Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 512 I Promise To Spare Your Companion

Feng Qing felt sad for a while.

He is still only a medical department. No matter how capable he is, his teammates are too weak to save the situation.

You can refresh Shangguanyi's status and let him recover immediately, but is this useful?

There is too much difference in strength, being knocked down with a punch, standing up and then rushing up may be his death.

Lei Bo seemed to be still protecting Su Wanying, but he was already panicking, his teeth chattering.

How can he launch intimidation to contain the enemy?

After the two instructors rescued Shangguanyi, they lost their will to fight and wanted to escape.

Losing the persistence to victory and facing a powerful enemy often leads to a dead end.

It's not always easy to catch. Except for Su Wanying, the battle strength is still intact, and if they cooperate properly, maybe there is still a chance?

Feng Qing made a calculation in his heart and was about to take over the command from the instructor when suddenly he heard the mysterious silver-haired boy speak.

"Robbs, this is Huaguo. Even I can't do whatever I want. Don't look at these people as rubbish. Killing them will cost you a lot."

Zhong Yuan said flatly, "That woman only has a low-level ultimate wish, and Huaguo has enshrined her like a treasure. Are you asking me to bring me back to play, are you trying to cause trouble for me?"

Robus was slightly taken aback, and immediately smiled, "I know what you're worried about. You don't want to cause trouble for your father. Well, if you say you won't kill him, you won't kill him. We just need to go back to the sun."

He also didn't want to make things big.

However, I still have to say something beautiful, lest I be underestimated.


Zhong Yuan snorted coldly, flicked the boomerang lightly, and flew towards the unlucky ghost with the tip of his nose cut open at top speed.

This guy was still lucky to keep his nose, but suddenly his neck hurt, and the next moment his world was spinning, and he rushed to the street on the spot.

The boomerang pierced through his neck like cutting melons and vegetables, and after a circle in the air, it returned to Zhong Yuan's hand.

A headless corpse fell to the ground.

The temperature was very low, the wound froze quickly, and the blood gushing out from the wound froze quickly.

Even so, the beheading scene is still extremely bloody and has a huge impact on the students.

They were terrified and trembling with fear.

The two instructors were also shocked, standing there with cold hands and feet, not daring to act rashly.

Robs knew that the little tyrant couldn't help but want to kill.

You can't kill Hua people as you like, you can only kill your own people, right?

If you want to blame, you can only blame your subordinates for saying the wrong thing, saying that the devil is not human, he has such a bad temper, he must be angry.

Not to mention, even the dreadlocks and the dwarf were afraid that he would suddenly make no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, and attack the friendly army, and they were extremely nervous.

At this time, Zhong Yuan looked at Feng Qing and said lightly, "Be sensible, come here by yourself, don't let your companions suffer..."

Director Huang's face was pale, and he became anxious immediately, and said, "Feng Qing! You can't pass! Let's find a way to break through!"

Feng Qing shook his head.

There was a bit of infighting on the opposite side, and a lot of details could be peeked out.

That boomerang was fast and ruthless, with a tricky angle and elusive.

Once hit, they will be decapitated and separated immediately, and it is too late to save them.

Can anyone here escape?

Feng Qing felt that he couldn't hide himself.

However, everyone else wears combat uniforms, and only Silver Hair wears civilian clothes, which shows that they are not all the same.

He used to act together with Jiang Tianshuo, maybe he still has a way out...

Feng Qing narrowed his eyes and said to Zhong Yuan, "If I go with you, can you promise to let everyone here go?"

Zhong Yuan said coldly, "I promise to spare your companion."

Feng Qing said in a deep voice, "That's good. I'm here. Don't do anything. Don't throw weapons around."

He raised his hands and walked towards Zhong Yuan.

Robbs was ecstatic.

——Successful! Bringing Back the Sun back unscathed is a great feat!

You must be careful when retreating, Huaguo is likely to send experts to save people.

When the people behind Feng Qing saw that he had given up resisting, they had different reactions.

--hateful! how so!

Director Wu was incompetent and furious.

——Great, no need to die! It's really bad luck to meet terrorists!

Leibo was grateful for his narrow escape, as long as I didn't die, it would be fine.

——We must find a way to rescue! Don't let Feng Qing fall into the enemy's hands!

Director Huang is bent on saving people.

——I don't believe they can keep sealing my ability. Ultimately, I wish you to start it quickly!

Su Wanying was still thinking about making a comeback.

Perhaps driven by vanity, she wanted to be the savior.

This tenacious fighting spirit is worthy of praise.

Five minutes is almost up. She's about to make it.

Zhong Yuan rushed forward, grabbed Feng Qing, and sternly said to Robus and others, "Go!"

A black van rushed out of the factory area.

Robbs left a person to respond, and when he was contacted, he drove over immediately.

Feng Qing was roughly pushed into the car by someone, and couldn't help complaining.

"Take it easy! I'm a strategic-level medical department! Your companion just said that he invited me as a guest!"

"Shut up."

Zhong Yuan got into the car second, and then the members of Robbs' team.

They were well-trained and moved quickly. In just a few seconds, all boarded the car.

The car door slammed shut, and at the same time, Dirty Braid took out a machine gun from under the car seat.

The muzzle of the gun stuck out of the car window, and the guy pulled the trigger mercilessly.

chug chug!

Chug chug chug!

Flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and the reaction force hit Dirty Braid's body, causing the seats in the back row to shake together.

A chaotic scream was heard from behind.

"Get down! The enemy is shooting!"

"I was hit! I'm going to die!!!"

"Fart! Crystal wall! Quick!"

"My abilities are restored! Great!"

Zhong Yuan leaned against the back of the seat, unable to complain about their behavior.

Can machine guns kill capable people?

If you don't have a defense system, you may be able to succeed. But Leibo has a crystal wall, and most of them can block bullets after opening.

No matter how bad it is, with the instructor's blessing, I will definitely survive.

As a result, Dirty Braid's several rounds of diversionary shots deceived Su Wanying's ultimate wish.

She brainlessly gave everyone an invincible state. Just to block bullets.

It's hopeless!

Suddenly, a hand reached out to the mask on his face and boldly took it off.

The wry smile hidden behind the mask immediately subsided, turning into expressionless coldness.


Zhong Yuan stared at Feng Qing coldly.

He was holding the weird mask bought from Simi Country, and he was watching it back and forth.

Robbs was taken aback, and he winked at his companion, motioning to tie him up.

Feng Qing hurriedly said, "Don't tie me up! I only have a medical department, so what kind of threat can I pose?"

Zhong Yuan said coldly, "Give me the phone."

! ! !

Feng Qing's face was ugly, so he had to take out an ordinary mobile phone from his pocket and hand it to him.

Zhong Yuan looked at it and said, "You're kidding me? Don't think I don't know you still have a satellite phone. Hand it over if you don't want to be tied up."

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