Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 532: The Leading Role Of The Soul Figure Is The Key

The military region can recruit the students of the Mullion to go to the front line at any time.

Isn't it to deal with the current situation to raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while?

The medical department and the auxiliary department are in the past, and they are not on the front line to fight, don't be afraid!

No, still scared.

I am really afraid!

Those who made the rules of the academy never thought that untrained students could be so weak in the face of unknown and terrible difficulties.

I usually practice well, but at critical moments, it's no use.

Zhong Yuan turned around in the corridor, all kinds of wailing and pessimistic voices never stopped.

There's a lot going on at the Academic Affairs Office.

According to the instructions from above, there should be at least twelve people, but now including the instructors, there are only seven.

They are considering whether to use a mandatory call-up order.

As soon as this order comes out, all capable marketers who meet the conditions must participate in the war. If they don't go, they will violate the military order and will leave a stain on the file.

Zhong Yuan thought helplessly: coercion doesn't work, how could he win if he didn't participate in the battle with his own will?

Qiu Yi followed behind him, looking around at the senior classrooms.

A very beautiful girl stood up and mobilized everyone, "Students, please don't be blindly pessimistic! The military region's recruitment to the battlefield is definitely not to send us to death!"

"The auxiliary department and the medical department are supporting from the rear, life safety is guaranteed, there is no need to panic!"

It's the school belle Ouyang Qingcheng.

Her speech seemed to inspire a group of people, and two more people raised their hands, willing to go to the battlefield.

The instructor breathed a sigh of relief, that's great, with three more people, the task assigned by the above can be completed.

Get it together again!

Even the instructors mobilize to complete the task.

They didn't realize at all that if the market cave couldn't be suppressed, it would cause tragic consequences. Most people still stay out of it.

Zhong Yuan sighed, stayed outside the senior classroom for two seconds, and walked away quickly.

Qiu Yi was still looking at Ouyang Qingcheng. Seeing him leave, he hurriedly followed, and tentatively said, "The girl who just stood up and spoke is pretty."

Zhong Yuan said casually, "General."

Qiu Yi muttered in a low voice, "Your sense of aesthetics is wrong!" It was much worse than yours.

Zhong Yuan frowned, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing." Qiu Yi hurriedly lowered his head.

After a little inquiring into someone's hobbies, I found that he was so picky that he didn't even like the school belle, so I couldn't help but feel happy.

The rumors are really unbelievable, any plan will eat hundreds of women in one night, it's all fake!

Qiu Yi asked, "The situation on the front line is not good now, what are your plans? Are you going?"

Zhong Yuan was silent for a while, and said, "I wasn't allowed to go."

Qiu Yi nodded, and said seriously, "That's right! If you go, everyone will only look at you, and you won't be interested in beating foreigners, and there will be heavy casualties. Besides, you won't be left alone, at least you will be equipped with Two defensive squads to guard. There are not enough manpower at all...there will be even more shortage once you go!"

The corner of Zhong Yuan's mouth twitched, and he said angrily, "How can you be so exaggerated?"

"Holy, can you be a little self-conscious?"

Qiu Yi pointed to the classroom at the back, and said, "You stayed outside the classroom for a while just now, someone saw you and kept looking out, and the school belle stopped listening to the speech."

"By the way, why don't you mobilize and see?"

Zhong Yuan was stunned, and frowned, "What am I going to mobilize for?"

Qiu Yi said, "Dr. Li must be there. There are so many people and strength, so it would be great if they could help him relieve a little burden."

He had a very good impression of Li Dao, and he didn't want this amiable school doctor to die on the battlefield.

Thinking of Li Dao's last message, Zhong Yuan felt tense.

However, there is really no need to take the initiative to ask for a fight. Yang Zongsheng will definitely solve this snake hole in the end, and there is no need to take action.

It is not known whether Li Dao is dead or not.

It stands to reason that he should have been arrested by the Market Management Bureau long ago, instead of being a school doctor at Zhongnan College.

Zhong Yuan took two more steps.

Qiu Yi thought that he didn't care about Li Dao's life and death, and felt a little lost. Suddenly, he saw him turn around and walk quickly towards the senior classroom.

A light of surprise flashed in Qiu Yi's eyes immediately.

Really looking forward to it, what method will Prince Jiuyao use to mobilize a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Zhong Yuan changed his mind temporarily, came to the door of the classroom, knocked three times first, and entered without getting the consent of the people inside.

The instructor is still trying to find a way to draw three more people. Suddenly someone broke into the classroom and couldn't help but be taken aback.

When he saw who it was, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​driving him out.

It's Yang Sheng.

I heard that this child is the son of the Deputy Commander of the Central Committee. When he came to the school, he dyed his long silver hair and was regarded by a group of students as an international student from the Iron Tower Kingdom.

Now, the hair is back dyed, it must have been his father's request.

Look carefully, it looks really handsome.

The instructor said kindly, "Yangsheng, what's the matter with you? This is the senior class. If you want to sit in, you can take a chair and come over and I'll sit in the first row for you."

Everyone in the class focused their attention on Zhong Yuan, even the school belle.

Meimou stared at the beautiful young man next to the podium, Ouyang Qingcheng thought angrily: This boy made me wait for two hours that day, and finally let me go, he is really maddening!

At this point, she had already sat down.

All that needs to be said has been said, as a control department, there is no way to lead by example and sign up for the war.

Fortunately, don't control the system!

Ouyang Qingcheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The classroom was extremely quiet, and all the students were waiting for the young nobleman to speak.

He usually doesn't see anyone, but suddenly ran out, what does he want to do?

If you come to mobilize, you should be exempted!

A lot of complaints came from the heart, Zhong Yuan collected himself, and said flatly, "I know you are very scared, but there is always a first time. If no one goes, then I have to go."

The instructor said in surprise, "Yangsheng, don't talk nonsense, the first and second grades are not included in the recruitment."

Zhong Yuan said, "Third and fourth graders are not willing to go, and they will definitely pull down the lower grades. I might as well prepare earlier."

At this time, a girl sitting at the front asked loudly, "Are you really going? If you go, I will go too!"

She is a medical student and a girl, so she is not very courageous. For something as important as going to the battlefield urgently, it is best to discuss it with your family.

When I was struggling and couldn't make up my mind, Zhong Yuan came.

Ouyang Qingcheng was just talking nice words, and she was the funniest and most hypocritical present.

However, if this foreign student came to mobilize...

Zhong Yuan couldn't help interrupting the senior sister's train of thought, and said, "Okay, I'll go. Don't go back on your word."

The girl from the medical department was extremely excited when she heard the words, and said, "What is there to regret! When I board the plane, can I sit next to you!?"

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said, "I have no objection."

A few minutes later, the Academic Affairs Office received a call to dispatch four more transport planes.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many? To carry twelve people, one plane is enough!"

On the other end of the phone, the instructor was almost speechless, but he was excited.

He said to the director of academic affairs in a trembling voice, "Director, the students in the third and fourth grades are excited and have decided to join the battle!"

ah? ? ? !

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