An Caige's heart tightened, and he asked, "What?"

Zhong Yuan said, "At two o'clock, about 900 meters away, there are suspected traces of human activity. Not only is there a thermal reaction, but there is also a group of animals, which should be wolves, gathered together."

"What about the number of wolves?"

"Eight...well, nine wolves."

Zhong Yuan counted them carefully, and then said, "They were attracted by something, and kept huddling together, refusing to leave."

An Caige said, "It must be for food! Wolves are creatures that were deliberately released in the square. Regardless of their majesty outside, in the square, they are at the bottom of the biological chain, but they are food hunted by alien races."

In order to maintain the wolf pack, food will be artificially thrown in. The garrison squads were all wiped out, and it had been at least two weeks since the last drop. How could the wolves find additional food?

An Caige noticed something unusual and said to everyone, "Go! Let's go and have a look."



Hoarse wolves howled one after another.

After getting closer, even if you listen, you can find a pack of wolves ahead.

When they were less than a hundred meters away, An Cai asked Wu Jun to impose an ability on everyone.

Ultra-camouflage: Within five minutes, it blends with the environment and is difficult to detect.

In fact, super camouflage is a kind of visual deception, and if it encounters Zhong Yuan's super perception, it will be of no use at all.

However, most of the investigative department's abilities rely on vision and dynamic vision, and rarely thermal induction. Super camouflage is also sufficient in most cases.

With the blessing of super camouflage, the wolves did not notice that someone was approaching.

It can be seen from a distance that they are surrounded by a camp.

The fire has been extinguished.

A triangular wooden shelf was built with a few thick branches, and an iron pot was hung on it. The air was filled with a strong smell of meat and butter.

Those wolves were attracted by the smell from the pot.

An Caige said to everyone, "Do you smell it?"

Everyone except Zhong Yuan nodded.

Zhong Yuan's face turned dark, he didn't smell anything.

An Caige didn't notice his silence, and continued, "I think this is a trap. The smell of the stew is too strong, and it's easy to give away the location."

Mao Wei continued, "They set up traps in advance, trying to catch us all?"

Xiong Youba whispered, "Maybe the enemy is nearby!"

Zhan Hong frowned, "Maybe it's like last time, a colorless and odorless poison is placed in the air. I got caught before I knew it."

An Caige was also worried. It would be best if someone in the team would act as a bait to catch the poachers lurking in the dark.

If Fengfengmo is there, just use Shadow Servant to finish the job.

Wu Jun volunteered and suggested, "I'll go over and have a look. My resilience is relatively strong, so even if I'm really poisoned, I won't die for a while."

An Caige shook his head, "If you are poisoned, the only medical department in the team will be abolished. Anyone can take risks, but you can't."

At this time, Zhong Yuan said flatly, "I'll go."

An Caige didn't expect that he would be willing to be the bait, so he hesitated, "In case that area is poisonous..."

Zhong Yuan said, "I'm not afraid of poison."

Hearing this, An Caige's eyes brightened, thinking of the box of Ghost Moat Badger Ruin Crystal that Feng Yumo wanted, and said in surprise, "You have absorbed the poison eater's ability?"


At this moment, Zhong Yuan's image rose to the level of a little angel in An Caige's eyes.

Cows are real cows!

These days, who would absorb the tasteless ability of a poison eater!

But now, it comes in handy!

An Caige said excitedly, "Xuan Ming, you are simply a genius!"

The corner of Zhong Yuan's mouth twitched, "Why don't I feel that you are praising me at all?"

"Okay, okay! The time for super camouflage is coming soon!" An Caige changed the subject, commanding, "Wu Jun, give us another super camouflage. Don't give it to Xuan Ming!"

"Xuanming, go boldly and try to fish out the enemy. We will support you at any time and keep you safe!"

Zhong Yuan thought for a while, and then asked, "In case we face the enemy head-on later, should we kill or capture?"

An Caige said categorically, "For poachers from abroad, our country of Hua has always dealt with them by killing them on the spot! Hey, have you ever killed anyone?"

"It's the first time for everyone." Zhong Yuan simply replied.

Meaning, just no wow...

An Caige couldn't help sweating for him, and said in a long-winded voice, "Be careful!"


Half a minute later, Zhong Yuan removed the super camouflage and walked alone to the camp where the wolves gathered.

When they got closer, they realized that the wildness in the eyes of these wolves was gone, like walking corpses, as if they were being controlled by people.

Even around the edge of the pot, they didn't stick out their tongues to lick.

Sensing Zhong Yuan approaching, instead of attacking, all the wolves raised their heads to the sky and howled.


The howling sound was extremely loud, no longer hoarse as before. Just like a signal, it is not a problem to transmit it a few miles away.

"So it turns out that the wolves are a tool for reporting."

Zhong Yuan suddenly realized.

At the same time, someone approached rapidly from a kilometer away, and entered the range of super perception in an instant.

Someone is coming, two people!

Zhong Yuan pulled out the dagger given by An Caige.

These wolves are in the way, and they are controlled by people, and they will add to the chaos when they fight later. Get rid of them first.

A cold light flashed in Zhong Yuan's eyes.

"Rage Strike!"

After the dagger spun twice in his hand, it stabbed lightly and mercilessly pierced into the head of a wolf.

It swayed and fell down, and the dagger was already separated from the body in the next moment.

Zhong Yuan held the knife behind his back, and with smooth movements, he cut lightly. The dagger cut the throats of the two wolves like cutting tofu.

"Good knife!"

Zhong Yuan killed his heart with joy. Someone should stop criticizing him for crying!

In the distance, everyone was dumbfounded watching him slaughter the wolf.

"Awesome!" Xiong Youba exclaimed, "He has already mastered the dagger! He must have practiced it since he was a child!"

An Caige's baby fat face was full of disbelief, and he thought to himself: I obviously just took a dagger for him to defend himself. What if I had given him the longsword?

Holding a dagger is killing, and holding a sword is of course killing.

In less than half a minute, the wolves were slaughtered. The two people sensed before have entered the range of two hundred meters.

Suddenly, a reminder appeared in Zhong Yuan's mind: "Scorpion toxin found, do you want to absorb it?"

The poison has finally come, how can I choose not to absorb it?

In fact, Zhong Yuan's pores are completely closed and he does not breathe. The toxin of the Scorpio enters the human body through the pores and respiratory tract. If he does not actively absorb it, he will not be poisoned.

With the ability of a poison eater, poisoning can actually increase one's strength.

Zhong Yuan made a decisive decision, "Absorb!"

Unseen toxins poured into the body immediately, and the prompt appeared again.

"All your abilities have been improved by 108!"



What kind of chicken poison, the improvement rate is so small that it can't even be raised by a small level, and it can't compare with Frozen Blood Explosion.

Zhong Yuan said angrily, "Be more aggressive! At least give me 148!"

He opened and closed his mouth as if speaking.

An Caige couldn't hear clearly, so he hurriedly asked Mao Wei, "What is he talking about?"

Mao Wei hadn't noticed that there was an enemy yet, so he observed Zhong Yuan's mouth shape, and said strangely, "It seems that he thinks the poison is not strong enough, what do you want 148...Captain! The enemy really set up a poisonous trap!"

An Caige's heart tightened, and he said urgently, "Xuan Ming is too trusting! Everyone is ready to support!"

As soon as the words fell, two cold lights shot out from Zhong Yuan's hand at a speed that the naked eye could not catch!

The flying knives, as thin as cicada wings, flew in two directions, one left and one right.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of the two foreigners appeared out of thin air. They were blond, blue-eyed, tall and tall, wearing camouflage uniforms and combat boots, and their attire was similar to that of the God of War team.

The throwing knives sank deep into their foreheads, leaving only the handles outside.

They were less than 50 meters away from Zhong Yuan, so close at hand.

The inertia caused the two to rush forward a few meters involuntarily, and finally fell to the ground, completely losing their breath.

It is not only Huaguo's market experts who have the ability to super camouflage.

These two people also used super camouflage, and successfully deceived Mao Wei's investigation at close range, however!

Can't hide from Zhong Yuan's super perception.

The superiority of thermal induction in the field of investigation is finally reflected!

Looking at the poacher who was lying on the ground and gradually getting colder, Zhong Yuan was stunned.

"That's it? Too weak!"

The efficiency of the throwing knife was astonishing, it killed the two of them in seconds, it was useless even for a violent blow, and it was easier to kill than a pack of wolves.

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