Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 426 You Follow The Crowd And Lack Individuality

The car drove towards the most prosperous commercial circle in Shangdong City.

The atmosphere in the car is subtle.

Mr. Bai did not speak, and Li Dao did not dare to speak too much.

Being investigated by the Market Management Bureau, he will definitely be on the most wanted list in the future, so he can only give up his original identity. Maybe after a while, he will be arranged to change his face and continue to work.

It's a pity that the 35 million yuan was originally a steady profit, but now it flew away before it was obtained.

However, this little money is nothing to Li Dao. Over the years, he has earned enough money, and his net worth is rich, and the most important thing is to save his life.

Sneak peek at Zhong Yuan in the rearview mirror.

Alas, when this child saw Mr. Bai, he didn't even say hello, what was he thinking about with his head down?

Well, his mind must be in a mess and he doesn't know what's going on, which is understandable.

Of course messy.

All of a sudden, I came to a crowded place. I didn't feel it just now, but suddenly became quiet, and all kinds of inner voices flooded into my mind like a rising tide.

——Work overtime, work overtime every day! I change the drawings as soon as I get off work, and I have to take care of my paralyzed father when I go back. My son has a fever and asks for two hours off today.

A hard-working office worker stood on the rooftop and wondered whether to jump down.

In the passing car, a little boy was making out with a rich woman.

——Let her divorce her husband tomorrow, anyway, her husband is also a softie!

The little boy wants to be in the top position.

The rich woman was thinking worriedly: My husband has already found out that I used his money to go to the club to play. Today is the last time, so we can get together and go away.

On the sidewalk, a fashionable teenage girl is holding hands with a crooked nut old enough to be her grandfather. Like a lover in love, just walk a few steps and stick your lips on the street.

——As long as I can go to the Lighthouse Country, it doesn't matter if I marry the old man, I can still get the inheritance if I die.

——I never thought that I could find a wife in this life. Hua Guoniu is quite open, so she probably doesn't mind that I have AIDS.

There are all kinds of messy thoughts. The real ugliness of human beings is nakedly displayed in front of Zhong Yuan. If you don't want to hear it, it will gradually gather into a buzzing sound, constantly ringing in your head, spreading negative power.

Li Dao found that Zhong Yuan's eyes were lax and absent-minded, so he felt it necessary to introduce Mr. Bai to him.

However, at this moment, Mr. Bai turned his head and said to Zhong Yuan, "Now I'm going to buy clothes for you. What color do you like?"

! ! !

! ! !

Li Dao's heart jumped and he was extremely excited.

That's great, Mr. Bai really cares about Zhong Yuan, he never inquired about other people's preferences before.

Wang Baoyu was secretly shocked.

Wouldn't he be trained as an heir?

Who is this kid? If it wasn't for the talent against the sky, it wouldn't be so important!

Zhong Yuan tried his best to ignore the buzzing noises in his head, and began to examine himself.

What color do you like to buy clothes?

I only know that my sister likes red, so I usually buy her little red skirts, ones with bows, small florals, and fruit patterns, I want them all! would work too.

When it's his turn, he can buy whichever color is on sale.

Usually pick the leftovers, such as the brownish yellow that no one wants, and it will be 20 yuan cheaper than other colors when it is on sale. It is not ugly to wear, but I don't like it.

After waiting for two seconds, the boy didn't answer. Mr. Bai frowned and said, "What color do you like that take so long to think about?"

Zhong Yuan immediately said, "Red."

Mr. Bai said displeasedly, "I'm asking about your preferences, so don't fool me with an answer. Which one is it?"

Zhong Yuan hesitated for a moment, then said, "It's... black."

Mr. Bai showed disappointment, and sighed, "I don't even know what color I like. When you are questioned, you immediately change your mouth. You follow the crowd and lack personality."

He saw that Zhong Yuan was still holding a gun in his hand, and said, "Give me the gun."

Zhong Yuan frowned and said forcefully, "No. It's mine."

Mr. Bai suddenly smiled, and said gently, "Go to the store later, if you keep holding it, people will think you robbed it. Let Li Dao keep it for you first. I will return it to you later."

Li Dao was terrified when he heard them talking, and he was sweating for Zhong Yuan.

How can you be so disrespectful to Mr. Bai?

Ask what color you like, why do you want to change your mouth?

Mr. Bai doesn't like people who are vacillating.

However, having a tough and paranoid attitude towards weapons made Mr. Bai feel good again.

Zhong Yuan glanced at Li Dao, and reluctantly handed over the pistol.

Thank you so much for helping me analyze the situation.

At this time, Mr. Bai said again, "The driver is called Wang Baoyu. You can just treat him as the driver. The person sitting in front of you doesn't need my introduction, your attending doctor. Me, you can just call me Mr. Bai."

The powerful man with the ability to liquefy has become a driver.

The unscrupulous broker who cheated others of 35 million is a doctor.

The mysterious leader only introduced a code name, and did not reveal his real name.

Zhong Yuan's eyelids twitched, and he asked knowingly, "What do you do? Why are you hunted down?"

"Hunting?" Mr. Bai laughed dumbfounded, and said to Li Dao, "Look at you, this kid thinks you are being hunted down."

Li Dao looked like he was mourning his concubine, showing a smile that was uglier than crying.

Wang Baoyu was more nervous than him, sweating profusely.

Mr. Bai said leisurely, "I opened a trading company, specializing in manpower export. The business has grown, and there have been many jealous parties. I have offended many people over the years. Public hospitals are hard and tiring. Li Dao works part-time here. Soliciting business has also been targeted."

What a trading company specializing in manpower export, there is nothing wrong with it.

Zhong Yuan asked curiously, "Do you start a company and make a lot of money?"

Mr. Bai smiled, "It's okay, the trading company is only a part. I also have many other industries..."

"For example, consulting companies, medical research institutes, private hospitals, zoos, aquariums, and some real estate leased out earn a considerable amount of income every year, and the expenses of a large family business are also high. Zoos and aquariums hardly make money, and they have to support a large family. .Do you have any other questions?"

He was waiting for Zhong Yuan to ask about his ability, and he was not curious at all when he saw Wang Baoyu liquefy?

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said, "I'm used to going to bed at eight o'clock in the evening, when will you send me back to the hospital?"

Li Dao has black lines all over his head.

I asked you to go to bed at ten o'clock, and you sneered at me. Now you are telling Mr. Bai to go to bed at eight o'clock?

Mr. Bai said patiently, "You have been seen by my enemy, the hospital is no longer safe, please temporarily live in my villa, Li Dao is good at medicine, let him take care of you."

After being blown by the wind of healing, even wounds are healed.

Knowing Zhong Yuan's health is fine, he let Li Dao accompany him in order to dispel his fear and rejection. Having a doctor you know by your side will definitely give you a sense of security.

The street scene outside became extremely bustling, with colorful lights hanging on the street trees.

The night is as bright as the day.

A huge electronic screen is inlaid on the wall of the commercial building, playing back and forth the latest v of Irene, the most popular singer today. Zhong Yuan couldn't help but take another look.

The car drove into the underground garage of the commercial building.

Mr. Bai said, "Wang Baoyu, take him upstairs for a stroll. Except for clothes, he can buy whatever he wants."

"I see."

So Zhong Yuan followed Wang Baoyu out of the car. Li Dao and Mr. Bai stayed in the car, and they probably wanted to talk about something.

Before getting on the elevator, Wang Baoyu stared at Zhong Yuan's feet, took off his 60,000-dollar crocodile leather shoes, and said, "Don't be barefoot, put on my shoes first."

Zhong Yuan was full of disgust, and said unwillingly, "In case you have athlete's foot..."


Grass! This kid doesn't fit me!

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