As soon as the ultimate prayer came out, Nie Wei immediately felt all the cells in his body jumping for joy.

The ability has skyrocketed, and the whole person is getting better.

Being scolded by the little villain as a pervert, beaten into a pig's head, thrown into the trash can, paid for him, and treated as his villain.

What are these worth?

As long as the little villain is willing to pray, Wuhu will take off! ! !

A true ultimate prayer! God assists!

At this moment, Nie Wei no longer doubted Zhong Yuan's ability.

His eyes suddenly lit up, he couldn't think of anything, he didn't care about anything. He was so excited that a mushroom-shaped white smoke rose from the top of his head, and then he laughed heartily.

"Too strong! Kedu, you are amazing! I love you to death!"


Zhong Yuan's head was full of black lines, and he said in disgust, "Stay away from me, pervert!"

An overreaction, but not a feigned emotion.

Shangguanyi is often blessed by Su Wanying's ultimate prayer, but he is not as excited as Nie Wei, because he is too weak.

Even if the power of the weak warrior is increased by 45 times, it still does not exceed the scope of human beings. At most, I feel that I have become more powerful, and the enemies who could not be defeated before can rush up and attack without any scruples.

A powerful marketer who has improved so much will feel omnipotent and become a superman.

Without saying a word, Nie Wei turned on his ability at the group of ghost badgers.

Magnetic Force Ten Times Gravity!

As the person with the strongest defensive ability in Jiuyao, his magnetic force is much stronger than that of Gina, and even slightly higher than that of Jiang Tianshuo.

Although not as good as the third seat, Ren Ping, Nie Wei, as a defense department, can rank among the top five in China.

If he were to be singled out with Ren Ping now, Ren Ping would be crushed in minutes.


The invisible terrifying force fell on the group of ghost badgers who were desperate to challenge the majesty of the cute king.

Immediately, they were turned into a pulp, smashed to pieces, and could no longer babble.

And it only took a short second to kill so many alien races!


The whole audience was horrified, Qiqi stared at this scene with rounded eyes.

The pungent smell of blood, together with the smell of stinking excrement, mixed together and began to spread in the air.

This taste is extremely sour and refreshing, and its power is comparable to the duet of stinky socks soaked in expired snail noodles and sour bamboo shoots after participating in military training.

Surrounded by the stench, Zhong Yuan felt extremely dissatisfied, and said to Nie Wei, "It's disgusting. You beat out all the shit!"

Nie Wei was very proud, pinched his nose and said, "It's all because I'm too strong, I can't help it. Hahahahaha!"

This guy is gone.

In the huge square, he was the only one laughing, and the others were all silent, extremely shocked.

Is this the true strength of Jiuyao Zhenxing?


Killed all the besieging moat badgers with one blow!

When you think about it carefully, his tactics are brilliant to the extreme.

First, Ji Du used a long-range weapon to kill two of them. After attracting hatred, he successfully gathered the aliens, and then Zhen Xing used his unique trick to kill them all.

The two of them achieved a result that could not be achieved by dozens of people in the arena. It is not an exaggeration to say that Nie Wei is now the world's strongest defense system player.

At the same time, Gina, who had been standing by the side, ready to fight to the death, was trembling.

The ultimate wish can assist six targets at the same time, and she is also one of the beneficiaries.

The ability has been greatly improved, and it feels very obvious.

After the triple gravity was boosted, it reached the effect of exceeding ten times the gravity, and Gina also became a top powerhouse.

It's a pity that Nie Wei's performance was so impressive that she was completely useless.

There is only one auxiliary ability that can achieve such an increase!

Gina looked at Zhong Yuan in shock, her eyes full of exploration.

is that you

Using the legendary god-level auxiliary ability, the strength of Zhenxing and me has skyrocketed!

Am I really invincible now?

Would love to try it out now.

I really want... to be beaten up!

Her face was flushed, as if she was drunk, her legs were trembling constantly, and she was almost unable to stand still.

Zhong Yuan looked at her and muttered, "What's wrong, every time I meet this kind of person, I want to be beaten every now and then."

Adams thought that the two of Jiu Yao were going to die.

Who knows, the situation will be reversed in an instant.

The alien race was completely wiped out, and he was filled with fear and fear. He was not only afraid of Zhen Xing's powerful attack power at this time, but also had various complicated thoughts about Zhong Yuan.

——It is the ultimate prayer! It must be this ability! Zhenxing's strength is definitely not that strong! He received a huge boost!

The Pentagon guys got it wrong! All of them are auxiliary systems!

Adams' brow was covered with sweat.

If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have retreated just now.

Ji Du has already walked over, ready to join the team.

Why reject him?

Why do you have to completely tear your skin off with him?

If the leader finds out about this, he will definitely kill me and apologize to him!

There are two roads ahead.

Either run away immediately, find a place where there is no one in Cape Tianya and hide, do nothing in this life, and end your life.

Or, apologize immediately and get Jidu's forgiveness!

Adams looked at the one-armed woman standing next to Zhong Yuan, his teeth itching with hatred.

Damn it!

Gina must have known some clues, so she chose to betray the alliance, determined to act together with Jidu!

What a bitch, we must find a chance to kill him!

Adams had all kinds of complicated thoughts, and in order to survive, he didn't care too much, rushed to Zhong Yuan, and knelt down in front of Zhong Yuan.

"Mr. Ji Du, it's my eyes that don't know Mount Tai! I've offended you so much before, I'm willing to pay any price, please forgive me!"

Everyone was shocked again.

The Alliance of Beacon Country Warriors is one of the top ten organizations of warriors in the world. Adams is in charge of affairs in the Asia-Pacific region.

Even though Ji Du was offended, Zhen Xing was not offended.

Why be afraid to kneel down and apologize?

The vast majority of people didn't see the inside story, and they were all surprised.

If this matter gets out, it will definitely make the Alliance of Ruins of the Beacon Country lose face.

The black ruins cave suddenly became quiet, and no aliens came out of the cave.

Perhaps, the battle ended here, and in a few minutes, the ruins cave would close by itself.

Everyone gradually relaxed, no longer paying attention to the battle situation, but looking forward to Jidu's reaction.

Will you settle with Adams?

At this time, Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Adams, how is your eyesight?"

What do you ask this for?

Adams was puzzled, and said nervously, "Slightly short-sighted, it doesn't prevent you from seeing things clearly."

Zhong Yuan was thoughtful, and then said, "Is that so...can you tell me about your abilities?"

Adams struggled for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said, "Of course, my ability is not a secret."

He lowered his voice, tried not to let the people around him hear, and said quickly, "combo, spit bubbles, poison, see through, dive."

Wow, three abilities that I haven't seen before.

One of them is almost immune to the effects of being super cute.

It can't be spitting bubbles, nor is it persistent poison.

It should be seen through!

Zhong Yuan said intentionally, "You, spit a bubble and show me."

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