Seeing through Adams' little trick right away, these lighthouse country players were slightly startled.

That's right, the person who used the magnetic force just now was not the big man who came out to apologize, but the only woman in their team.

She is a rare transgender.

I wanted to be in the medical department, and I purposely became a woman, but unfortunately I still couldn't absorb it, and got more precious skills instead.

If anyone offends Ji Du, she is the only one.

Even if the magnetic force did not hinder the plan, he would kill the Samana.

The apologetic big man looked at the leader at a loss, and the latter shook his head slightly, telling him not to act anymore.

Seeing is better than hearing a hundred things, all tricks have real skills!

Moreover, no one knows how many targets Ji Du can control at most, maybe they can wipe out their team in an instant.

There is no need to do redundant testing.

Adams sighed and thought to himself: If I don’t pay a little price today, I’m afraid I won’t be able to escape unscathed.

So, I had no choice but to say to my companion, "Come out and apologize to Mr. Ji Du."

The woman's face was pale, she was unwilling and helpless.

Just took a step forward, before she could speak. Zhong Yuan pulled out the dagger given by Nicholas, and gently threw it in front of the woman.

Meaning, you can figure it out.

Adams looked solemn, staring straight at the dagger with the paracord wrapped around the hilt.

I always feel like I've seen it somewhere.

After thinking desperately for two seconds, he revealed an incredulous look on his face, and exclaimed, "This is the side weapon of Ice Wild Hunter Nikolai!"

Nicholas has many nicknames and titles, and is a king-level boss in the mercenary world. Many people would recognize the weapon he carried with him all year round.

Zhong Yuan was thoughtful.

I owe a favor to Nicholas.

The small knife he gave was like a keepsake. When you encounter something you can't handle, just light it up. It's not for killing the enemy.

Even Nie Wei was taken aback.

Who is Nicola?

The top 20 superpowers in the world, and the top five assassins!

Let him give away his favorite knife, which shows that the relationship is very good. At least it is also a sympathetic, very appreciative level!

Birds of a feather flock together.

As soon as the dagger came out, the cognition of this group of people was refreshed again.

Ji Du's strength is comparable to the top in the world, so he must not be provoked.

The market energy users with magnetic power are not considered weak anymore, but at this time they are extremely frightened.

In order to save her life, she didn't care about anything, quickly picked up the dagger, and swung it fiercely at her right arm.

A shapely and slender arm immediately fell to the ground.

It can be seen that this dagger is extremely sharp, and it is not much worse than a polar weapon.

Suffering heavy injuries, the woman did not scream, but endured the pain and continued to apologize.

"Mr. Ji Du, I'm sorry to offend you. I use this arm as the price and ask for your forgiveness."

The voice is clear and sweet, who can tell that it is a man?

The big yellow dog raised by the hotel owner happened to pass by wagging its tail.

After looking at the group of humans curiously, it wandered off to another place.

Nie Wei was completely speechless, thinking: the people in the Lighthouse Country are really brain-dead. The little villain bluffed casually and chopped off his hand.

It's better to accept it as soon as you see it, there is no need to press harder and harder.

Nie Wei said in a deep voice, "Ji Du, they have already apologized."

"Oh." Zhong Yuan casually snorted softly.

Adams was overjoyed when he saw this, and looked at Nie Wei with a little more gratitude in his eyes.

He took back the dagger from his companion with a sigh of relief, and handed it to Zhong Yuan respectfully, thinking: It's good to accept the apology. If chopping off a hand is not enough, it can only be killed.

It has to be said that the captain's courage is still very strong, and he is absolutely unambiguous when it is time to sacrifice his subordinates.

Zhong Yuan took the dagger, shook off the blood beads on it, and turned to leave.

Nie Wei followed him at a distance of three meters, like a guard, on guard against the counterattack of the people from the Lighthouse Kingdom.

Too much to worry about.

Nikolai's deterrence is too strong, and the people in the Lighthouse Country are almost scared out of their wits.

Coupled with the faintly dangerous aura emanating from Zhong Yuan's body, they couldn't bear the slightest thought of fighting back.

When Zhong Yuan was completely out of sight, Adams picked up his companion's arm and asked for her to be healed.

Cleaning is busy.

There is blood outside the door, and there is blood inside the door.

The members of Chen Wang's team watched this scene in horror, all of them were shocked by Zhong Yuan's prestige.

One person couldn't help asking, "Captain, is Ji famous? Why do those people feel like a turtle when they hear his name?"

Chen Wang was extremely dignified, and said, "Jiuyao Jidu, bloodbathed the Wushan base, killed countless people, and even the people of the Lighthouse Kingdom were courteous to him!" It was such a young child...

Only the girl's heart was full of longing and longing, and she couldn't help but said, "Why do I think he is very friendly to us?"

"Maybe they all have black hair, which looks pleasing to our eyes?"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, check in first. When you meet him in the future, try to hide as much as possible."

Chen Wang led everyone into the hotel, and was told that they were all full and there were no vacancies.

Nima! If we had known that we would leave like this, we wouldn't be confronting the Salmonella team.

At this moment, the boss suddenly remembered that there were still two vacant rooms, and said to Chen Wang, "Sir, the little boy in white who was talking to you just now has three rooms, and there are no people on the left and right. In the middle. You can discuss with him and ask him to give you the room."

Everyone's eyes widened. One person has three rooms? This is too extravagant!

Chen Wang was very entangled. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said, "We can't have anything to do with him anymore! Forget it, let's live somewhere else!"

After paying for the drinks, Zhong Yuan returned to his room, and was surprised to find that Chen Wang and his team were camping in the backyard of the hotel.

It's such a hot day, there is no air conditioner, there are bugs, the conditions are difficult, I really don't know what he thinks.

Nie Wei poured him a glass of water, and said strangely, "Really, why do I think you are more famous than me? You have only been here in Jiuyao for how long, and the people in the Lighthouse Kingdom are so scared."

Zhong Yuan wrote lightly, "Maybe they misunderstood something."

More than 400 people were killed, and it was rumored that tens of thousands were killed.

Who made it? It's outrageous!

Nie Weijiong said brightly, "You know Nicholas from Mao Xiong Kingdom? He has a weird temper, and he would kill you if he disagreed with you. He actually protects you. Oh, I got it. He knows you have the ultimate wish!"

Zhong Yuan didn't want to take up this topic, pointed to the water glass, and said, "You didn't put mint leaves."

"Ah? Do you want to let it go? You are too particular!"

"The water others poured for me has always been there."

As he spoke, Zhong Yuan suddenly froze.

I always feel like I'm forgetting something.

Think about it carefully, what is it... all of a sudden! Downstairs came the sound of a big yellow dog barking.

It barked heart-piercingly, and after a few barks, it started rolling on the ground whining.

Hearing the voice, Nie Wei cheered up and said, "Here we come! It's the Ruin Cave!"

The owner of the Lucky Inn was able to survive many times near the cave because of this dog.

Before danger comes, it can always sense it in advance, as accurate as the Monitoring Bureau.

However, today Gouzi is uncharacteristically, and has never been so scared.

The boss felt that something was wrong, so he quickly picked it up and ran for his life in a hurry.

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