"Huang Xiaoai?"


"Xu Luo?"


"Qiu Yi?"


"Yang Sheng?"

"Chen Shuchang?"


In Zhongnan College, the roll call of the first-year special class is underway.

When I clicked on Yangsheng, I skipped over without waiting for a reply.

It was like this for several days.

So, everyone in the class knew that there was a guy named Yang Sheng who didn't come to class every day and was so arrogant that the instructor didn't mention him.

Not to mention expulsion from the student, even the seat was reserved for him to prevent other students from occupying it.

No one ever saw him in the boys' dormitory, except when he didn't come to class.

This is outrageous.

Zhongnan College has a fully closed dormitory system, and day students are not allowed.

Compared with other academies, the management is a bit stricter, but the conditions are excellent, as long as the talents are high, they can be valued and cultivated.

There is no such thing as a grassroots genius whose family conditions are not good and they cannot get resources, and finally lose all living beings.

The market crystals are uniformly distributed to students.

Therefore, the enrollment requirements of Zhongnan College are also strict. The students who can enter are placed in other schools, and the worst is above average talent.

Violating school rules and discipline, more than three times will be expelled.

Not to mention being absent, no one was late even for the morning jog.

With such strict school rules, there is an outrageously talented person!

The three boys sitting in the back row were whispering.

"It's awesome! It's been a few days, and I haven't come yet!"

"Isn't it great? There is one less person in our dormitory! It's also comfortable to live in."

"Qiu Yi, do you think so?"

Qiu Yi looked at them without expressing any opinion.

He was placed in the penultimate row.

The first row of seats remained empty.

Empty is also empty, why not let people sit on it?

"I bet a hundred dollars, at most a week, this guy will be fired!"

"Fifty yuan. In three days, an announcement will be made."

Qiu Yi looked at them and said suddenly, "I bet one million, this person won't be fired."

"Damn it? Dare we have another bully in our dormitory!"

The two boys were startled.

one million? Who are you bluffing?

After getting along for a few days and living in a dormitory, we almost got to know each other well.

Qiu Yi has a silent personality, rarely speaks, never stays up late, and goes to bed on time every day.

It's not a class, it's a training ground. I asked him to watch a movie together, but he didn't come either. Almost like an ascetic.

The things used are all ordinary things, not like a wealthy family, probably a commoner.

Since you don't fit in, there's nothing to talk about.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, he forced the king to come, and Long Aotian was still alive.

Bet a million?

The two boys laughed loudly.

Wang Yufeng became angry when she saw it, and said loudly, "Chen Shuchang! Xu Luo! What are you two laughing at!"

"And you! Qiu Yi, don't think I didn't see you whispering with them!"


The instructor is angry!

At this time, Qiu Yi got up and walked forward.

"We were just discussing that Yangsheng hadn't come to class, but he took the best position in the first row."

He walked to the empty seat, sat down politely, and said, "I bet them, even if I sit here, I won't be driven away."

Wang Yufeng was stunned, not knowing what to say.

It is not necessary to tell them that Yang Sheng is the son of the deputy commander's family, and his status is unusual, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't come to class.

In fact, after going to the Academic Affairs Office, she paid special attention to the situation of other students.

This boy named Qiu Yi is also very special, his family is very rich.

Moreover, his grades are excellent, and he can be rated as a top student.

It happened to be the kind of borrowing, and you can leave at any time.

It was originally not allowed, but he couldn't stop him from donating a huge sum of money to the academy.

It is said that on the day he came to sign up, he brought a whole box of gold bars.

The principal decided to accept him on the spot.

The Academic Affairs Office arranged a particularly good dormitory for him, sharing a room with Yangsheng, which is also a reciprocation.

It's a pity that if Yang Sheng doesn't come to live, there's nothing he can do.

Seeing that Qiu Yi took Yang Sheng's seat, Wang Yufeng frowned and said, "Qiu Yi, go back to your own seat!"

Qiu Yi lowered his head and turned a deaf ear.

If it wasn't for his flying ability, he wouldn't have gone to such a garbage school to study.

The students here seem to be excellent, but in fact they can't even kill a chicken, they are all imbecile.

The level of instructors is also not very good.

It's not that Qiu Yi brags, he can kill anyone in the class with one move. Therefore, Wang Yufeng's snobbish style is extremely contemptuous, and he doesn't even want to talk about it.

Wang Yufeng was annoyed at being ignored, and said, "Qiu Yi, are you trying to violate the school rules?"

Qiu Yi contradicted politely, "Instructor, which school rule stipulates that students cannot sit in the first row?"

"Yangsheng has been absent for so many days, a typical violation of school rules, and I haven't seen you punish him."

The two boys in the same dormitory as Qiu Yi were already stunned.

Force the king! You are like a heifer going to heaven, if you don't sing, you will be a blockbuster!

Are you not afraid of being punished for contradicting the instructor?

Just when Wang Yufeng was unable to get off the stage, a figure appeared outside the classroom.

Without knocking on the door, he went straight into the classroom.

Everyone's eyes blurred, and they had already arrived at the seat occupied by Qiu Yi.

The visitor said in an unquestionable tone, "Get out of the way, this is my seat."

? ? ?

Qiu Yi looked up in astonishment.

What came into view was a head of extremely exaggerated silver long hair, a pair of bright eyes, and being watched, it was simply thrilling.

Qiu Yi had never seen such a good-looking person.

His dream girl is Bai Jieying from sab48. He secretly hides two photos in his phone, and occasionally takes them out to exercise his face.

However, compared to the person in front of her, Bai Jieying was reduced to a vulgar fan.

Not to mention the appearance, the temperament is incomparable.

The person in front of him is full of arrogance and dignity, but also reveals a trace of indifference and melancholy. You will be attracted by that unique temperament just by looking at him.

Qiu Yi's eyes inevitably shifted downwards.

When he saw the chest that was as flat as the airport, he was completely shocked.

No, no, no, no?

boys? !

The ratio of men to women in the college is seriously out of balance. Some girls deliberately disguise themselves as men in order not to cause trouble.

Some aggressive girls also like to pretend to be boys so as not to be ostracized.

no no! He looks so good-looking and has long hair, how could he be a boy!

Qiu Yi lowered his head in doubt, his face gradually turned red.

He stood up immediately, without saying a word, and walked towards his seat.

In fact, he once met Zhong Yuan once outside the boundary of Yingzhou Mountain in Simi Country. At that time, I didn't dare to look carefully, but the effect of being super cute was limited.

At this time, Zhong Yuan disguised himself a little, but Qiu Yi didn't recognize him immediately.

Then, Zhong Yuan sat in the premium seat in the front row.

The whole class exploded.

A lot of voices flooded into my head.

--so beautiful! Who is this person? Are you a foreigner?

— Liar! How could someone have silver hair!

——He should be Yang Sheng. The name doesn't look like a Hua country person, could it be a noble from the Iron Tower country?

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