Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 458 You Are Like This, Let Me Eat Fish In The Future

It is absolutely impossible for a young man to possess such terrifying strength.

Jiang Wuqiu considers himself a leader among his peers.

At this moment, they decided that Zhong Yuan was some old monster-level powerhouse, and used special abilities to disguise himself and stay by Mr. Bai's side.

The reason why he can't hate it is because Zhong Yuan mentioned Jiang Buyou.

It must be that Jiang Buyou was aware of his various schemes and ambitions and asked Zhong Yuan to cut off his fingers.

People are in the office, and the pot comes from the sky. Someone in Jiang somehow took on everything.

After being injured, Jiang Wuchou didn't dare to stay longer, and left quickly while clutching his wound.

The risk of absorbing giant earth crystals is too great, there is no need to take risks for a medical department ability.

Find the woman with the big belly before, and let her regenerate her broken limbs, and her fingers can grow back!

If it doesn't work, leave the square immediately and go find the holder of the trace back!

As expected of an elite member from the Jiang family, he acted resolutely and judged accurately.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the pregnant woman had fallen off the cliff and died.

It took a little effort to find her. I found it, and I also helped collect the body.

Moreover, Jiang Wuchou's physique is not as good as Xu Jing of the medical department, and the probability of absorbing the rebirth of a severed limb is very low.

The current best solution is not to waste time, go to Feng Qing immediately.

Zhong Yuan would not take the initiative to say such things.

Jiang Wuchou's figure quickly disappeared into the night.

It was gone in a few minutes, and it was easy.

Seeing Zhong Yuan cut off the opponent's finger, Lawson finally recovered from the blow, and said excitedly, "Yuan, next time we meet Jiang Wuchou, you assist me, and I will help you kill him."

——Yuan is too gentle, he can't bear to kill his compatriots, so I will do it...

The little villain was half sober, and made a very considerate plan.

Ujimiya Ren's eyes were radiant, and her little heart was jumping wildly, jumping around like a deer.

Just now, she only liked Zhong Yuan three points, closeness five points, and admiration two points.

Now, it has become Zhong Yuan's 100% true love! Crazy fans!

Uji Miyaren said softly, "Yuanjun, my father once warned me not to provoke Jiang Wuqiu easily. This person is a master secretly cultivated by Huaguo. Be careful, he will definitely find a way to revenge you."

But Zhong Yuan knew that Jiang Wuqiu would not come to revenge in the short term.

Not strong enough to resist the influence of being super cute. He will only hold a grudge against Jiang Buyou.

He really has the ability to come here for revenge, but he looks at him with admiration.

Now, I can finally wander around in the square with peace of mind, collecting Ruin Crystals and so on.

Before dawn, Zhong Yuan decided to go fishing in the lake.

The bug king flew back.

According to the information it has received, there are at least three Thousand Lantern Fish over 20 years old in the lake, either King Fish or Disaster Grade.

They carve up the waters, each commanding a sizeable school of fish. If there is nothing to do, they will fight among themselves and grab the territory.

There is a hook-shaped tentacles growing on the top of Qiandengyu's head.

At the end of the tentacles is a light-emitting organ in the shape of a lily-of-the-valley flower, hanging just in front of the fish's eyes.

As long as it is frightened, the light-emitting organ immediately secretes a large amount of fluorescein, which lights up like a lamp.

With this organ, Qiandengyu can use its light leap to escape even in places with insufficient light.

The Qiandeng fish's mouth can be opened like a crocodile, and the mouth is covered with two rows of fine fangs.

If it is regarded as an enemy besieged by the fish school, even the defense system can't stop the intensive death bite.

Hunting them requires concealment or invisibility, and with abilities such as fainting and hypnotic sound waves, they can only be outsmarted, not tough.

Zhong Yuan probed with super sense and found that these fish don't sleep at night.

It seems to stay quietly, but actually swims slowly.

Zhong Yuan said to Lawson and Ren Ujimiya, "There are a lot of fish in the water, I'll go down and have a look. You guys stay on the shore first."


The two guys swallowed a big mouthful of saliva at the same time.


Zhong Yuan's eyelids twitched.

The yellow-haired girl was spoiled by the little villain, what thoughts are in her mind?

Originally, I wanted to take off my shirt before going into the water, but in the end, I only took off my shoes.

Under the disappointed eyes of the two, Zhong Yuan jumped into the lake.

The diving ability obtained from the North China Military Region has finally come into play.

Once in the water, diving is like an instinct, which gave Zhong Yuan a wonderful feeling like a fish in water.

It is passively turned on. Never worry about drowning while sleeping in water again.

The calm water surface was choppy, and the underwater fish were immediately alarmed.

Their eyesight is very poor. When swimming, the fish scales are slightly opened to sense changes in the water flow and judge whether there are enemies nearby.

Someone came suddenly, and the water surged, which was an alarm.

Lawson and Ren Ujimiya on the shore were waiting anxiously.


There was light on the lake. Sparkling, like a fairyland stars reflected in the water.

"so beautiful!"

Ren Ujimiya let out an exclamation, and hurriedly took out the selfie stick and started taking pictures.

Lawson glanced at her, and said with contempt, "I can't take pictures at first glance, the best angle is from the bottom up, so that the legs look long and thin!"

As a leg master, he often observes and learns, and knows how to take good-looking legs.

"Then please, help me take a picture!"

"Hey, just call me grandpa and I'll help you take pictures."

"Grandpa, help me take better pictures!"


Lawson was stunned.

Huangmao, where's your integrity?

In order to take good-looking photos, grandpa is willing to call!

Lawson seemed to know Uji Miyaren for the first time, and he didn't realize that a selfie stick was stuffed in his hand.

"Hurry up!"

"Oh, OK!"

Lawson felt strange.

Why should I help her take pictures? Speaking of which, what happened to the lake actually lit up.

The secret of Qiandengyu is little known. Zhong Yuan was already surrounded by hundreds of fish in the water.

They thought they had thrown food down, so they gathered together, but they didn't run away.

Among them, the largest fish is one meter long and seems to be the leader of the school.

Zhong Yuan's eyes lit up.

"It's such a big fish, half of it will be braised in brown sauce and half of it will be steamed. The fish head and tail will be stewed in soup, leaving a little bit of belly for sashimi."

This Qiandengyu didn't know that he had become a dish in Zhong Yuan's eyes.

It was the most courageous, rushing up to bite his arm.

However, when it got close to Zhong Yuan's hand, he immediately gave up attacking and turned into an intimate Yuzui Tie Tie.

It recognized Meng Wang, and called on the school of fish to stick with Meng Wang.

The small light above Qiandengyu's head flickered, and invisible thoughts were transmitted in the water.

Soon, all the fish were alarmed.


The selfie stick fell to the ground. Lawson stared at Bailu Lake in a daze, his mouth opened into an O shape.

Lian was taken aback, and said, "Baga! What are you doing?"

"Stop taking pictures, look behind you!" Lawson said in a daze.

Lian hurriedly turned her head to look, and immediately saw a scene she would never forget.

I saw that the whole Bailu Lake seemed to be lit up.

The light that bloomed from countless light spots gathered together, almost even the sky in the square boundary could be illuminated.

In the dark night, this scene is spectacular, and it will not happen once in decades, maybe hundreds of years.

All Qiandengyu lights up to pay tribute to the cute king!

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