"Use life-threatening means to control me, so that you can feel at ease. Is this also called a companion?"

"Although Jiuyao also uses bugs to control people, Mr. Bai never shy away from tricks.

He has always been very frank, saying what is on his mind, not as hypocritical as you. "

Zhong Yuan stood on the aisle and muttered to himself.

Robus said that he would liberate the bug king implanted in his brain in the future, but in fact, he didn't give any deadline at all, only saying that it depends on performance.

Only children are deceived by such empty promises.

It is impossible to activate the flame titan's ability underwater. In Zhong Yuan's view, the threat drops to 70%.

The companion game is finally over.

Another blast of extremely cold air hit the dreadlocks.

The expression of astonishment and horror was permanently frozen on the black charcoal face.

The last time he was killing Diou Zhuang in Shennongjia Fangjie, a throwing knife easily killed him.

This time, even if he knew him better, Zhong Yuan didn't intend to let him go.

These people are essentially the same as the men who died in the Motown.

They are all enemies of China.

The two powerful Ruan energy users were completely frozen, and without Zhong Yuan's permission, it was impossible to wake up again.

This power to control the ice, to control life and control death, and to penetrate the secluded cave, is exactly the ability of Xuanming, the strongest ice element in Huaguo.

It's a pity that there is no Xuanming here, only Jidu blooming a strange and fierce light in the illusory world.

Zhong Yuan cast his eyes further away, and said to the guy hiding behind the electrical box, "Don't hide, I saw you."

Feng Qing was thinner than paper, his body was squeezed into a paper man, his hands and feet shrank, his heart almost stopped beating, and even his breath was controlled to the point where he only breathed once every few minutes.

It's really hard to spot him unless you have heat-sensing abilities like supersense.

In fact, Feng Qing was also nervous when he found Robs and Dreadlocks together, fearing that he would be found out.

After listening carefully for a while, there was suddenly no sound, and I didn't know what happened.

They had internal strife or something, Feng Qing was thinking about what to do next, who knows, Yinfa broke the matter of hiding.

Are you fishing?

Actually he didn't see me at all?

Feng Qing didn't dare to show his anger, and pretended to be dead.

Zhong Yuan couldn't help smiling, and said, "The back of the electrical box is so narrow, it's very uncomfortable. Don't hide, come out quickly."


It was really discovered by him!

Feng Qing had no choice but to show his figure embarrassingly.

After coming out of the narrow gap, his body visibly bulged.

"Please don't kill me. I surrender."

Zhong Yuan put on a straight face on purpose, and said, "You said before, you have a medical department, what can you do? The result? Of the three researchers you killed, one of them won the highest award in life sciences. Boss."

Feng Qing didn't hear any hint of blame, but instead saw two people frozen into ice sculptures.

His eyelids twitched, he pointed at them and asked, "What did you do?"

Zhong Yuan asked angrily, "Why?"

Feng Qing was overjoyed, looked at the motionless Robbs and said, "This big guy is very strong, even the instructor's icing didn't freeze him, it's amazing that you can freeze him!"

Zhong Yuan said with black lines all over his face, "What do you praise me for? I'm an enemy."

Feng Qing said firmly, "No, I have already seen that you are not with them. You are with me."

Zhong Yuan said angrily, "Don't be familiar with yourself. One day, your cleverness will be misunderstood by your cleverness."

Feng Qing said with a smile, "No. My eyes are very special, and I have always been very accurate in seeing people. Will you go back to Chengying College with me?"


Zhong Yuan was upset by what he said, and he didn't want to think about what would happen when he returned to the academy.

In the end, he made up his mind and refused firmly, "It's not good."

Feng Qing tried to redeem, "You went to the society to fool around at a young age, and you will be beaten by society sooner or later. After studying more and then coming out, the beating is more efficient. Did you see the chick with me? She is from our college. The school belle, Boss Xiong, is here. Are you interested?"

"Not interested in!"

"Oh! I see. You were standing on the edge of the junior high school playground that day. You like young people."

Feng Qing rubbed his chin, and said with a smile, "It's pretty perverted to play. But, I advise you not to. If you get caught, you will be ruined, and you will be sentenced to death."


Zhong Yuan was so annoyed that he said angrily, "Shut up."

Without turning his head, he raised his palm, and Yan Guihui immediately flew backwards.

Three sailors just ran from behind. In the front and rear queues, Yan Guilai pierced the gourd.

The three of them were like harvested wheat. After losing their heads, they fell down like dominoes.

Then, the weapon turned around and almost returned the same way, returning to Zhong Yuan's hand.

Feng Qing was taken aback, and said nah-na, "Amazing, reverse mowing..."

Zhong Yuan said disapprovingly, "Not as powerful as you, a strong man will break his wrist."

"I'll go! You actually know!" Feng Qing was startled again, and after thinking about it, he was pleasantly surprised again.

——It turns out that Silver Hair has been paying attention to me!

He kills people frequently and has a bad personality. In fact, he should be on the side of Hua Guo. Killing so many people, all of them are from the Lighthouse Kingdom... Has he already discovered the abnormality in me?

Feng Qing couldn't help asking, "How do we leave now?"

Zhong Yuan asked back, "What did you plan to do?"

Feng Qing thought for a while and said, "Dig a hole to escape, and sink this submarine by the way. Be on the safe side, it's best to get a diving device."

"Just do it."

Zhong Yuan said flatly, "There is no need for the diving equipment. This ship has already dived to the bottom of the sea for 900 meters. What kind of diving equipment can't stand the water pressure here."

Feng Qing said dryly, "You have the ability to dive, but I don't. I will be crushed to death."

Diving equipment will also be crushed to death.

Zhong Yuan ignored him.

Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

The momentum on his body soared, and he entered the posture of a war madman in an instant.

Ability Unlocked: Ultimate Prayer!

All the airflow in the cabin has been mobilized.

With long silver hair flying in the air, Zhong Yuan punched the hull of the submarine with a blank expression on his face.

Ability: Air Bomb!

The invisible compressed airflow comes out with penetrating power at the same time. No matter how strong the material is, it will crumble in front of this punch.

There was a loud bang.

A terrifying large hole was punched out of the enclosure made of titanium alloy.

A band of air visible to the naked eye pierced through the water, and the sea didn't rush into the submarine immediately.


Zhong Yuan grabbed Feng Qing and rushed into the dark water.

Feng Qing was so frightened that he yelled, "You are too reckless! I am going to die!"


Terrible water pressure fell on him, causing no damage.

Feng Qing was unscathed, and was led by Zhong Yuan to swim upstream quickly.

Below, the nuclear submarine began to flood, and everyone on board panicked.

Either there is no accident, and once an accident occurs, all members will die in battle.

Howling and all kinds of desperate voices entered Zhong Yuan's mind.

Feng Qing couldn't hear anything, but followed with complicated emotions.

I don't need to use my own strength at all, and there is gradually light in front of my eyes.

——It is the ultimate prayer! Silver hair actually has this ability!

That's right.

Ten minutes of invincibility, without worrying about drowning or being crushed to death by water, is enough for Feng Qing to return to the surface of the sea safely from the depth of a thousand meters.

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