Not surprisingly, the fish king should bring the Qiandeng Yuxu Crystal.

Anyway, I can't absorb it, so get two for Lawson and Uji Miyaren.

Select high-quality ones to take out of Fangjie and hand them over to Mr. Bai.

Ruin crystals are better than stinky ears.

Guangyue and Xiguang Asylum are not bad abilities, so he will be happy.

Zhong Yuan stuffed the Ruin Crystal he received earlier into his pants pocket, and went to get the newly handed Ruin Crystal.


The color is very different from the previous Xu Jing, it is a strange rose red.

A reminder appears in the brain.

"I found a different kind of crystal, do you want to absorb it?"

"This heterogeneous market crystal has the following abilities."

"Invisibility, blue level lv5, cannot be upgraded!"

"Strong electricity, blue level lv9, can't be upgraded!"

"Super thinking, yellow level lv3, not upgradeable!"

Zhong Yuan revealed an incredulous look.

It was actually a heterogeneous crystal condensed in the body of the warrior, and there was a super thinking inside.

This ability has been seen in the market crystal of the ancient Chi Lian insect king. Together with super excretion and super reproduction, it is a precious ability that is extremely difficult to absorb.

This ruin crystal should be a relic left behind by the warriors from the lighthouse country who came to fish in the past, but were killed by the fish.

The strong electricity failed to overturn the Qiandengyu, and finally the person was bitten to death.

In the face of a force so powerful that it is difficult to resist, even if he turns on super thinking, Zhuge, whose IQ surpasses him, will die with hatred.

Zhong Yuan sighed and thought: The ability of the lightning department should be upgradeable.

Once this alien crystal is absorbed, the ability level is fixed, and it can no longer be improved.

"This Ruin Crystal is useless to me, but it can make an ordinary person become a Ruin Power. The ability configuration is also good, I took it."

Zhong Yuan put the alien crystal in his pocket.

As a thank you, I touched Yuwang's head with my hand.

It was almost so excited that its belly turned white again, and after swimming back and forth twice, it ran to get Xu Jing again.

I swam around a dozen times in this way, and brought a total of thirteen market crystals, including five heterogeneous market crystals and eight thousand lantern fish market crystals, all of which were of good quality.

One of the Qiandeng Yuxu crystals has a catastrophic light jump, and whoever absorbs it is bloody money.

"Unfortunately, my physique doesn't suit me," Zhong Yuan sighed.

"Lawson possesses explosive flames and is extremely fast. He is likely to be compatible with light abilities... This Ruin Crystal is cheap for him."

In fact, besides the fish king, the other small leader-level Qiandeng fish also looked good, they searched everywhere, and dug out many market crystals that had sunk below from the mud.

The quality is not high, but the quantity is considerable, and Zhong Yuan is extremely depressed.

Forget it……

Be normal, not sad.

It is absolutely impossible to kill with a death bite!

However, when the fish group saw that Meng Wang didn't accept the gift, they all became sad.

One by one, the fish turned white in protest, silent and lively.

Zhong Yuan was full of black lines, so he had no choice but to say to Yu Wang, "There are too many crystals, I can't take them away, you ask your subordinates to hide them well, and I will come and get them when I need them."

The small light on the fish king's head flickered immediately.

After more than ten seconds, he finally appeased those fish who couldn't think about it.

Zhong Yuan wandered around the bottom of the lake twice, only to find some scrapped weapons.

After confirming that there is nothing else of value, Zhong Yuan said to the Fish King, "I should go. Thank you for bringing me the crystal. If there is a chance, I will come to see you."

There was deep reluctance in the fish king's eyes.

Meng Wang does not belong to the underwater world.

Like those fishermen, he lives in a waterless environment.

So, Yu Wang swam ten meters away sadly, preferring to go first rather than watching Zhong Yuan leave.

Zhong Yuan gave a wry smile, always feeling a little owed to these fish.

Thus, the ability was activated again.

The power of life!

This time, the effectiveness of this group healing ability has been maximized.

All Qiandeng fish within a kilometer range will be regenerated for a short time.

The school of fish is in a daze, not understanding that the great ability of the disaster level is coming, and it will bring infinite benefits.

They only knew that Meng Wang was leaving.

He is floating.

So, hurriedly followed along to go upstream.

"Don't send it away, you will die if you leave the water. Go back." Zhong Yuan said helplessly.

I'm afraid that these fish will go ashore together foolishly, and finally die from lack of oxygen.

Don't say it, there is really a silly fish planning to do this.

Therefore, the moment Zhong Yuan surfaced, the Airspace Master was activated immediately.

The air flow surged and flew into the sky.

He spread his wings in an instant and reached a height of 100 meters.

Below, the school of fish suddenly lost his figure, jumping out of the water crazily like a spiritual pillar collapsed.

Some even jumped a few meters high, then flipped their white bellies and floated on the water.

If it weren't for the lights on their heads that were still on, I would have thought they were dead fish.

Three minutes to regenerate, how can it be so easy to die?

Sadness is only temporary, after a while they will accept the reality.

Standing high in the sky, Zhong Yuan used his super decomposition ability to decompose all the water on his body, and then went to see the situation on the shore.

The little villain and the yellow-haired girl are still taking pictures together.

"Something seemed to come out of the water just now! It's Yuan Jun who came out!"

"Where are the people? I only see fish. Well, a lot of fish jumped out!"

Lawson hurriedly held up his phone, the camera was already on, facing the lake, ready to take pictures.

Ujimiya Ren said angrily, "Lawson, what did you just say? You only care about the present, not the future, so what do you want to do now?"

"Hey...why do you care about me!"

——Only I can take photos of little sweethearts out of the water!

This is the real reason why Lawson threw Lian's phone into the water.

There are a lot of beautiful words, all excuses. In fact, he loves taking photos very much, and his level is comparable to that of a master photographer.

Zhong Yuan was also speechless.

Lawson was young, but played with the older Ren Ujimiya in the applause.

If you give him Guangyue, I really don't know what will happen.

At this time, the light in Bailu Lake gradually dimmed.

King Meng left, and the school of fish returned to calm.

Keeping the lights on is a heavy burden on them, but thanks to the gift of regeneration, each fish has greatly increased their strength, and after the lights are turned on, they do not feel tired.

Zhong Yuan quietly landed behind the two of them.

"Huangmao, did you read it wrong?"

Lawson is still looking for someone, afraid of missing the opportunity to shoot.

Zhong Yuan snorted softly and said, "Trash, what are you doing?"

! ! !

Lawson was startled, turned his head, and immediately saw Zhong Yuan standing behind him, neatly dressed and dry.

Where did he come from? Why is there no movement at all?

The most important thing is that there is not a drop of water on the body.

The expectation was shattered, Lawson let out a wail, and he was about to lose his footing due to heartache.

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "What? I landed safely, are you disappointed?"

Lawson hurriedly changed his face, and said worriedly, "Yuan, as long as you are fine! There are so many fish down here, I am very worried about you!"

"Yuanjun, don't listen to him... he is woohoo! woohoo!"

Ujimiya Ren's mouth was covered halfway through her words.

The little villain said sincerely, "Huang Mao thought something happened to you, and almost wanted to go into the water to find you, even accidentally dropped his phone in the water."

--hateful! Huang Mao actually betrayed me, she obviously wanted to shoot it too!

Zhong Yuan sighed and said, "Lawson, next time you want to take a picture, just tell me. Don't throw other people's mobile phones into the water."

! ! !

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