When encountering on a narrow road, the brave wins, and the capable ones face off, and their abilities are restrained, no matter how brave they are, it is useless.

Qiu Yi's extreme shock is not weak, there are multiple stages of attack changes.

Its frightening feature is that, through air transmission, it triggers an undefensible sonic attack, causing a wide range of control and even killing effects.

However, Qiu Yi is still young, and his grasp of abilities is still at a superficial stage. A lot of practice is needed to use Jizhen to its 100% efficiency.

But no matter what, he is definitely at the strategic level when placed in the military region. It may be more valued than Su Zhe.

Before the battle, Qiu Yi was confident that he could defeat Zhong Yuan. The premise is that you are not in an invincible state.

Two rounds of Canyon Survival lasted more than ten minutes, no matter how cheated the invincible time should have passed!

Qiu Yi secretly thought: When we get to the Market Management Bureau, first tell the people there that Jidu's ultimate prayer level is very high, and there are ten minutes. For the sake of this ability, the people from the Market Management Bureau will not kill He is right!

Zhong Yuan listened to his heart, and couldn't help complaining, "Confidence is a good thing, but blind confidence is stupid. You should think about how to save your life with my unique trick!"

Qiu Yi clenched his fists and said loudly, "I can't miss this time! Don't worry, if you are seriously injured, I will take you to the hospital immediately!"

Zhong Yuan said coldly, "Have you finished your last words? I will tell your big brother."

Qiu Yi was in a daze.

This demon, who was playing games together just now, turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

For some reason, he suddenly became angry again, his whole body soared, and the arms under his sleeves swelled a little visibly with the naked eye.

He rushed towards Zhong Yuan again.

Hit with all your might! Extreme shock!

In fact, the speed is really not slow.

Among his peers, he is definitely a strong player at the leading level. Squeeze all the classmates to death with one hand.

Unfortunately, Zhong Yuan was not included.


He punched Zhong Yuan with all his strength and punched Zhong Yuan in the chest, triggering the sanction of the master of the airspace again.

The moment the extreme shock was invalidated, another ability was passively activated on Zhong Yuan.

Blood for blood!

It doesn't care whether Qiu Yi's extreme shock is effective or not, as long as it hits, it will bounce back the effect.


After being hurt by the rebound, Qiu Yi couldn't help screaming in pain.

His fist was bloody and his bones were shattered. The meridians of the entire arm were broken, and even the shoulder blade became numb and unconscious.

This is not the ultimate wish, but a defensive counterattack ability!

Qiu Yi was terrified, the pain was unbearable, and he squeezed out two words, "Mirror Return?"

Zhong Yuan was also a little dazed.

Blood for Blood was actually beaten out, which is enough to show that Qiu Yi's attack does have a certain threat.

Seeing him covering his shoulders and baring his teeth, Zhong Yuan shook his head and said, "Jing Fan wants to eat 20% of your attack, but I don't need this ability. You're done, right? Then it's my turn."

The blood on Qiu Yi's face faded, and he smiled miserably, "Are you going to kill me?"

Zhong Yuan looked at him and sighed, "Yeah, you know too much and have already threatened my actions. So, you die."

When the words fell, Zhong Yuan's expression became extremely dignified, and under the high concentration of mental power, it seemed that there was an invisible mysterious majesty rising.

Qiu Yi was stunned.

It turns out that you will also have this expression.

It's not an understatement to kill casually, but a serious and solemn killing...

Do you do that every time you kill someone? Or is it just...respect for me?

Qiu Yi widened his eyes, took a deep breath, and said loudly, "Come on, let me see your unique move!"

In fact, according to the agreement, he had already lost just now. Do not hide or evade, calmly lead to death.

. . . . . .


After a full five seconds, nothing happened.

A cold wind blows.

The crow, which was suppressed to the ground by the airspace master's no-flying effect, took off again, and at the same time made a miserable cry.



Translation: Bad luck! bad luck!

Qiu Yi blinked in disbelief, and said to Zhong Yuan, "Why didn't you hit me? I died at your hands, and I have no complaints."

He thought for a while, and added, "There is no one here, no monitoring. Come on!"

However, Zhong Yuan's expression gradually became numb, his eyes suddenly lost their brilliance, and his whole body was like a walking dead, overwhelmed with frustration.

Qiu Yi had never seen a person so bereaved to such an extent, he couldn't help being startled, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

How else?

Of course, today's Blink also failed to activate.

Even if the physique is not suitable for the ability of the light system, it is not impossible to activate it!

Something must be wrong!

Zhong Yuan said dumbly, "Fortunately, I failed to activate my ability, and I can only activate it once a day. Let me send you my life first!"

Qiu Yi swallowed nervously.

What kind of awesome ability can still fail to launch?

He suddenly remembered the matter of Zhong Yuan going to the library, and couldn't help but say, "You went to the library to find materials because of this, right?"

Zhong Yuan gave him a hard look and said, "You still say?"

"Yes... I'm sorry!"

Qiu Yi hurriedly apologized, feeling strange.

It seems that there is no need to die.

According to the agreement, starting today, I will be his slave, and I don't know what demands I will make.

Qiu Yi couldn't help but asked again, "Well, you can't activate the ability, why don't you ask Mr. Bai?"

Zhong Yuan said coldly, "I don't have the habit of asking for the correct answer whenever I have a question."

Qiu Yi said without hesitation, "Then you tell the problem, let's discuss it. If you think alone, it's easy to get into a dead end."

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "Your hand doesn't hurt anymore? You still have the heart to help me think about the problem!"

Qiu Yi said honestly, "It hurts, but now that I'm used to it, I don't feel the pain anymore."

"You are really talented."

Zhong Yuan boasted without sincerity. After thinking about it, he felt that what this kid said made sense.

Brainstorm together, maybe you can crack the secret of the flash.

Zhong Yuan said, "I can record the abilities I've seen before using them. I can't use the only one, because it must have unique activation rules."

Qiu Yi was stunned, and said, "Recording ability? Isn't my Jizhen also..."

"That's right, but your ability is a bit worse than Yi Shan."

Zhong Yuan was unwilling, and murmured, "After all, this is the ability that killed me..."

He turned over and over in his mind about the situation when he was killed.

In fact, the slender bachelor is invisible to the naked eye.

It merged with the sunlight, almost indistinguishable from each other, and Zhong Yuan could barely see it because of his excellent eyesight.

Since it is mixed with sunlight, how can it attack?

An idea flashed in Zhong Yuan's mind, and Fuzhi thought to himself: Could it be that the target of the flash's launch is not the enemy?

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