small Hello Kitty souvenir."


It turns out that Feng Aunt likes cats without mouths.

"Huh? Lan Lan, we haven't seen each other for a month. How did you become a little pig?"

"It's all Uncle Lu's fault. Every day, the cafeteria will add two chicken legs to me. I want to eat it at 8, so I must stuff it!"


My sister adds an extra chicken leg to every meal, and there is a trend of horizontal development...

"Mr. Bai, this student named Zhong Yuan is suspected to be the successor of the eighth seat. He is only sixteen years old this year and has such a powerful ability. He will definitely affect the global situation in the future. A big threat! I suggest that he be included in the assassination list top ten."


what is this?

A man with a stern face stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with his hands behind his back, and a woman behind him was urging him to kill me.

"Start the stripping operation now! Everyone cheer up! Only success is not allowed!"

It's Su Wanying!

That's it, let me see it more clearly.

"Oops! Dean! She stopped breathing!"

"Life sharing, hurry up!"

"Principal! Can't share! Her body rejects all healing!"

"How? Why is this happening!!!"



Su Wanying failed to peel off her ability, her body reacted violently, she refused any treatment, and finally died miserably on the operating table.

The operation of forcibly stripping away the ability triggered the fierce resistance of the ultimate wish.

It regards all external forces as enemies, and actively blesses Su Wanying with an invincible state for three minutes.

After three minutes passed, the power of the ultimate prayer dissipated, and Su Wanying died immediately.

Even if Feng Qing was at the scene, she couldn't save her, and Shuri was also resisted by the ultimate prayer and became invalid.

This is Su Wanying's future.

A puppet at the mercy of the family, once wanted to take his fate into his own hands, but finally chose to give in.

And those who wanted to keep the heterogeneous crystals pure, their wishes also came to nothing.

When they got the news of Su Wanying's death, they were deeply saddened, not because of her beauty, but because they lost their ultimate prayer forever.

Feng Zhuzhen took full responsibility for this failure and voluntarily resigned from the position of dean of the Academy of Sciences...

Zhong Yuan's heart tightened, he immediately opened his eyes, and said eagerly to Feng Qing, "Su Wanying must be prevented from stripping her abilities, she will die."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt extremely tired.

Zhong Yuan underestimated the cost of peering into the future.

The consumption of this ability is even more frightening than the period of weakness after casting Ice-Blood Burst, which made him weak to the point where he couldn't maintain the projection state.

I saw Zhong Yuan's body gradually becoming transparent, as if it would disappear at any moment.

Feng Qing was shocked and his eyes widened. The most dreaded thing finally happened.


"It's okay, I'll just sleep for a while...just for a while..."

Leaving these words behind, Zhong Yuan's figure completely disappeared.

There is half a glass of juice on the table, and the chair is empty.

There was only a strange shadow left, and after being at a loss for two seconds, he quietly rushed out of the Blue Sky Hotel and headed straight for the South China Military Region's garrison.

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