Lawrence felt sympathy for what happened to Nicholas.

Anyway, the world's top mercenaries are disliked for nothing, and no one can hold back.

Lawrence laughed and said, "Isn't it normal for a child with the ultimate wish to have concerns? Especially you, who suddenly offered a free escort, I would have to doubt your motives."

Nicholas sighed heavily, and unexpectedly uttered a sentence in Chinese.

"I have a wolf's heart covering the bright moon, but the bright moon covers the ditch."

Lawrence didn't understand what he was saying at all. Since Nicholas said it, we can't lag behind others.

Hastily said in Chinese, "There is no fragrant grass in Tianya, the toad wants to eat swan meat."

Nicholas said slowly, "Sincere sincerity is the golden stone."

Lawrence said hastily, "A good horse never turns back. The key is that a fool doesn't know what to buy."

"Lawrence, you are not bad, you can speak so much Chinese."

"Each and each other, you are not bad."

The level is limited, and there are only a few words in total. After chatting for a while, they are out of stock, and they start to brag about each other.

Fatty Qiu was eavesdropping on the sidelines, his fat body was shaking non-stop, and his whole body was not feeling well.

Now I have reason to suspect that you guys want to laugh at me so that you can inherit my sanitary napkin business.

Back to the topic.

Nicholas said, "Bai was assassinated by people from the Simi Kingdom. He must take revenge. It would be nice to have one more helper. Really... I won't rob his son."

——At most, I just want to experience what it feels like to be assisted by the ultimate prayer.

Lawrence asked in surprise, "Is the information conclusive?"

Nicholas said with a smile, "Don't underestimate the intelligence network of my hairy bear country. A car bomb was planted on the way he came. The driver wanted to die with him, but he committed suicide in the end, and the body was thrown by the side of the road."

Fatty Qiu thought calmly: So that's the case, no wonder he called me and borrowed a helicopter.

Lawrence said strangely, "The relationship between Bai and Simi has always been good. Why did they suddenly tear each other apart?"

Nicholas thought for a while and said, "Simi's domestic defense relies heavily on the lighthouse country, and the country has almost no ability to defend against the ruins. Summer is the period when the ruins are opened. These years, the appetite of the lighthouse country is getting bigger and bigger. They don't want to compromise. I had no choice but to take the risk.”

Lawrence sneered, "The idea hit Bai's head, I really don't know how to write dead words."

Lawson stayed behind the lord, playing with the crystal that Mr. Bai gave him, and couldn't help asking, "Grandpa, will my little sweetheart be in danger? How about we go too..."

Lawrence immediately slapped his precious grandson on the head, and said, "Your brat is so bold, you don't have a single character, what did you ask his father-in-law to do? Why should we join in the fun of other people's conflicts? Ultimately, I hope nothing will happen. Bai Bai Even if there is no prayer assistance, the people of Simi Kingdom will be dead."

Nicholas said with a smile, "If I were Bai, I would simply not do it. I would rob the Qiandengyu Market Crystal in Fangjie, kill all the guards in the Lighthouse Country, and let the people of Simi Country take the blame. Anyway. Will not come again in the future.”

Lawrence said with a smile, "If he doesn't come, we will still come. The venue fee is not a small sum. Bai didn't do anything, it must be for the sake of our old friends."

Lawson listened carefully to the adult's speech, and secretly thought:

No wonder Little Sweetheart is so ruthless, that's how she thought about it. He is really good or bad. Compared with him, I am like an innocent little sheep.

Nicholas suddenly changed the subject and asked Lawson, "That Hua country boy named Jiang broke a finger and came out early. Do you know who did it?"

"Huh? Did he have a broken finger?"

Lawson pretended to be shocked, and said blankly, "I don't know, I haven't met him."

Nicholas said strangely, "Isn't it you?"

Lawson replied immediately, "Of course not. My strength is not as good as his."

Nicholas was quite surprised and said, "You kid is quite self-aware?"

At this time, Lawson thought of the fact that he only blasted off three chest hairs with all his strength, and he couldn't help feeling a little scared.

If Zhong Yuan hadn't shot the defense-type warrior in the head in time, he would have been in dire straits...

This is a thrilling lesson, of great significance.

Lawson said seriously, "My grandfather has always told me to correctly judge the strength of the enemy before the battle, and to fight casually will only lead to death."

Lawrence showed a strange look on his face, feeling that his grandson had changed a lot.

Nicholas laughed and said appreciatively, "That's right, that's the reason. In our business, you must kill with your hands. Hehe, if you only cut off one finger, you're either a fool, or your strength is far superior to the opponent!"

"I know Yennefu, she doesn't have this kind of strength, so she can only be a kid from Sakura Country, or a child from Fatty's family."

Only Zhong Yuan was not in doubt.

This child is thin and short, and he doesn't like to eat. He might faint after running two kilometers.

It was hard to imagine that he could cut off Jiang Wuchou's fingers with one blow.

Lawson pursed his lips tightly, secretly amused.

You people underestimate the little sweetheart! Hey, I won't tell you guys!

Oh, won't he come again in the future?

As long as I practice hard, I can still see him...

Lawson turned on his phone, staring at a bunch of secretly taken photos in a daze.

And Zhong Yuan had already left Yingzhou Mountain and went to Hancheng, the capital of Simi Kingdom.

There are many sights to visit there.

Killing is incidental, sightseeing is the business. You have played enough before you act.

These are the exact words of Mr. Bai.

In Zhong Yuan's memory, his parents never took him out on a trip.

Only he occasionally took his sister to the scenic spots around Shangdong City. Brother and sister dare not go too far, let alone go abroad.

Now Mr. Bai makes Zhong Yuan feel the warmth and care of a father.

It was supposed to only play for half a day, but in the end, after playing for two full days, the ultimate prayer has been restored long ago, without urging, and has been patiently accompanying.

The relationship seemed to grow closer, like a real father and son. But Zhong Yuan knew that this was just his wishful thinking.

He knew so little about Mr. Bai that he didn't even know his real name until now.

How can there be such a father and son?

As night fell, Mr. Bai specially booked the very famous Hancheng Tower to enjoy the night view.

The landscape lights are all turned on, and the declining city whitewashes the peace, trying to show the prosperity of the past.

Zhong Yuan stood on the top of the tower, dazed.

"What are you thinking?" Mr. Bai walked to the side and asked.

Zhong Yuan said, "I was thinking, why do you take care of me so much."

Mr. Bai said, "Of course it's because you deserve it."

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and asked, "If I lose my value, will you abandon me?"

Mr. Bai laughed and said, "When you were born, you have already determined your own value. How could you suddenly lose your value? Unless you die, I will bury you with my own hands. As long as you are still alive, I will not abandon you. "

Zhong Yuan whispered, "The premise is that I obey your arrangement and listen to your words?"

Sensing his strange emotions, Mr. Bai said, "You are still young, and you cannot make correct judgments on many things. All I do is to guide you, not to control you."

"You want to protect your sister, no problem, I will do it for you. I can also give you maximum freedom, you can do whatever you want."

"But if you go to the military region, you won't have so many. They will arrange you clearly, instill in you the idea that obedience is your bounden duty, and gradually make you lose your ability to judge."

"After all, they control most of the resources. Sometimes, I have to act with their strength."

Mr. Bai smiled and said, "I contacted a school for you. After the summer vacation, you can go to school. The school is very lively, and you can make many new friends. The ID card has been prepared for you."

As he spoke, he took out a brand new ID card from his pocket.

The photo is of Zhong Yuan, but the name is an elaborate pseudonym.

Zhong Yuan's eyes widened slightly.

I saw that the name printed on the ID card was: Yangsheng!

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