If you don't eat, you can't press your head and stuff it.

In desperation, Li Dao had no choice but to take away the lunch box.

Seven thirty in the evening.

When the lights come on, there is a lot of traffic.

After a day of harsh and high temperature, the city seemed to be just starting up, and it was very lively.

The pedestrian street is full of young ladies in cool clothes.

Suspenders and hot pants, big and square, half south and north half, balls and balls are eye-catching.

The eighth floor of the inpatient department of the hospital became quiet instead.

Li Dao stood at the door of the room and told Zhong Yuan, "I'm about to go. Before you go to bed, remember to lock the door. The boy is outside alone, so take care to protect yourself."

What do you mean?

Are hospitals unsafe these days? Could it be that all the people wandering in the corridor are female zombies?

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "Thank you for your advice, you'd better be careful on your own way."

When the younger sister came home, he opened Hawkeye to escort her all the way.

It was discovered by accident that there was a team of Ruins who had been wandering around the hospital.

The person in the lead, Zhong Yuan knew.

Lin Han.

Special investigator of the Market Management Bureau.

While playing chess, he specially used his telepathy to eavesdrop on the voices of their team.

Sure enough, it was aimed at Li Dao.

The matter of buying and selling market energy users was not exposed, but his frequent contact with foreign forces was noticed by the market management bureau.

No wonder, I never saw Li Dao again.

It turned out that it was taken away by the Market Management Bureau...

The door was gently closed.

Zhong Yuan came to the window, looking down at the scenery on the ground with an indifferent expression.

"Anchor points have been set up around the inpatient department. As soon as Li Dao goes out, he will be pulled into Fangjie. In order to catch him, the people from the Market Management Bureau spent a lot of money. They even hoped to lure Li Dao's accomplices."

"No matter what era, going against the country will never end well. But Li Dao saved me after all. If he hadn't found Mr. Bai, I wouldn't have woken up..."

"Besides, if Li Dao is arrested, I will lose the clue to find Mr. Bai. I can only ask the brothers from the Market Management Bureau to feel wronged."

At this moment, Li Dao doesn't know that the danger is approaching.

After cultivating feelings for a long time, he thought he was sure to pull Zhong Yuan into his camp.

If possible, it is best to join voluntarily and not to use mind control ability.

At the age of sixteen, he has not yet absorbed Xu Jing, a blank sheet of paper, understands a little bit of the world, and has ideals, which is an age that is easier to control.

First ask Mr. Bai what he means and how to arrange him.

Li Dao left the inpatient building and walked towards the parking lot.

When he was almost there, he took out his mobile phone to check, and was surprised to find that there was no signal.

Not only that, but along the way just now, the surroundings were eerily quiet, not even the sound of cicadas chirping.


Li Dao became vigilant, his expression suddenly changed, and he was about to run back.

At this moment, Lin Han descended from the sky with his brother.

A total of six marketers surrounded him tightly.

Lin Han shouted, "Li Dao, something happened to you, come with us!"

They don't even need to show their IDs, they are from the Market Management Bureau at a glance.

Startled, Li Dao calmed down immediately, with an expression of "I am willing to cooperate and I surrender" on his face.

"Don't do it! I'm just a medical department! I don't resist!"

——If it falls into the hands of the Market Management Bureau, it will be dead, and no secrets can be kept! At that time, not only Mr. Bai will be exposed, but Jiu Yao's great cause that has been planned for decades will also be known to the Market Management Bureau!

Li Dao quickly calculated the possibility of escaping.

There are doors.

In fact, Li Dao is a dual-line medical assistant.

In addition to the ability to sense the market, he also has the abilities of blessing, rejuvenation, life wish, hypnotic sound wave, and ice freezing.

Male medical department is rare, with a total of six abilities, most teams will not reject him.

However, life wishes, blessings, and rejuvenation are reported and written into the file, while other abilities are concealed and not reported.

In other words, Li Dao is not powerless.

He has the two trump cards of Hypnotic Sound Wave and Ning Bing.

The levels are all very high, and they are absorbed from the heterogeneous market crystals.

A gleam flashed in Li Dao's eyes, he slowly raised his lowered hands, and continued to say quickly, "I cooperate with the investigation! Don't do anything! I surrender!"

The characteristic of the market management bureau's arrest is that it controls people in the first place.

But Li Dao's action of raising his hands in surrender somewhat confused the investigators.

Their reaction was a beat slower, giving Li Dao a chance to activate his ability.

kiss! Steady - Mmmmm!

The strange hypnotic sound wave rushed towards Lin Han, and at the same time, he seemed to raise his hands in surrender, and the moment his elbows made a w-shape, he suddenly changed his movements.

Li Dao quickly drew out the pistol hidden in his waist.

boom! boom! boom!

Gunshots rang out.

Three shots in a row, the fast gunner Billy the Kid possessed him.

The method is old-fashioned, but it is very effective against humans.

The auxiliary system and the control system had no time to activate their abilities, and immediately fell to the ground.

Another shot hit Lin Han's body, and it seemed that there was a sound of interlacing gold and spears, and he also fell down.

The hypnotic sound waves in the body, and being shot at the same time, it won't work if it doesn't fall.

Because, Li Dao's first shot was to hit Lin Han.

He must be the most capable person in the squad.

In a blink of an eye, three people from the Market Management Bureau fell, leaving only one control department, one medical department, and one defense department.

Li Dao raised a grim smile on his face, and quickly rejuvenated himself, so as not to be controlled by the ability of the control system.

Then, with another blessing, he ran away.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, if you continue to fight, you will die. God knows if the people from the Market Management Bureau have reinforcements.

The best policy is to get out quickly!

But at this moment, Lin Han, who fell on the ground, got rid of the control of the hypnotic sound wave, and opened his eyes in a flash.

He jumped up like a carp, and punched Li Dao violently.


The punch was so violent that it exploded in the air, hitting the back of the target.

Li Dao spat out a mouthful of blood, his body flew out involuntarily, and finally rolled on the ground twice like a broken sandbag, and his personnel were unknown.

One punch and one down.

In fact, it is also crispy.

Lin Han shot with hatred, he was quick, ruthless and accurate, naturally powerful.

It can only be said that Li Dao's luck was a little bit bad, and he failed to bring down the medical department of Lin Han's team. So that after Lin Han was knocked down, the medical department performed rejuvenation and successfully rescued him.

As for the shot that was fired, it was blocked by Lin Han's copper skin and iron frame.

"It's really cunning, you actually hid a hypnotic sound wave, and almost capsized in the gutter!"

With lingering fears in his heart, Lin Han said to his companion, "Fortunately, there is a hospital next door. Send the brother who was shot to rescue first. I will take Li Dao back!"

Quickly making a decision, Lin Han was about to restrain Li Dao when suddenly there was a movement behind him.

He was startled immediately, and saw a young man in hospital uniform approaching unhurriedly.

It was dark and I couldn't see his face clearly.

In order to lure you into the urn, the entrance to Fangjie was not closed.

This boy may be a patient who came out to cool off at night and broke in unintentionally.

Let's expel them first.

Lin Han immediately warned, "Stop!"

Zhong Yuan looked at him calmly, and said softly, "Lin Han, you go back, Li Dao, I'll take care of you."

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