Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 42 On The Correct Way To Win Zhong Yuan

Su Wanying can indeed be regarded as a man of the hour in Chengying College.

She is ambitious and wants to form her own team ahead of the college selection and get a better ranking in the college league.

Similarly, Feng Qing is also selecting candidates.

When Zhong Yuan joined the student union, he knew that the conflict with Shangguanyi could not be resolved.

With a grudge in his heart, how could Shangguan Yi rest assured to hand over his back to him?

Taking advantage of the restructuring of the league, the original school team will inevitably split up, and most of Shangguan Yi will go to form a team with Su Wanying.

That chick's auxiliary ability is really against the sky. It can improve all the abilities of teammates, and the time limit is three minutes.

During these three minutes, an invincible state is added, immune to any damage.

In the later stages of the league, she relied on her trick to turn defeat into victory every time. She has won more vp games than Feng Qing in the team competition.

For a team of six, two supporters are just so-so, but for a team of four, two supporters are too many.

The most important thing is that Su Wanying is beautiful and her family is rich.

As long as they show off their looks a little bit, those boys will become big pigs in minutes, wishing to be her flower protectors.

With her without me!

Feng Qing is soberly aware of the status quo.

If she doesn't act anymore, everyone will be dragged down by her.

At nine o'clock in the evening, carrying a small suitcase and carrying a black sword bag, he knocked on the door of the warehouse dormitory.

Zhong Yuan was preparing homework in the study on the second floor, when he heard a knock on the door, he looked with his super senses and found Feng Qing standing at the door.

I was too lazy to go downstairs, so I stuck my head out of the window and shouted, "The door is unlocked, come in by yourself."


Feng Qing pushed the door open, ran up to the second floor, opened the refrigerator first, got a beer, and then entered the study.

"What are you doing? You don't come out to greet me when I come."

He found that Zhong Yuan was writing something, and couldn't help but leaned over to take a look.

Then, I was shocked on the spot.

Freshman math?


Did you make a mistake?

Everyone is training, you are bored in the room doing questions! ?

What is the use of brushing questions?

Feng Qing didn't understand very much, and said in a daze, "It's a great time, wake up!"

Zhong Yuan didn't even raise his head, and said perfunctorily, "I'm busy, don't bother me!"

Feng Qing was extremely shocked, "Could it be that you still want to be a top student with both good character and academics?"

Zhong Yuan's subordinates were not idle, while quickly solving the problem, he said, "What's wrong? It's preventing you from taking off from Wuhu?"

"That's not true. It's just... I brought you weapons today."

Hey, since you don't need weapons, I'll take the initiative to provide you with weapons.

Feng Qing felt that he was too witty, so he untied the sword bag on his back, took out the long sword inside, and said with a smile, "Let's see if you are satisfied first. It's best to try the feel."

At the same time, he opened the suitcase.

Under the light, twelve precision-forged flying knives were neatly arranged, shining coldly.

Zhong Yuan glanced at it and had to admit that the weapon was very beautiful.

Especially the sword, although there is no carving and decoration technology, like something coming out of the assembly line, but its shape is smooth, full of texture, and it has a postmodern taste.

Not to mention the flying knife, as thin as a cicada's wing, with beautiful water ripples on the blade, you can imagine its sharpness.

"This is the Jidao series of weapons, the second generation after improvement. I got through the internal relationship and got two sets of samples."

Feng Qing said proudly, "It's absolutely easy to use!"

Zhong Yuan's heart moved, and he said, "Is that the Jidao series developed by the Supervisory Bureau?"

Feng Qing said strangely, "You actually know? You boy, it really is not easy!"

Finally got the words out!

The Jidao series is the latest product developed by the Xuneng Supervision and Construction Bureau, and it is not something that a freshman can know.

Zhong Yuan immediately looked away, and said coldly, "Put the things down, you can go."

"Hey, don't be so indifferent!"

Feng Qing pulled a chair and sat beside him.

Glancing at him, I saw that he had already written a bunch of extracurricular homework, and couldn't help persuading him, "You still have to take a normal cultural class? Even if you get a perfect score in this kind of exam, you won't get a scholarship."

Unmoved, Zhong Yuan said, "I know. Do you have any questions?"

If oil and salt do not enter, there is nothing to do with him.

However, Feng Qing really wanted to confirm whether Zhong Yuan could absorb the ghost moat badger's ability!

He gritted his teeth and gave up his integrity, saying, "How about going downstairs to the training ground? Actually, I want to be beaten up by you!"

Zhong Yuan finally raised his head, looked at him with mentally ill eyes, and said seriously, "Take care if you are sick, don't delay, or there will be no cure in the end."

Feng Qing's eyelids twitched wildly, and he said quickly, "I can help you get the papers for the final exam and guarantee you a high score!"

Zhong Yuan immediately threw the pen away, overjoyed, "Very good! You have helped me a lot! In order to thank you, I will grant your wish now!"

Ten minutes later, the training ground on the ground floor.

Feng Qing's whole body was tattered and bruised, but his face was full of satisfaction, as if something good had happened.

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "The injury is so serious, why don't you treat it?"

Feng Qing waved his hand and said excitedly, "No, let me feel the joy of pain for a while!"

Zhong Yuan sighed and said, "You really should see a psychiatrist. Early detection, early treatment, and hope of recovery!"

Feng Qing immediately said, "My spirit is normal, I'm not sick!"

"That's what patients say." Zhong Yuan said flatly, "Before entering the mental hospital, do you have any last words?"

Feng Qing wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and murmured, "My family, Yuan Yuan, has finally grown up and can use cold weapons. I am so touched as a father!"

"Get out!" Zhong Yuan kicked him and said angrily, "It's okay to go!"

"Zhong Yuan, you heartless man, I have sacrificed so much for you, why do you turn your back and deny anyone?"

"You pay a fart! You just came to find out if I have the ability to absorb the ghost badger." Zhong Yuan saw through this guy's purpose at a glance.

"Congratulations! I knew you could do it!"

Feng Qing smiled and applied a backtracking to himself, and immediately refreshed it back to a good state, and then said seemingly casually, "Has that bitch Su Wanying come to you?"

Zhong Yuan was stunned, and said honestly, "I just ran into it during dinner, so I got to know each other."

Feng Qing said sourly, "Is it such a coincidence? What did you have for dinner?"

Zhong Yuan said, "Ma La Tang. And pig's trotters."

Feng Qing was stunned.

What the hell is a trotter?

Want to change the subject, right?

He didn't give Zhong Yuan a chance to go wrong at all, and continued, "Do you think Su Wanying is beautiful?"

Zhong Yuan thought about it and said, "It's okay, it's pretty."

"How's her temperament?"

"It feels like everyone is a lady."

"Do you deserve to be the school belle of Chengying Academy?"

"If such a girl can't be the school belle, then I can't imagine how good-looking the school belle of our college is."

"That's right!" Feng Qing said loudly, "Do you think this kind of goddess-level best would eat Malatang?!"

Zhong Yuan said seriously, "It's hard to say, my sister likes it very much."

Feng Qing:? ? ?

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