Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 487 You Are In A Hurry, And You Still Say You Have No Intention

Ye Zhen is very famous in the international battlefield.

Although he used a pseudonym, his iconic shadow servant ability and extremely powerful super decomposition gave him a place in the mercenary world.

The most active period was probably five or six years ago.

At that time, Nie Wei hadn't debuted yet.

Later, he once heard some legends about Ye Zhen.

It seems that he is the illegitimate son of a certain big family. Because of his great talent, he was squeezed out by the family. He was a mess in the military area and was never promoted. In the end, he could only go out and secretly pick up private jobs.

It is said that Mr. Bai once wanted to recruit this person into Jiuyao, but he gave up for unknown reasons.

I haven't heard much about Ye Zhen's activities in the past few years, but he is indeed an out-and-out senior!

Zhong Yuan subconsciously called out Ye Zhen's name, which made Nie Wei suspicious.

But there are too many people with the same name and surname in this world, and just one name doesn't mean anything.

Moreover, even if Zhong Yuan had a problem, he couldn't escape Mr. Bai's control.

Nie Wei quickly put his doubts to the back of his mind. When he noticed that Zhong Yuan woke up, he hurriedly put away his phone and said, "Are you awake? Are you feeling better?"

——Oops, he woke up from the heat, his face was full of unhappiness, and he was going to kill allies again later!

Zhong Yuan listened to Nie Wei calmly, not understanding the reason for his previous suspicion.

And now, for some reason, he suddenly dispelled his doubts and began to worry about what would happen if he was angered.

What a mess of thoughts.

Zhong Yuan asked coldly, "How long have I been asleep?"

Nie Wei replied guiltily, "About twenty minutes."


After sleeping for a while, the condition of the headache improved greatly, presumably it was just a temporary bad condition, and the undead body was not even aroused.

There is a clean water bladder in front of it.

The woman who chopped off her arm to make amends was full of flattery and wanted to join the gang.

The sky was gray and the surrounding green belts were in tatters.

Ahead stood a black cave of more than ten meters, and a strange rainbow light spread around the cave.

Several teams are fighting strange-looking aliens.

The nose collapsed! Small eyes! No ears!

Meaning it has a bad sense of smell, can't see, and can't hear.

Most of them are idiots who are not afraid of death.

Could it be that this thing is a moat badger?

Zhong Yuan looked at himself again, sitting on the sofa with a blanket covering his body.

No wonder the heat was crazy, there was no air conditioner, so he was pulled into the battlefield of the ruins cave all the way covered with blankets.

At this time, Siyan said in his mind, "Master Meng Wang, when you were asleep, this man tried to kill you by touching the head, but the little boy stopped him in time."

"In a fit of anger, he dragged you out of the hotel, took you for a wild ride, and secretly shot a small video as a souvenir!"


There may be some inappropriate descriptions, but the bug king quickly shared the driving record of the small cart with Zhong Yuan.

It's pretty much what it says it is.

Zhong Yuan threw the blanket aside, refused the water bag offered to his mouth,

Then, looking at Nie Wei, he said expressionlessly, "Pervert, you sneaked a little video of me while I was asleep?"

The corner of Nie Wei's mouth twitched, thinking: Here we come! He's having a fit!

Candid video?

I was going to take it back to be seen by Mr. Bai, why did something wrong come into this kid's mouth!

Zhong Yuan said, "Delete it yourself, don't let me do it."

Nie Wei said angrily, "I can't even take a video?"

Zhong Yuan sneered, "What if you do something weird to my video while no one is around?"

I absolutely don't want to be called a black, long, straight little beauty anymore!

Nie Wei jumped into a rage and said, "Do you think I will do strange things to your video?"

Zhong Yuan was confident, and said calmly, "You are in a hurry, and you still say you have no plans?"

Fuck! ?

Nie Wei only felt his blood pressure rise and his brain hurt.

I'm not angry!

I'm not angry!

Don't be as knowledgeable as a little villain!

They talk on the sidelines, but those who are fighting are not feeling well.

In particular, the ghost moat badgers tasted the sweetness, and found that the brothers could quickly break through the defense of the crystal wall together, so they gathered in groups and began to attack with concentrated fire.

The biggest target was Chen Wang's team.

They had the most dead moat badgers around them, and no team had a higher hatred value. With eight badgers staring at them, even the elite squad from the military region would have a headache.

Chen Wang couldn't hold back immediately, and yelled at Adams, "People from the Lighthouse Country, if we are wiped out, you will never escape!"

Adams smiled slowly, "No, no, we didn't kill any of them, and we won't be hunted down by them, so you are the only ones who died."

Chen Wangqi gritted his teeth, realizing that he had still underestimated the shamelessness of these capable people.

The implication is that they think that the ghost moat badger is too difficult to fight, and they want to leave the market hole alone?

Don't say it, if you really want to escape, you will definitely be able to escape.

The method is actually very simple.

As long as all the members put on a super camouflage, they can slip away from the eyes of these ghost badgers!

At this time, Adams noticed that the person on the sofa had already stood up, and immediately said loudly, "Mr. Ji Du, how about the Devil's Badger's ability to restrain you, how about you and Zhen Xing temporarily joining our team?"

Keep your mouth shut about money.

This is because Adams felt that Zhen Xing was a mercenary who was used to accepting money transactions, but it was not necessarily the case.

Mastering powerful power at a young age, taking life and death, regardless of the consequences, he must have strong self-esteem and is very competitive.

Talking about money in front of him will only annoy him, but a sincere invitation can win him favor.

In Zhong Yuan's eyes, these considerations are as ridiculous as a clown.

If you heard me right, the old silver coin that planned to use 35 million to deceive people first was Adams.

A stomach full of bad water and malicious intentions.

Working with such a person, while not dangerous, is annoying.

Seeing that Chen Wang's team's defense was about to be breached, Zhong Yuan took out Yan Guihui, and with a flick of his hand, the boomerang immediately flew out of his hand.

It draws a wonderful arc of light in mid-air.

The speed is so fast that you can't blink an eye. How could the ghost moat badger who was attacking the crystal wall expect this blow from the sky?

To be exact, Zhong Yuan predicted its actions and shot with precision.

With a puff, a ghost moat badger was decapitated on the spot.

Thick skin can't stop extreme weapons with penetrating ability.

Even without penetration, the weapon's built-in cutting function can severely damage them.

Killing one easily, the boomerang continued its momentum, and rushed towards the other ghost badger half a meter away along the original flight path.

It was about to leap and crash, so as not to die, to overlap the boomerang's flight path.

It's like putting your head together to chop off, and you will be decapitated on the spot. Blood sprayed, and when it fell to the ground, it turned into two pieces.

The moat badgers who were attacking nearby were dumbfounded. With its paws retracted, it embraced its chest.

They stand upright, their tails on the ground, and their faces are full of confusion.

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