Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 454 Don't Be Afraid Of Anything, Just Be Tough

Think about it in your heart, no one can control it.

But if you say hello, it's your fault.

Zhong Yuan absolutely cannot accept the name "little sweetheart".

One shot missed as a warning.

If you commit the crime again next time, you will be beaten to death directly!

Lawson couldn't help shrinking his head, thinking: Little Sweetheart doesn't like this name, he is very angry, but he misses it again... In fact, he is very gentle...

Lawson is definitely the first to think so, and he won't be the last.

On the other side, as soon as the defense system of the Lighthouse Kingdom died, the crystal wall protecting teammates disappeared immediately. The five survivors in the room panicked.

"Damn it! It's gunshots! Nord was shot twice!"

"Fart, how could a pistol break his copper skin and iron bones!"

"It's penetration! A master has come outside!"

The captain's judgment was completely correct, however, as soon as he finished speaking,


The bug king squatting on the wall penetrated the captain's forehead with lightning speed.

It is extremely smart, just waiting for the moment when the defense is lifted.

Without a defensive guard, only Feng Qing, a freak, once blocked the ladybug's attack.

I saw a small blood hole suddenly appeared on the man's forehead, which was bleeding out.

"team leader!!!"

Several other people were terrified, and they didn't even see what was attacking.

At this time, the captain who was attacked had his facial features distorted, unable to speak, and could only make ahhh sounds from his mouth.

The ghost-eyed ladybug king feasted on his brain, draining his brain in less than two seconds, and absorbing his memory by the way.

It crawled out of the head the same way.

The moment he appeared, under the light, the remaining four Lighthouse Guoxu experts finally recognized the true face of the assailant.

"God! It's a ghost-eyed ladybug! It's black! It's just the bug king!"

"Damn Simi people, they want to capture Qiandengyu!"

"Contact the embassy!"

The smart ghost who said to contact the embassy was immediately unlucky.

The insect king felt that this person was the most harmful, so he fluttered his wings and flew quickly, so he didn't pay attention to it, and let's talk about it first in the body.


He plunged into the man's thigh.

He happened to be a crispy control system, and wanted to freeze the bug king, but the bug was faster than him.

In order to play the big turntable, without wearing a battle suit, it is tantamount to being completely defenseless.

The flesh and blood were easily pierced by the insect king.

It is like a drill bit, rampaging through the human body, and it reaches the brain in just a few seconds.

Si Liu had another full meal, finally bit the forehead of the deceased, and got out majestically.



It's hard to guard against!

This insect king alone can ruin most of the warriors except the defense system.

After Meimei's full meal, it took off again with great satisfaction, even a little wobbly, and its flight speed slowed down. The remaining three people did not dare to intercept the bug.

——too cruel! Without the ability of the control system, it can't be destroyed, or it might be targeted by it instead.

—— Regardless of this bug, let's find a way to deal with the masters outside.

——Nord's copper skin and iron bone level is not low, even if he has blessings, he can't block the attack. How can we be able to block it?

--Fight! The medical treatment has not yet been paid, so what are you afraid of? rush out!

The team now only has the medical department, the auxiliary department, and an attacker.

The woman on the turntable panicked and half straightened up, not knowing what happened.

Then, a fist hit her on the head.

Like a hammer smashing a walnut, it made a trembling and crisp sound.

Ability: Juli!

The woman died instantly.

——Don't let women do bad things. In case she yelled out when she rushed out, she would report to the people outside and it would be over!

Zhong Yuan listened to the voices of these people, and couldn't help showing a mocking look.

Ability to leave it unused is also a waste.


This idea seems to have been heard somewhere...

Can't remember.

The ultimate prayer is launched!

At this moment, the mighty power from heaven shrouded Lawson's body.

The moment he felt the explosive growth of strength, blood flowed from his whole body straight to his forehead.

I think back then, when I yelled the goddess of my dream on the ground, I was never as excited as I am now.

In the Kangaroo Kingdom, the ultimate wish is a national treasure level ability, and it will only be deployed on particularly important battlefields.

A strong man like Lawrence cannot often enjoy the increase of the ultimate wish.

He has described to his grandson countless times the feeling when this god-level support takes effect.

It's stronger than any magic medicine, more exciting than any fun, don't be afraid of anything, just be tough!

Without time to think about who created this ability, Lawson roared and rushed into the room.

The attacking system warrior who had just killed the woman had already been on guard, and when he saw someone entering, he launched an attack suddenly.

A punch landed Lawson in the face.

The powerful blessing is enough to kill an elephant weighing several tons.


Killed? !

The attacking system warrior was overjoyed.

However, the little villain caught the fist with his face, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and smiled indifferently.

"It's my turn!"



The power increase is 448, and the power of the point explosion is terrifying.

The attack-type market energy user was headshot on the spot, blood gushed out, and he turned into a headless corpse and fell slowly.

The two people on the side looked stunned.

The auxiliary department has put all the buffs on the teammates, and the medical department is ready to support at any time.

Who knows...

Teammates were instantly killed!

Moreover, the intruder received a hard blow from Juli and was safe and sound, suspected to have the ability to be immune to damage.

Who can beat him?

"We surrender! Don't kill us!"

"Please let us go! You shouldn't be from Huaguo!"

Don't take sides with little villains.

He didn't even know what the Prisoner of War Convention was. Now, he just wanted to tidy up the room quickly and sit on the sofa with his sweetheart to watch TV.

After a few minutes.

The battle is over.

Seven bodies were dragged out of the board room by Lawson.

It turned out that the bug had already killed two of the toughest enemies...

Lawson was deeply moved.

At first, I wanted to push the corpse into the river, but then I thought, I will take a bath in it later, how bad is it to throw it in?

Therefore, it can only be thrown outside first.

Zhong Yuan walked slowly to Lawson's side, and couldn't help but said, "What a waste, you are the one who said to beat them, without my help, you can only beat three hairs."

Lawson was scolded again, but looked at Zhong Yuan with more eager eyes, and said, "It's almost eight minutes. My grandpa said that the ultimate prayer is up to five minutes. Yuan, your prayer time is too long!" "

"Oh? Your kangaroo country's prayer is only five minutes?"

Zhong Yuan spit out a word lightly, "vegetables."

The map cannon was biased and all bombed, but Lawson was not angry at all.



Zhong Yuan has the ultimate wish for a long time!

Lawson said expectantly, "If you go back with me, you will definitely be regarded as a national treasure."

Zhong Yuan said contemptuously, "Isn't it like this everywhere I go? I'll kill you if I talk too much."


——He is right, all countries will fight for him... Let the dead old man figure out a way when he goes out of the square!

It was rare for Lawson not to think wildly, and asked again, "What should I do with the corpse? Throw it into the sea of ​​flowers to feed the big earthworms?"

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