Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 479 He Shouldn't Give Drinks To Minors

I saw Lu Tiandi standing in the sky. The black toga was fluttered by the wind.

The long black hair danced wildly like a golden snake, and between the eyebrows, a blood-red forehead line lit up like a flame,

He laughed back in anger, and said slowly, "You want to run after touching my woman?"

A small and exquisite gourd bloomed with colorful light in his palm.

The majestic body bowed slightly forward.

"Turn around baby please!"

call out!

A golden light burst out from the gourd!

A line of blood appeared on Hu Xuemei's neck immediately.

The headless corpse fell from mid-air, even the half-step Heavenly Emperor powerhouse couldn't avoid the fatal attack of Zhanxian Gourd!

Under the Emperor of Heaven, there is nothing to avoid, which can be described as extremely overbearing.

The above is selected from Chapter 522 of "I Have Ninety-Nine Big Brothers": Lu Tiandi makes a move, and the gourd is fierce!

Needless to say, this book is extremely popular among female readers.

Even the girls from the medical department of Chen Wang's team are chasing after her.

She likes one of the big brothers very much, and knows all about the innate spirit treasures he uses.

Seeing that the enemy who tried to moles her was decapitated by a gourd-like attack, the girl's first reaction was not to run back to the team, but...

Is there really a gourd that kills immortals in this world? !

Inside the hotel bar.

Zhong Yuan sat on the edge of the bar, casually raised his right hand.

A ray of light flew in from the outside and immediately fell into his palm.

After spinning around a few times, the boomerang fell silent.

How could there be such a thing as an immortal-killing gourd?

It's just that the market can be combined with high technology to create an effect similar to killing the enemy.

Wang Baoyu is worthy of being the chief designer of the Central China Construction Supervision Bureau. This ultimate weapon, Yan Return, is extremely easy to use.

The induction return function is particularly convenient, and it is also considered to resist the magnetic element force, and the triple gravity outside cannot prevent it from returning.

Wang Baoyu must have suffered a great loss at the hands of the strong magnetic force.

Zhong Yuan thought to himself, one person's life was taken between the wind and the clouds.

And Nie Wei was startled again when he saw him casually throwing the weapon out.

"Ji Du, what are you doing? You can easily hurt people by throwing weapons like this!"

As soon as the words fell, a woman's scream came from outside, "Ah! Dead!!!"

Nie Wei was stunned, his head was as big as a bucket, and he said in a low voice, "Did you kill someone?"

"Nonsense," Zhong Yuan said lazily, "I've already shot, how can I not kill someone?"

As he said that, with a flick of his wrist, the dart flew out again.

The target is the attack department of the Moon Country team. He wants to take the girl hostage, but he cannot be allowed to succeed.

I saw a light flying out from the door.

The attacker thought he was on guard enough, but unfortunately he still couldn't dodge the sneak attack.

The sharp blade carried a penetration and high-speed cutting module, it circled in mid-air, turned into a curve, and brushed the target's neck when it returned.

It seemed that it was just a brush, but in fact, a deep bone-deep wound was cut on the throat immediately.

Blood gushed out, and the man clutched his neck in pain, but it didn't help.

When it fell, the murderous light had already flown into the hotel gate and disappeared.

Weird and fast as lightning.

This time, someone finally saw the true face of the attack.

It's a big boomerang!

As soon as it appeared, one life was taken away. In just a few seconds, two corpses fell to the ground.

The remaining four moon country players were terrified.

Chen Wang and his companions were also stunned.

Is there a big guy to help out?

Sitting on the balcony on the second floor, the capable person of Lighthouse Country Ruins was secretly shaken.

It's over, and it's useless to make small moves to help secretly.

The magnetic force exerted on Chen Wang and the others was quietly removed.

A market energy user from the Lighthouse Kingdom snorted coldly, "There are strong people in the hotel meddling in their own business!"

"I've never seen this kind of weapon before! Who is the master?"

They looked around vigilantly and entered a state of alert.

At this time, Nie Wei in the bar saw Zhong Yuan throwing darts casually again, wishing he could confiscate his little toy.

Just play, right?

What good things did Wang Baoyu do? Why did he give him such a dangerous weapon?

However, Zhong Yuan looked like he was going to collapse from drunk at any time, he was old and innocent, and Nie Wei could only think that he was insane.

"Don't throw it away, I'll go out and check the situation."

"Are you ordering me?"

Zhong Yuan raised his hand in displeasure, and said, "I don't like others to order me, no one can order me!"

Nie Wei was going crazy.

Tell you not to play, you still play!

Little scoundrels, little drunkards, and little lunatics are simply lawless, and they don't take people seriously.

He was in lightning shape and rushed out of the bar before Zhong Yuan could throw the dart.

The bartender completely misunderstood what Nie Wei meant, thinking that he had abandoned King Meng and didn't want to pay,

So, blushing, he said to Zhong Yuan, "Sir, your companion has escaped, and I will pay for this drink for you."

"Are you new here?" Zhong Yuan asked strangely.

"Just came last month."

"Then you must not make much money, it doesn't matter, he will come back, just let him pay later."

Zhong Yuan played with the dart in his hand and walked slowly outside.

Nie Wei had already reached the door, and immediately saw two dead men.

A horrible death, the head was cut off. And a cutthroat.

Grass! Is this something that can be done by throwing a dart casually?

He recognized the identity of the decapitated corpse.

Samana, a veteran mercenary, although his ability is average, but he has exchange displacement, and his life-saving level on the battlefield is top-notch.

Unexpectedly, he died here!

The other one was their attacker, who was also dead, and more than half of the team was crippled.

Obviously, the little villain deliberately stared at the people from the Moon Kingdom and beat them, and didn't kill any Hua Kingdom people.

Nie Wei felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

At this time, the people on the second floor recognized Nie Wei first, and were surprised at the same time.

"It's Zhenxing!"

"It turned out to be him! No wonder... why did he want to stand up for the people of Huaguo?"

"Don't worry about it so much. Don't mess with Jiuyao's people, retreat!"

Staying on the sidelines on the second floor would be considered a surprise attack, and the people from the Lighthouse Kingdom ran away in a hurry.

And when the people from the Moon Kingdom saw Nie Wei, they were like a mouse seeing a cat, trembling with fright.

One stammered, "Zhen Xing, we never messed with you! Why...why did you kill our people?"

Nie Wei frowned, and began to think about how to deal with this matter.

The warriors of the Moon Kingdom are very united and hold grudges very much. If you kill one, they may form a group to take revenge next time.

At this time, a thin figure appeared at the gate.

Everyone focused their eyes on the person who came, and then they were stunned, unable to move their eyes away.

People in Benanguo generally have a low appearance value, usually 1 or 2 points, and occasionally 3 points.

With eyes full of crooked melons and jujubes, a 10-point extreme beauty suddenly appeared, and the shocking force was huge.

Zhong Yuan ignored the eyes of these people, walked up to Nie Wei, and said, "The remaining four are up to you."

Nie Wei immediately sulked, and shouted, "Go away?"

The four Moon Country Ruins were shaken all over, staring at Zhong Yuan but not wanting to leave, their minds full of colorful thoughts.

Zhong Yuan's complexion changed, he looked at Nie Wei coldly, and said, "I told you to deal with them, you're going against me and want to save people?"

Nie Wei felt the cold murderous intent emanating from his body, and couldn't help but become suspicious, and said in a low voice, "Even if this is Beinan Country, you can't kill people in the street."

"Then let them die by themselves, is it okay?"

? ? ?

At the same time, Star City, Xingyuewan Community.

After Zhong Yuan left, Li Dao felt deserted again.

After playing a few games of chess on the Internet, I still can't calm down, and I always feel that I have forgotten something important.

Sudden! He slapped his head and remembered.

"Ah! I forgot to tell Zhen Xing not to drink to Zhong Yuan."

"Well, he probably wouldn't give alcohol to minors... Probably not..."

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